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  1. #1
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Posted on Thu, Sep. 29, 2005
    NY Times reporter Judith Miller released from jail
    By John Shiffman and Steve Goldstein

    WASHINGTON - Judith Miller, The New York Times reporter who has been jailed since July 6 for refusing to identify a source, has been released, The Inquirer has learned.

    Miller left an Alexandria, Va. jail late this afternoon, a jail official said.

    She was released after she had a telephone conversation with the Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, sources said. In that conversation, Libby reaffirmed that he had released Miller from a promise of confidentiality more than a year ago, sources said.

    So, I guess the only thing left to decide is will it be Supreme Court Justice Judy Miller or Ambassador Judy Miller?

    In case you don't remember the first release of confidentiality Libby speaks of, that's because it was a blanket release signed by everyone in the White House. The journalists involved all said they felt the releases were obtained under duress, so to speak, and wouldn't honor them unless they got direct and specific release of confidentiality from their sources. Apparently, the powers that be have decided that Lewis Libby should be the fall guy.

    Either way, Judith Miller has already shown how far she will go to protect the Bush Junta. I wouldn't believe a word she said now. She is supposed to go in front of a Grand Jury tomorrow.
    Last edited by Nbadan; 09-30-2005 at 03:02 AM.

  2. #2
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Judith Miller-Cheney Chief of Staff Was Secret Source
    Jailed reporter reaches deal in CIA leak probe

    (CNN) -- After spending 12 weeks behind bars protecting a confidential source, New York Times reporter Judith Miller was released from jail after receiving permission from her source to provide evidence to a federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA operative's name.


    Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, called Miller in prison September 19 to personally free her from the pledge of confidentiality, a move that apparently contributed to her release, Libby's attorney, Joseph Tate of Philadelphia, told CNN.

    New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. said the newspaper supported Miller's decision to testify. "We are very pleased that she has finally received a direct and uncoerced waiver, by phone and in writing, releasing her from any claim of confidentiality and enabling her to testify," he said in a statement.


    The chain of events that led to the contempt charges against Miller began in July 2003, when syndicated columnist Robert Novak, who is also a CNN contributor, identified Plame as a CIA operative in his column. He cited unidentified senior administration sources for the information.


    "In recent days, several important things have changed that convinced Judy that she was released from her obligation," Keller said in a statement. He did not provide details of what those changes were. Miller said in her statement that she would not comment until after she testifies before the grand jury.

    'Why didn't someone call us?' Tate said Libby signed a waiver of confidentiality more than a year ago, which Tate followed with a phone call to New York Times attorney Floyd Abrams assuring him that Libby's waiver was voluntary. Over the Labor Day weekend, Miller's attorney, Robert Bennett, tracked Tate down in Martha's Vineyard to tell him she had not accepted the waiver as valid because "it came from lawyers." "I assured Bennett that it was voluntary, and he asked, 'Would Scooter say that to Judy?' And I said, 'Scooter doesn't want to see Judy in jail,'" Tate said. "My reaction was, why didn't someone call us 80 days ago?" he said of his conversation with Bennett.

    Looks like Lewis Libby takes the fall mostly because Rove or Cheney were probably the actual source and the White House Junta That Couldn't Shoot Straight cannot afford to have these two fall now. The Bolton/Miller connection is a red herring. Cheney's chief of staff is expendable because all he is really handling are Halliburtons no-bid contracts anyway. Rove/Cheney are the "masterminds" behind the entire operation for Global Oil Domination (GOD), with it's unnecessary wars and Bolton is needed to butt the UN into compliance.

    The Bolton/Miller link was most likely offered as a first attempt to distract because Bolton has managed to get the IAEA to do an Iraq on the Iranians. Libby isn't going to go to jail for too long as Bush is issuing pardons like they are going out of style. Also, Libby is going to receive a juicy bonus for being the fall guy, I bet.

    Fitzgerald is hot on their heels and they are desperate to shut down his investigation, thus, Libby's sudden "confession". Fitzgerald will probably be arm-twisted to end the investigation in a month or two. But he won't because this Libby/Miller pact is a fake, just as it appears to be. Fitzgerald cannot miss the fact that Libby being offered up is a sign that there is blood in the water, and Fitz is the only one who could have bitten hard enough to spill he probably won't stop now.

  3. #3
    I Got Hops Extra Stout's Avatar
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    Two years ago, the "gossip" around DC media circles was that Karl Rove and Scooter Libby were the two sources.

    The only change now is that it's on the record.

  4. #4
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    "Either way, Judith Miller has already shown how far she will go to protect the Bush Junta. I wouldn't believe a word she said now. She is supposed to go in front of a Grand Jury tomorrow."........................................ ................We are shocked at your response Dan! Who woulda thought?

  5. #5
    e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 MannyIsGod's Avatar
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    Dan lives in a monochrome world. Feel free to introduce Technicolor.

  6. #6
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    WE have a monochromatic administration remember?

    Good versus Evil?
    Black versus white?
    right versus wrong?
    With us or against us?

    It's easy to sit back now and criticize what politics, conservatives and liberals have become, but remember that political animals react the way the environment around them is constructed. We are all this way because this administration wanted it this way.

  7. #7
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    Do you know what monochromatic means dan? It's not just two shades of something.

  8. #8
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Actually monochromatic is seeing things in one color, and somehow, I doubt that Manny was talking physics, lasers, or color-blindness.

  9. #9
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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  10. #10
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    Actually monochromatic is seeing things in one color, and somehow, I doubt that Manny was talking physics, lasers, or color-blindness.
    It does not mean "seeing in one color". It means that something has only one hue. A picture can have many intensities or tones of the same color and be monochromatic. So black, white and all the shades of pure grey in between can be considered monochromatic properties. So in talking about politics in general or this forum, the posters here range from one end of the politcal spectrum to the other.

  11. #11
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    is both a particle and wave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    mon·o·chro·mat·ic Audio pronunciation of "monochromatic" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mn-kr-mtk)

    1. Having or appearing to have only one color.
    2. Of or composed of radiation of only one wavelength: monochromatic light.
    3. Done in monochrome: monochromatic prints and paintings.
    4. Of or exhibiting monochromatism.

    mono·chro·mati·cal·ly adv.
    mono·chroma·tici·ty (-m-ts-t) n.

    [Download Now or Buy the Book]
    Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

    mon·o·chro·mat·ic (mn-kr-mtk)

    1. Having or appearing to have only one color.
    2. Of or relating to a pure spectral color of a single wavelength.
    3. Of or exhibiting achromatopsia.

  13. #13
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    By 'seeing' you know I mean in a metaphorical sense for perception, right?

  14. #14
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    Yes, but do you understand that there can be a thousand tones to something that is monochromatic?

  15. #15
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    OH, so there are many different types of Democrats and Republicans, right? Somehow, I don't think this is what Manny meant.

  16. #16
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    EKK! Unlike Martha Stewart who could have used to lose a few pounds, it looks like Jail did not agree with Judith Miller. She looks like the moon-bat from Frazier.

  17. #17
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    When someone tells you something you know is classified you are to report it to the authorities .. not publish it.. She should face charges too for giving out known classified information.

  18. #18
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Plamegate Prosecutor Stays Silent

    It has been two years since a grand jury began looking into the Valerie Plame CIA iden y case, a criminal investigation that could close up shop shortly or cause more pain for the Bush White House.

    Following Friday's grand jury testimony by New York Times reporter Judith Miller, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald gave no indication of his plans and his spokesman refused to comment.

    "I'm leaving," was all Fitzgerald offered to reporters as the prosecutor left the federal courthouse where he had just won the latest round in his investigation. He had finally persuaded Miller to cooperate after she spent 85 days in jail for refusing to testify.


    If Fitzgerald seeks indictments against anyone, the ensuing prosecution would have as its backdrop one of the Bush administration's biggest political problems — its failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the main justification used by the president for going to war.

  19. #19
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    EKK! Unlike Martha Stewart who could have used to lose a few pounds, it looks like Jail did not agree with Judith Miller. She looks like the moon-bat from Frazier.
    Why not post your picture Dan so we can see if the pot should call the kettle black?

  20. #20
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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