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  1. #76
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    We gotta move from tre,A pg who cant shoot and a average passer will only hurt wemby and this team.Same with sochan
    if he cant improve his shooting.Not sure with vassell.Dude is to inconsistent to be paired up with wemby.Vassel alot
    just is a role player not making an impact.
    I agree and it didn’t take long to notice their incompatibility with Wemby’s game/skills

    Pop of 20y ago would never even think twice but the new Pop is a sentimental stubborn old man.

    Anyways no point even hoping for an change. All we can do is hope for (unrealistic) improvements/miracles

  2. #77
    Veteran R. DeMurre's Avatar
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    I was a big advocate for trading Keldon this summer, when his status as a 20 ppg starter would've brought something potentially significant in return. Now he's almost universally seen as a bench tweener who doesn't do much in terms of impact, and sadly I think the ship has sailed on his value.

    That unfortunately can be the other side of the "let's be patient and wait and see what we have" approach.

  3. #78
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    It's a site where Splits drops the n-word and people still drop gay slurs. This is the world timvp created and doesn't care to clean up.
    and where you tell people to shoot themselves in the head

  4. #79
    Veteran rjv's Avatar
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    We have some horribly racist posters on this site, it’s disgusting. Dude in another thread is still using the C word when it comes to asians. Pathetic.
    yeah, ST definitely has some posters that likely surf the dark web when they're not posting their racist crap here.

  5. #80
    half man half amazing
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    Slowly, more users will realize a core of the team is already here. It takes too much to replace what we have and adding pieces is much better resource management anyway.

    The draft will bring in a couple of players who will help, but not knock it out of the park. The team will try to add a couple of existing players to improve the rotation. A guy like Bassey isn't going anywhere.

    Improvement will be incremental, but the curve will be better than the piss-and-moaners will expect, which will make them very, very mad, because they don't actually want this team to succeed, they just want to piss and moan. They weren't even happy when the team was winning championships.
    Except all the evidence to date indicates that this “core” will never be good enough. This is a team with a superstar, some role players, and some non-NBA talent. This team is worse than last year and will bee just as bad next year without any major roster changes other than bringing in a couple more net negative rookies

  6. #81
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    It's a site where Splits drops the n-word and people still drop gay slurs. This is the world timvp created and doesn't care to clean up.
    Look mother er. My mother is Vietnamese and my father is Senegalese. I'm bi. I don't live in your ry and I can say or nig or whatever the I want even if I was a privileged honkey like you. So go make another mayonnaise sandwich, listen to John Cougar Mellancamp and your mother so more.

  7. #82
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    Except all the evidence to date indicates that this “core” will never be good enough. This is a team with a superstar, some role players, and some non-NBA talent. This team is worse than last year and will bee just as bad next year without any major roster changes other than bringing in a couple more net negative rookies
    It doesn't just indicate, it's more or less blatantly obvious that barring some miraculous developments, our roster is full of scrubs who aren't even NBA level players, let alone legit pieces of a future contender.

    Wemby - already the entire franchise. One win without him all season long. We'd legit have the worst record in history of the league if we didn't win the lottery last year.
    Devin - the only good player on the rest of the roster, but there are dozens of similar guards in the league. If he's to live up to that contract, he really needs to get better at consistently getting to the rim, drawing fouls and making the right passes.
    Keldon - fifth season already, negative IQ chucker and a traffic cone on defense. As already said, he lost any trade value he had. A part of the problem.
    Jeremy - if you take aside his Rodman persona, he's such a confusing and mostly net negative players. His numbers aren't bad, but he's so out of control and random. Best case scenario would be a solid 6th man and a glue guy, utility forward.
    Tre - can stay as a backup for a few more years, but he's not good enough even for that role if we talk serious, playoff basketball.

    Others aren't even worth a mention.
    Zach needs to be gone at all costs, Cedi is your average journeman third stringer, others are G-league scrubs.
    Every team has a couple of Branhams and Wesleys in G-league. Thinking that they could eventually develop into useful players for a winning roster is ridiculous level of coping and homerism.
    Branham can't do anything when his shot isn't falling and it's not falling most of the time. Wesley is a point guard with bad handles and no range.
    Barlow is showing some promise, but he'll get killed by every actual big, we already saw it happen. Bassey suffered a catastrophic injury.
    Julian is your average G-league wing.

    To become good enough for a winning roster, you either need to excel at something or be a fundamentally solid, allround player.
    Looking at our roster, who fills that criteria?

    I can be overly pessimistic at times, but I'd like some of the resident optimists to change my mind.
    Barring some unprecedented improvements noone could've predicted, none of our guys except Devin and maybe Jeremy will ever be worth even 10 million a season.

  8. #83
    ¯\(ツ)/¯ VBM's Avatar
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    I'm telling you, anyone believing Wemby is up for another season, much less 2 or 3 years of that mess, developing young guys and rooks is delusional. Half a season like that next year and the honey moon is over.
    Tim Duncan damn near left a year removed from winning a le, and he carried himself in a selfless way. Wemby has outwardly shown that he cares about the legacy he builds in this league (no issue with that). The wait and see approach definitely won't be something he tolerates for long. They need to trade the picks for a star and move Sochan for a 1st rounder if possible. End the love affair with guys like Mamu (if he didn't have a name that sounded like Manu, nobody would care about him). Get some legitimate talent around Wemby and Vassell (who we're stuck with for a few years given that price tag). DV is solid, but he's better served as a 3rd or 4th option.

  9. #84
    Body Of Work Mr. Body's Avatar
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    and where you tell people to shoot themselves in the head
    Because that would be great. Seriously, though, you crying ninny, a little flaming is what happens on the internet. If you had any for ude whatsoever you'd roll with it. But attacking classes of people and being racist and phobic should be beneath the rancid pieces of who do it.

    But I guess you like the N-word though?

  10. #85
    Body Of Work Mr. Body's Avatar
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    Except all the evidence to date indicates that this “core” will never be good enough. This is a team with a superstar, some role players, and some non-NBA talent. This team is worse than last year and will bee just as bad next year without any major roster changes other than bringing in a couple more net negative rookies
    Are we in the Finals? Are we even in the fricken playoffs?

    Do you know what it takes to build a roster? Getting rid of everyone and then starting from scratch just gives you even worse players with no development.

    Tell me what magic tricks you think are going to suddenly get us into the Finals from right now. No, Trae Young ain't gonna do it.

  11. #86
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    Because that would be great. Seriously, though, you crying ninny, a little flaming is what happens on the internet. If you had any for ude whatsoever you'd roll with it. But attacking classes of people and being racist and phobic should be beneath the rancid pieces of who do it.

    But I guess you like the N-word though?
    i dont actually take offense to it. im just pointing out your hypocrisy. you cant cry about other people being mean when you keep calling people whiny es and tell them to off themselves

  12. #87
    Costly Mistakes JPB's Avatar
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    spurs said they were gonna use this season to see what they got. Let's hope they saw what everybody saw:

    1. They got Wemby, a top 10 (top 5?) player next year. Yeah, still some stuf to clear but he will rather quickly, specially in a more functional team...

    2. Besides that, there's absolutely no point, like absolutely no point at all, losing any more time trying to develop that group for the next 2-3... years around Vic. There's no core here, no starters, no 2nd options in a contender, Devin as a borderline SG 3rd option, all great that spurs development program might be or the power Pop believes he has to mold these players into what he wants...

    You don't make donkeys race horses, no matter how hard you try or hard you pound the rock. these guys can play BB, somehow, but they're just not good enough for the NBA elite. The more they play, the more they lose value, Keldon and Sochan first. No one, absolutely no one in the NBA is salivating at that roster... It's more like "damn they suck" or "they're starting that Champagnie guy just because he has a funny name, or what?", "Dominick Barlow is an NBA player, really?

    At some point, it's about talent and skills, not just "developing" players or some kind of alchemy... Spurs had the chance to strike gold with the big 3, that doesn't meas it makse them gold makers... Are they that deluded, that they believe these guys can become elite NBA players? that they can will them into it, because, you know, we're the freaking spurs? If they are, and just add another couple rookies, this isn't gonna end well next year.
    Last edited by JPB; 03-18-2024 at 01:29 PM.

  13. #88
    Body Of Work Mr. Body's Avatar
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    i dont actually take offense to it. im just pointing out your hypocrisy. you cant cry about other people being mean when you keep calling people whiny es and tell them to off themselves
    What's the hypocrisy? Flaming an individual for rubbish takes is not the same as throwing around bigotry. Maybe you don't like banter, but they're very elementally not the same.

    You do understand the difference, right?

  14. #89
    Body Of Work Mr. Body's Avatar
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    So... like people can attack players but can't take it themselves? Is that's what's going on?

  15. #90
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    That collins contract really gonna ed us this offseasom.Spurs underestimated how good wemby was gonna
    be this season.Could of used that money to sign real good role players or even star players this summer.

  16. #91
    Every game is game 1 Seventyniner's Avatar
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    "Most likely" is hard to work with because there are dozens to hundreds of possibilities, and even the most likely among them will still have a pretty low absolute chance of happening.

    The draft lottery will narrow things down a lot, and there will still be 6 weeks until the draft at that point. As such, I don't think it's worth trying to come up with specific scenarios until then.

  17. #92
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    Because that would be great. Seriously, though, you crying ninny, a little flaming is what happens on the internet. If you had any for ude whatsoever you'd roll with it. But attacking classes of people and being racist and phobic should be beneath the rancid pieces of who do it.

    But I guess you like the N-word though?
    Or maybe this website would be better without the racism or the encouragement of suicide? I recognize I'm not a saint of a poster either, but maybe we can all agree to be better? This board can be great when people just act like adults.

  18. #93
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    I know we have plenty of threads like this already, but more and more I think the team needs even more wholesale changes than it has time for in the Wemby era.

    In an NBA2K like world where you can completely turn over a roster in a couple of minutes and have instant chemistry, you'd move on from pretty much every major piece of our team not named Wemby. Some of the end-of-bench role players (Bassey, Barlow, Champ if appropriately put as an end of bench guy) are fine - but pretty much everything between Wemby and them needs to be upgraded, including Vassell (tbh).

    Vassell actually played one of his best games yesterday, IMO, but it still had a couple of fatal problems (to a championship level team) that I'm not sure Devin will ever overcome: some very questionable decision making and the lack of a clutch gene.

    Sochan comes off as too nonchalant to achieve greatness, IMO. He doesn't appear to have the drive, which causes wild inconsistency in his game. Maybe this can change overtime... I don't know?

    Keldon has the right at ude, but is just limited, talent-wise.

    Unfortunately, trying to just scrap it all and completely rebuild around Wemby will take too long, and will probably do more damage than good... so we need to (likely) keep at least two of the three above in order to have a chance at real positive growth. It makes sense that it would be Vassell and probably Sochnan, who at least has the opportunity to change his path (Keldon kind of is what he is at this point).

    Just my dumb opinion.

  19. #94
    Believe. Tyronn Lue's Avatar
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    A few problems I see with this roster.

    1. Low IQ. I don't know if that's just basketball IQ or IQ in general, but a good roster needs at least a few high IQ guys.
    2. Chemistry. This roster is like a perpetual tryouts to make a roster. They see Victor do amazing things and they want to do amazing things, or they want to play it safe and so they don't seem to know their roles very well (could be a coaching problem). It leads to a group of 5 guys on the floor instead of a team. I'd be surprised if they ever do anything together off the court.
    3. Youth. While the above attributes can be blamed on youth, these guys will eventually be split/traded or simply out of the league (by eventually I hopefully mean soon). When that happens, they won't be replaced by even less experienced players. So it's not necessarily their faults, and some could end up being good players. Putting all the neophytes on the same squad as a "Survivor" type experiment might be good reality TV but sucks as an NBA team.
    4. Coach with carte blanche. When the conductor can lead the orchestra however he sees fit, and he's bored already of the music, he can switch the seats around to see what it sounds like real time with formal attired audience members scratching their heads, wondering what they are watching. It's not rocket science. Anyone here could probably coach this team and make game calls as well if not better than Pop has this year.

  20. #95
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    need to get luka in next year's free agency, that's it.

  21. #96
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    Are we in the Finals? Are we even in the fricken playoffs?

    Do you know what it takes to build a roster? Getting rid of everyone and then starting from scratch just gives you even worse players with no development.

    Tell me what magic tricks you think are going to suddenly get us into the Finals from right now. No, Trae Young ain't gonna do it.
    Why are you resorting to these straw man arguments? No one is arguing to jettison the whole roster, no one is suggesting there is a move that gets the spurs to the finals next year.

    There is a broad spectrum of options between do nothing(your suggestion) and starting over from scratch. Luckily, the spurs have cap space, a bunch of draft assets, and some tradable contracts. They basically have all the tools necessary to make this team much better next year while also retaining flexibility for the future.

  22. #97
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    need to get luka in next year's free agency, that's it.
    luka isnt a free agent next year

  23. #98
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    Slowly, more users will realize a core of the team is already here. It takes too much to replace what we have and adding pieces is much better resource management anyway.

    The draft will bring in a couple of players who will help, but not knock it out of the park. The team will try to add a couple of existing players to improve the rotation. A guy like Bassey isn't going anywhere.

    Improvement will be incremental, but the curve will be better than the piss-and-moaners will expect, which will make them very, very mad, because they don't actually want this team to succeed, they just want to piss and moan. They weren't even happy when the team was winning championships.
    I think you’re mostly right. The question is whether Jeremy is the 3rd guy long term, assuming they see Dev as the 2.

    Personally, I think that for this first generation of Wemby-led teams, Dev is an excellent 3 and that 2 isn’t yet on the roster. I see Sochan as the essential glue guy who, as a starter, will eventually have the role Keldon has played over the past few years (high motor, hustler). Keldon, Zach, and Tre will eventually roll off as they mix and match the pieces.

  24. #99
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    luka isnt a free agent next year
    he might ask out if the Mavs don’t go far in the playoffs. Not that the Spurs will have a championship caliber roster

  25. #100
    Veteran Raven's Avatar
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    luka isnt a free agent next year
    i didn't say he was

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