View Full Version : Put Him in the Ground Already!!

06-18-2008, 03:44 PM
5 days of mourning on MSNBC is enough....he was a freaking reporter (and a rather bad one at that), not a messiah...

Our country is involved in many wars today. We have a war in Afghanistan, we have a war in Iraq, and we have a “War on Terror”. But perhaps the major underlying cause of all these wars is the class war, which is going on simultaneously. And by a class war I mean a war waged by an elite group of ultra-wealthy individuals against the middle class, the working class and the poor.

A major tool in that class war is our corporate news media. By acquiring monopoly control over the news that most Americans receive, their main strategy is to keep most Americans uninformed enough that the ultra-wealthy can continue to widen the wealth gap in our country to astronomical proportions without protest. Right wing nut jobs such as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are somewhat limited in the extent to which they can help out with this war because most Americans don’t take them seriously. The greatest danger is posed by phony journalists such as Tim Russert, who have a great ability to disguise themselves as objective journalists while sticking their knives into the backs of anyone who poses a threat to their corporate masters. I don’t know of anyone who was better at that than Tim Russert.

So the recent corporate news media love fest with Tim Russert should come as no surprise. Russert serves as a model for the type of person whom the corporate media aspires to recruit, promote, and honor. Russert had a multi-million dollar salary while he was alive, and in death he gets raised to saint status. Those in the business know well what they need to do to rise to the top. And you can be assured that we will see no such canonization if Bill Moyers or Walter Cronkite dies....

Viva Las Espuelas
06-18-2008, 03:46 PM
And you can be assured that we will see no such canonization if Bill Moyers or Walter Cronkite dies....i'm sure they'll die someday.

06-18-2008, 03:51 PM
Cable news is so bad, unwatchable because they can't fill up all 24 hours with ads.

An event like Russert helps them fill the content gaps between ads.

"their main strategy is to keep most Americans uninformed"

Their priority is to make money. Nothing else, by definition of a corporation, matters.

News nothing but bait for audience ratings so the media corps can sell ads.

Flogging poor old Tim, annointing him as a saint, is an opportunity to sell lots of ads to big audiences, themselves flogged into a Russert frenzy by marketing.

06-18-2008, 04:00 PM
God Bless you Tim.

06-18-2008, 04:01 PM
RIP Tim.

06-18-2008, 04:38 PM
The Boss's "Born to Run" tribute to Tim was awesome.

06-18-2008, 05:02 PM
5 days of mourning on MSNBC is enough....he was a freaking reporter (and a rather bad one at that), not a messiah...

Our country is involved in many wars today. We have a war in Afghanistan, we have a war in Iraq, and we have a “War on Terror”. But perhaps the major underlying cause of all these wars is the class war, which is going on simultaneously. And by a class war I mean a war waged by an elite group of ultra-wealthy individuals against the middle class, the working class and the poor.

A major tool in that class war is our corporate news media. By acquiring monopoly control over the news that most Americans receive, their main strategy is to keep most Americans uninformed enough that the ultra-wealthy can continue to widen the wealth gap in our country to astronomical proportions without protest. Right wing nut jobs such as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are somewhat limited in the extent to which they can help out with this war because most Americans don’t take them seriously. The greatest danger is posed by phony journalists such as Tim Russert, who have a great ability to disguise themselves as objective journalists while sticking their knives into the backs of anyone who poses a threat to their corporate masters. I don’t know of anyone who was better at that than Tim Russert.

So the recent corporate news media love fest with Tim Russert should come as no surprise. Russert serves as a model for the type of person whom the corporate media aspires to recruit, promote, and honor. Russert had a multi-million dollar salary while he was alive, and in death he gets raised to saint status. Those in the business know well what they need to do to rise to the top. And you can be assured that we will see no such canonization if Bill Moyers or Walter Cronkite dies....Why do you watch corporate news?