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  1. #76
    Veteran scott's Avatar
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    There are idiot libertarians too ya' know...

  2. #77
    I can live with it JoeChalupa's Avatar
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    I'd still vote for Bill.

  3. #78
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    On the inevitable issue - the war in Iraq - Clinton advocated U.S. involvement for as long as it takes to help the fledging government there establish itself and until Iraqis can defend their country. Iraqis are dying in big numbers, but they turned out to vote in bigger numbers than Americans do, he noted.

    "We are where we are," he said. "I wouldn't give it up yet. I think we ought to stick in there and make it work."

    so I guess bill clinton is a big liberal chicken hawk?
    Why is this even surprising? Hillary has come out in support of keeping the troops in Iraq longer also. There are elements within the Democratic Party, and the corporate-run DLC, that can be as chicken-hawkish as members of the Republican Party. Liebermann, Miller, and Nelson come to mind.

  4. #79
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    And just when you probably thought you'd seen the last of this thread, a new outrage

    Staff Sgt. Jason Rivera, 26, a Marine recruiter in Pittsburgh, went to the home of a high school student who had expressed interest in joining the Marine Reserve to talk to his parents.

    It was a large home in a well-to-do suburb north of the city. Two American flags adorned the yard. The prospect's mom greeted him wearing an American flag T-shirt.

    "I want you to know we support you," she gushed.

    Rivera soon reached the limits of her support.

    "Military service isn't for our son. It isn't for our kind of people," she told him.
    Post Gazette

  5. #80
    Hint Hint ClintSquint's Avatar
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    "What the are you talkin' about!"

  6. #81
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    This chicken-hawk tries to argue that it is unamerican to call young Republicans chicken-hawks:

    The "chickenhawk" argument is dishonest. It is dishonest because the principle of republicanism is based on freedom of choice about behavior (as long as that behavior is legal) as well as freedom of speech about political issues. We constantly vote on activities with which we may or may not be intimately involved. We vote on police policy, though few of us are policemen; we vote on welfare policy, though few of us either work in the welfare bureaucracy or have been on welfare; we vote on tax policy, even if some of us don't pay taxes. The list goes on and on. Representative democracy necessarily means that millions of us vote on issues with which we have had little practical experience. The "chickenhawk" argument -- which states that if you haven't served in the military, you can't have an opinion on foreign policy -- explicitly rejects basic principles of representative democracy.

    The "chickenhawk" argument also explicitly rejects the Cons ution itself. The Cons ution provides that civilians control the military. The president of the United States is commander-in-chief, whether or not he has served in the military. Congress controls the purse strings and declares war, no matter whether any of its members have served in the military or not. For foreign policy doves to high-handedly declare that military service is a prerequisite to a hawkish foreign policy mindset is not only dangerous, but directly conflicts with the Cons ution itself.

    The "chickenhawk" argument proves only one point: The left is incapable of discussing foreign policy in a rational manner. They must resort to purely emotional, base personal attacks in order to forward their agenda. And so, unable or unwilling to counter the arguments of those like Paul Wolfowitz, Cheney and President Bush, they label them all "chickenhawks." By the leftist logic, here are some other "chickenhawks": John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Han , James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Bill Clinton.

    American soldiers fight for the right of all Americans, regardless of race, class or past service, to speak out on foreign policy issues. If they fight for the right of pacifist anti-military fifth columnists like Michael Moore to denigrate their honor, they certainly fight for the right of civilian hawks to speak up in favor of the highest level of moral and material support for their heroism.
    Ben Shapiro

    If it looks, walks and quacks like a....well, you know the rest.

  7. #82
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    I hate those ing Tahoe driving, pink shirted, fauxhawked, front tucking, ambercrombie belt buckle sporting, w sticker having, OnStar* using chickenhawks.

    nothing I hate more

  8. #83
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    A few nights ago, I was watching the Tony show. He had Jesse Ventura on the show. Jesse personally called out Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and a few others, calling them no good CHICKENHAWKS.

    When Tony Deutch asked him what chickenhawk meant, Jesse said ( closely paraphrased)

    A Chickenhawk is someone who was too chicken to get their butt in the war, back when it was their time, and now 20 years later that they are wearing suits and sitting in an office, are determined to go to war no matter the cost. They're chickenhawks.

    I love that word. So fitting.

  9. #84
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    Hum well in San Antonio I worked at 2 bases. And 99% of the people where not pussies like Dan....

    Most of them sign up they know what they are doing.

    These are volunteers Dan.. stop trying to ing twist things around...

    The war has been raging a LONG time now and people still join....

    So please step the off, your the chicken hawk....

  10. #85
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    Hum well in San Antonio I worked at 2 bases. And 99% of the people where not pussies like Dan....

    Most of them sign up they know what they are doing.

    These are volunteers Dan.. stop trying to ing twist things around...

    The war has been raging a LONG time now and people still join....

    So please step the off, your the chicken hawk....

    The marines at war today are not chickenhawks....far from it. They're doing a job, that they have to do.

    But those people who talk and talk and talk all day influencing the minds of countless dumbass americans about how war is so good and necessary are chickenhawks cuz they were too pussy to step up and become a soldier when they were younger.

  11. #86
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    by definition? how could soldiers be chickenhawks

  12. #87
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    I think he just saw an NBAdan thread and his 'conserve' mechanism got switched on and he posted nonsense

  13. #88
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    LOL!!! its like they have to make themselves feel big and important by being so high up

    The same way middle aged men buy sports cars because they somehow are deluded into thinking that makes them anything other than still middle-aged, fat & wrinkled?

    Or are they compensating for other deficiencies?

    I am about 80% Republican and I hate SUV's. It's bad enough having to fill up my little car for $40.00.

    And I hate having to back out of a parking spot sandwiched in between two of them and can't see .

  14. #89
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    But those people who talk and talk and talk all day influencing the minds of countless dumbass americans about how war is so good and necessary are chickenhawks cuz they were too pussy to step up and become a soldier when they were younger.

    Are you referring just to the war that's going on now, or wars in general?

    You could still be speaking Spanish you know.....or German....or Japanese...or eating boiled nasty and Yorkshire Pudding with your rotted-out teeth. And instead of only 13 million Jews dead, it could have been all of them.

  15. #90
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    Are you referring just to the war that's going on now, or wars in general?

    You could still be speaking Spanish you know.....or German....or Japanese...or eating boiled nasty and Yorkshire Pudding with your rotted-out teeth. And instead of only 13 million Jews dead, it could have been all of them.

    No chances are I wouldn't have been born.

    And I bumped the thread to talk about how Jesse Ventura totally slapped all those neocon talk show hosts who are so pro war and anti-anti war

    So if anyone was gung ho about world war 2 and did not serve, yes i guess it applies to that war too

    But the point is not me saying i am anti war the point is there are alot of heads out there filling up the airwaves and poisoning alot of minds with their bull , when in fact they're nothing more than big fat pussies

    If theres a hardcore military general shouting out about the war, then good for him, what can i say against him? It's these Hannity types.

  16. #91
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    Chances are I would drop everything I am doing and take up arms when I hear the situation and words of a man who knows something about valor and the warrior's spirit, over some flaming flamer ass hannity-esque types.

    Yet those are the mouths that the common young neo conservative gets his ideas from. No I can't prove that, but listening to them talk in person, I can call it an educated guess.

  17. #92
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    "were too pussy to step up and become a soldier when they were younger."

    examples: shrub, head, Wolfy all evaded service in Viet Nam, but they were goddam eager to lie their way into starting a bogus war and have Other Peoples' Kids wasted.

  18. #93
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    NBADan told me (havent verified it myself) that Rush Limbaugh did not serve because he had a wart on his ass

  19. #94
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    NBADan told me (havent verified it myself) that Rush Limbaugh did not serve because he had a wart on his ass
    Well, it's technically called a pilonidal cyst and it wasn't on his ass, it was in his ass.

    Here is a link to the complete story by Snoopes, but the jist of it is..

    Claim: Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was disqualified from the Vietnam-era draft due to a pilonidal cyst.

    Status: True.

    : [Collected on the Internet, 2002]

  20. #95
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    Hmm. This only serves to enhance his fatness' laughability.

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