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  1. #1
    Believe. amy020's Avatar
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    publicación: 11-01-2009
    por MANU

    Los rivales ya no me respetan tanto como el año pasado
    Estoy disfrutando de la última semana entera en casa, juntando energías antes del tramo más complicado del año. Acá le llaman la gira del rodeo , en la que, salvo por un par de días, vamos a estar un mes afuera, sin jugar en el AT&T Center. Para que se den un idea: hoy jugamos con Orlando y el miércoles que viene, con los Lakers. Después, todo de viaje: Philadelphia, Chicago y Charlotte; volvemos a San Antonio por dos partidos (Indiana y New Jersey) y otra vez afuera: Los Angeles, Utah, Phoenix; vuelta a casa un día para jugar con New Orleans y luego el tramo más duro de visitantes: Golden State, Denver, Boston, New Jersey, Toronto, New York, Detroit y Washington. En total, 14 de 17 partidos fuera de casa.

    Es duro, siempre lo es. Pero históricamente éste fue un viaje que nos hizo bien. Es un momento en el que el equipo está junto durante mucho tiempo. Varias veces lo aprovechamos y supo ser un momento de cambio para crecer. En cuanto a mí, estoy recuperado de la lesión, pero no siento que esté haciendo mi mejor juego. Sin estar en crisis, a veces, me impaciento. No es un problema físico, sino de confianza.

    Empecé a jugar e, sin entrenamientos. Me está costando un poco más. Estoy menos minutos en la cancha por una decisión del entrenador, que todavía me está cuidando. Lo entiendo, porque no quiere sobrecargarme y espera que llegue bien al final, pero si por mí fuera, me gustaría jugar 35 minutos. No estoy enojado, pero prefiero encontrar el ritmo que me falta ahora y no en marzo.

    Lo que es cierto es que no estoy como el año pasado. Porque todavía no me animo del todo, me falta explosividad y no estoy llegando arriba como el año pasado. No me interesa ser el goleador del equipo, pero sí, me gustaría anotar más. Necesito estar más efectivo con el tiro de tres. Siento que los rivales ya no me respetan tanto como el año pasado, cuando metía un 40% de triples y eso me creaba líneas de penetración para llegar debajo del aro. En lo grupal, el equipo no modificó su identidad, sigue siendo el mismo. El único cambio es el de Roger Mason por Bruce Bowen, que perdió minutos. Algún día tenía que pasar. Bruce no puede jugar para siempre. El resto de la rotación sigue igual. Fabri tuvo una lesión que lo sentó un par de semanas y también le tocó una racha de equipos que jugaban con cuatro jugadores bajos. Con Tim Duncan como 5, hay pocos minutos para repartirse entre Kurt Thomas y Fabri.

    En lo grupal, no estamos tan conformes con el juego. Por lo menos, no tanto como lo que sugieren las posiciones. Estamos irregulares, tenemos partidos malos y no somos defensivamente el equipo que podemos ser. Históricamente tuvimos una buena defensa. No como la de Boston, que es muy agresiva, y no lo digo por lo que se habla del medio foul. Ellos arremeten, salen a provocar al rival. Muchos equipos empiezan esperando a ver qué pasa y después ajustan los tornillos de acuerdo al rival. Los Celtics saben rotar, pero, además, tienen hambre y se nota. No vi muchos equipos con esa intensidad.

    Nosotros podemos ser un gran equipo defensivo, pero en el bloque, desde la línea de tres. Espero que se entienda: sin atacar desde la defensa , como ellos. En nuestros buenos momentos, fuimos conservadores, sólidos y confiables. Eso es lo que tenemos que recuperar. No hay que echarles la culpa a los nuevos, tienen que hacerlo los líderes, los jugadores que están más identificados con el equipo, y el resto después va a acompañar. Ofensivamente tenemos dificultades, pero cuando esté bien la defensa nos quitaremos presión en el ataque. Lo mejor de todo es que estamos segundos en el Oeste. Y queda mucho para mejorar.

    Además, en los últimos diez días, tanto los Lakers como los Celtics perdieron algunos partidos y se humanizaron un poco, por decirlo de alguna manera. Están sólidos, profundos y juegan bien. Lo de Cleveland es aparte. Jugaron la final dos años atrás, tienen a LeBron James y están sobrepasando las expectativas. Ellos siguen siendo los favoritos.

  2. #2
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    Is this article after today's game?

  3. #3
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    i got it give me 20 min

  4. #4
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    Rivals are not respecting me as they were last Season.

    By Manu

    Translation – urunobili

    I am enjoying the last full week at home, saving energy before the toughest stretch of the season. On here they call it the Rodeo Road Trip, in which for all but a couple of days we will be gone a full month, without playing at the AT&T Center. Just for you to imagine, today we play with Orlando, next Wednesday with the Lakers. Then after that everything will be on the road: Philadelphia, Chicago and Charlotte; then back to San Antonio for two games (Indiana and New Jersey) and then gone again: Los Angeles, Utah, Phoenix, back home for a day to play New Orleans and then the most difficult part of the road trip playing away: Golden State, Denver, Boston, New Jersey, Toronto, New York, Detroit and Washington. 14 out of 17 games will be away.

    It’s tough, it always is. But historically this has always been a trip that does well to us.
    It’s a moment in that the team is together for a long time. Several times we took advantage of that and ended up being a moment of change to grow of. Regarding myself, I am recovered from the injury, but I don’t feel I am playing the best way possible. Without being in some sort of crisis, sometimes I get impatient. It is not a physical problem, it’s a confidence one.

    I started to play late, without many training sessions. It is being a little more difficult than usual. I am having less playing time due to coaching decision because they are still being cautious with me. I understand, because they don’t want to overload me and they are hoping that I’ll be on my best shape at the end of the season, but if it was my call, I would like to play 35 minutes. I am not angry or anything, but I’d prefer to find my rhythm now and not in March.

    Truth is I am not playing like last year. In part because I am not fully daring as I’m used to, I am lacking explosiveness and I am not reaching heights like last year. I am not interested in being the team’s highest scorer, but I would sure like to score more. I need to be more effective with my 3 shot. I am feeling that the rivals are not respecting me as they were last season when I was scoring 40% of my triples, and that used to bring penetration lines to get under the rim. Group wise, the team did not modify its iden y, it’s the same. The only change is that Roger Mason has taken some of Bruce Bowen’s minutes. One day that was bound to happen. Bruce cannot play forever. The rest of the rotation is the same. Fabricio had an injury that sat him for a couple of weeks and also we have been playing small ball with 4 short players. With Tim Duncan playing the 5, there are fewer minutes to share in between Fab and Kurt Thomas.

    As a team, we are not very happy with the way we are playing; At least not as much as our standings suggest. We have been irregular, we have had bad games and we are not being defensively the team we can be. Historically we have always had a good defense. Not like Boston’s, that is very aggressive, and I am not saying it because of the "half foul" style. They come at you; they go out and provoke their rivals. Many teams start waiting to see what happens and then make some adjustments depending on the rival. The Celtics know how to rotate, but also, they have that swagger and its noticeable. I haven’t seen many teams with that intensity.

    We can be a great defensive team, but as a unit, from the 3 point line. I hope this is understood: without attacking from the defense, like them. In our good moments we have been conservative, solid and reliable. That is what we have to get back. The new additions have nothing to do with this, the leaders have to do it, the players that are more identified with the team, and then the rest will follow. Offensively we have had some difficulties, but whenever the defense gets together, we won’t have such a big offensive burden. The best part is that we stand second in the West. And there is a lot to improve.

    In addition, in the last 10 days, both the Lakers and the Celtics lost some games and "humanized" a little bit to put it someway. They are solid, deep and play well. Cleveland is a different story. They played in the Finals a couple of years back and have LeBron James, they are surpassing expectations. They are still the favorites.
    Last edited by urunobili; 01-12-2009 at 11:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Believe. amy020's Avatar
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    Rivals are not respecting me as they were last Season.

    By Manu

    Translation – urunobili

    I am enjoying the last full week at home, saving energy before the toughest stretch of the season. On here they call it the Rodeo Road Trip, in which for all but a couple of days we will be gone a full month, without playing at the AT&T Center. Just for you to imagine, today we play with Orlando, next Wednesday with the Lakers. Then after that everything will be on the road: Philadelphia, Chicago and Charlotte; then back to San Antonio for two games (Indiana and New Jersey) and then gone again: Los Angeles, Utah, Phoenix, back home for a day to play New Orleans and then the most difficult part of the road trip playing away: Golden State, Denver, Boston, New Jersey, Toronto, New York, Detroit and Washington. 14 out of 17 games will be away.

    It’s tough, it always is. But historically this has always been a trip that does well to us.
    It’s a moment in that the team is together for a long time. Several times we took advantage of that and ended up being a moment of change to grow of. Regarding myself, I am recovered from the injury, but I don’t feel I am playing the best way possible. Without being in some sort of crisis, sometimes I get impatient. It is not a physical problem, it’s a confidence one.

    I started to play late, without many training sessions. It is being a little more difficult than usual. I am having less playing time due to coaching decision because they are still being cautious with me. I understand, because they don’t want to overload me and they are hoping that I’ll be on my best shape at the end of the season, but if it was my call, I would like to play 35 minutes. I am not angry or anything, but I’d prefer to find my rhythm now and not in March.

    Truth is I am not playing like last year. In part because I am not fully daring as I’m used to, I am lacking explosiveness and I am not reaching heights like last year. I am not interested in being the team’s highest scorer, but I would sure like to score more. I need to be more effective with my 3 shot. I am feeling that the rivals are not respecting me as they were last season when I was scoring 40% of my triples, and that used to bring penetration lines to get under the rim. Group wise, the team did not modify its iden y, it’s the same. The only change is that Roger Mason has taken some of Bruce Bowen’s minutes. One day that was bound to happen. Bruce cannot play forever. The rest of the rotation is the same. Fabricio had an injury that sat him for a couple of weeks and also we have been playing small ball with 4 short players. With Tim Duncan playing the 5, there are fewer minutes to share in between Fab and Kurt Thomas.

    As a team, we are not very happy with the way we are playing; At least not as much as our standings suggest. We have been irregular, we have had bad games and we are not being defensively the team we can be. Historically we have always had a good defense. Not like Boston’s, that is very aggressive, and I am not saying it because of the "half foul" style. They come at you; they go out and provoke their rivals. Many teams start waiting to see what happens and then make some adjustments depending on the rival. The Celtics know how to rotate, but also, they have that swagger and its noticeable. I haven’t seen many teams with that intensity.

    We can be a great defensive team, but as a block, from the 3 point line. I hope this is understood: without attacking from the defense, like them. In our good moments we have been conservative, solid and reliable. That is what we have to get back. The new additions have nothing to do with this, the leaders have to do it, the players that are more identified with the team, and then the rest will follow. Offensively we have had some difficulties, but whenever the defense gets together, we won’t have such a big offensive burden. The best part is that we stand second in the West. And there is a lot to improve.

    In addition, in the last 10 days, both the Lakers and the Celtics lost some games and "humanized" a little bit to put it someway. They are solid, deep and play well. Cleveland is a different story. They played in the Finals a couple of years back and have LeBron James, they are surpassing expectations. They are still the favorites.
    thanks a lot

  6. #6
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    he had a little bit disappointment?

  7. #7
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    he had a little bit disappointment?
    his frustration is pretty noticeable while reading him... hopefully this will add up more fire come the end of the season

  8. #8
    Believe. amy020's Avatar
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    his frustration is pretty noticeable while reading him... hopefully this will add up more fire come the end of the season
    Hope Manu will on fire in the following game and beat the Lakers!
    Can't wait to watch the game.

  9. #9
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    Thanks for the translation. He has seemed really frustrated and down lately even out there on the court. I just hope his game and explosion come back to him . He has done a alright job of driving to the basket and scoring. Now if he can start hitting his threes again it'll open up his game a little bit.

  10. #10
    Believe. Doctor J's Avatar
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    Thanks for the translation.

    By the way, what does this sentence mean?

    "We can be a great defensive team, but as a block, from the 3 point line. I hope this is understood: without attacking from the defense, like them."

  11. #11
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    Thanks for the translation.

    By the way, what does this sentence mean?

    "We can be a great defensive team, but as a block, from the 3 point line. I hope this is understood: without attacking from the defense, like them."
    i think i should have used the word "unit" instead of block sorry i'll edit the post...

  12. #12
    Believe. Doctor J's Avatar
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    i think i should have used the word "unit" instead of block sorry i'll edit the post...
    Thanks again.

  13. #13
    5. timvp's Avatar
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    Thanks urunobili. I've been interested in what Ginobili as he tries to recover from his surgery. Interesting article and good translation

    Regarding myself, I am recovered from the injury, but I don’t feel I am playing the best way possible. Without being in some sort of crisis, sometimes I get impatient. It is not a physical problem, it’s a confidence one.
    He still seems a little stiff but I guess if he's not having any pain, that's a good sign.

    I understand, because they don’t want to overload me and they are hoping that I’ll be on my best shape at the end of the season, but if it was my call, I would like to play 35 minutes. I am not angry or anything, but I’d prefer to find my rhythm now and not in March.
    So Manu not only doesn't believe in God, he doesn't believe in SPAM?

    Seriously though, Manu has plenty of time to get right for the playoffs. Playing him 35 minutes now would be season suicide.

    I am not interested in being the team’s highest scorer, but I would sure like to score more.

    We can be a great defensive team, but as a block, from the 3 point line. I hope this is understood: without attacking from the defense, like them. In our good moments we have been conservative, solid and reliable. That is what we have to get back.
    Good take by Manu about the difference between Boston's defense and San Antonio's. His point that Boston has an attack defense while San Antonio has a more conservative and steady approach is a good one.

    The new additions have nothing to do with this, the leaders have to do it, the players that are more identified with the team, and then the rest will follow.
    Wonder who he has in mind . . .

    In addition, in the last 10 days, both the Lakers and the Celtics lost some games and "humanized" a little bit to put it someway. They are solid, deep and play well. Cleveland is a different story. They played in the Finals a couple of years back and have LeBron James, they are surpassing expectations. They are still the favorites.
    Manu has elevated the Cavs to the top? Intriguing.

  14. #14
    Veteran WalterBenitez's Avatar
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    Nice reading, great to see Manu considering he has to improve in confidence. Speaking about defense I watched a few games and saw we are soft in many situation, no saying we have to be Boston oriented, but some statement must be made, no easy baskets.

  15. #15
    Silence surpasses speech. duncan228's Avatar
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    Great read, thanks for the translation urunobili. I like getting stuff right from the players. I wish more would do it.

    Manu wanting to play 35 minutes doesn't surprise me, I'm glad Pop makes that call. I hope Manu finds his rhythm soon, we need him.

  16. #16
    99/03/05/07/14 Spurs Brazil's Avatar
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    Manu is upset

    Lakers game is a good one for his biggets game of the season

  17. #17
    fuk yo team clown tp2021's Avatar
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    Manu has elevated the Cavs to the top? Intriguing.
    Looks like the Celtics are losing respect to me...

  18. #18
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    Thanks urunobili. I've been interested in what Ginobili as he tries to recover from his surgery. Interesting article and good translation

    He still seems a little stiff but I guess if he's not having any pain, that's a good sign.

    So Manu not only doesn't believe in God, he doesn't believe in SPAM?

    Seriously though, Manu has plenty of time to get right for the playoffs. Playing him 35 minutes now would be season suicide.


    Good take by Manu about the difference between Boston's defense and San Antonio's. His point that Boston has an attack defense while San Antonio has a more conservative and steady approach is a good one.

    Wonder who he has in mind . . .

    Manu has elevated the Cavs to the top? Intriguing.

  19. #19
    Warder to the Maiden Fair Yorae's Avatar
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    I think Manu is blaming himself too much about last season, him being injured and all. I thinks it's in his mind all the time because it's like a missed chance, having peaked last year only to be injured. I hope he calms down (in his mind) and have a good peace of mind. That's the only way he can return to the old daring, fearless manu.

  20. #20
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    Nice reading, great to see Manu considering he has to improve in confidence. Speaking about defense I watched a few games and saw we are soft in many situation, no saying we have to be Boston oriented, but some statement must be made, no easy baskets.
    You think this is the reason for Manu's increased activity on defense. I think in the last week or two Manu is really trying to turn up the intensity on the defensive end. You think he's trying to get his teammates to do the same?

  21. #21
    Warder to the Maiden Fair Yorae's Avatar
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    You think this is the reason for Manu's increased activity on defense. I think in the last week or two Manu is really trying to turn up the intensity on the defensive end. You think he's trying to get his teammates to do the same?
    I think yes. Sometimes even duncan is passive.

  22. #22
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Manu wants to play 35 minutes a game. Pop better be listening, or he'll be hearing from the Church of Manu real soon now...

    (Gracias urunobili for the translation)

  23. #23
    bandwagoner fans suck ducks's Avatar
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    Truth is I am not playing like last year. In part because I am not fully daring as I’m used to, I am lacking explosiveness and I am not reaching heights like last year. I am not interested in being the team’s highest scorer, but I would sure like to score more. I need to be more effective with my 3 shot.

    manu already is breaking down
    spurs should have traded him last year to get = value for him

    he is going to be worse next year

  24. #24
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    Truth is I am not playing like last year. In part because I am not fully daring as I’m used to, I am lacking explosiveness and I am not reaching heights like last year. I am not interested in being the team’s highest scorer, but I would sure like to score more. I need to be more effective with my 3 shot.

    manu already is breaking down
    spurs should have traded him last year to get = value for him

    he is going to be worse next year
    Or maybe he is just trying to get into form.

  25. #25
    bandwagoner fans suck ducks's Avatar
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    his best years are behind him unfortunally

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