View Full Version : McDonald: Back-Talking Horry Defends Pick On West

05-18-2008, 12:12 AM

Spurs: Back-talking Horry defends pick on West
By Jeff McDonald

With a day off in the Western Conference semifinals, Spurs forward Robert Horry used Friday afternoon to take care of some business of utmost importance for an on-the-go NBA player.

“It was my catch-up-on-TV day,” Horry said.

About the time he settled in for some recorded episodes of the police drama “CSI,” Horry was surprised to learn the NBA was conducting a crime scene investigation of its own.

And Horry had once again been cast as the bad guy.

Early in the fourth quarter of the Spurs' season-saving victory in Game 6 Thursday, Horry set a hard back-pick on New Orleans star David West. The unsuspected blow sent West — who already was battling back issues — to the locker room for good.

Horry would spend the next 24-hour news cycle being publicly fitted for a black hat, vilified as a cheap-shot artist in newspapers, on television and the Internet.

In his first comments about the incident Saturday, Horry defended his actions, saying he harbored no ill intentions toward West.

“It was a regular back-pick,” said Horry, a 16-year veteran and the league's all-time leader in postseason games played. “I wasn't trying to hurt him. I'm sorry he got hurt, but that's the game of basketball.”

The NBA obviously agreed with that assessment. Upon review, Stu Jackson — the league czar charged with meting out punishment in such instances — ruled no penalty was warranted.

West, meanwhile, was apparently injured none too seriously. He announced after the game his intention to play in Game 7 on Monday.

Coming a year after his hip-check on Phoenix's Steve Nash changed the complexion of another conference semifinal series, the Game 6 pick placed Horry at the eye of another swirl of controversy.

And it left the Spurs to again defend themselves against what seem to be annual charges of serial impropriety.

Inspired by Horry's pick on West, the New Orleans Times-Picayune on Saturday displayed on its Web site a list of the top 10 “questionable” plays in Spurs history, complete with YouTube video links.

“We're maybe the dirtiest team in the NBA; we always have been,” Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said, his voice sopping with sarcasm. “We're known for that, our physicality. We wear black.”

After Game 6, New Orleans players teetered on the brink of calling the Horry play dirty. Many seemed to be more upset with Spurs fans, who continued to chant Horry's name while their teammate remained prone.

After further review Saturday, New Orleans coach Byron Scott, who played one season with Horry in Los Angeles, had cooled a bit on the dirty talk.

“Stu Jackson said it wasn't; that's all that matters,” Scott said. “I've known Robert for a long time. I've played with him. So I know he's not a dirty ballplayer.”

Horry was oblivious to the fuss he caused until Friday afternoon, when several friends interrupted his TV time with text messages informing him of his newfound status as Public Enemy No. 2 in New Orleans (Bruce Bowen, after an alleged kick at Chris Paul in the regular season, will forever be No. 1).

In the wake of what he believes to be an unfair rush to judgment, Horry came out swinging after Saturday's practice, accusing fans and the media of “trying to blow things out of proportion.”

“You've got some reporters out there saying it was cheap shot,” Horry said. “Those people don't know anything about basketball. It was just a back-pick.”

The play in question occurred less than two minutes into the fourth quarter of the Spurs' 99-80 victory.

Spurs guard Manu Ginobili drove from the left corner, directly toward West. Horry, as he is instructed to do, wandered over to set a screen.

At the last moment, Ginobili lofted a cross-court pass over West, who leaped to deflect the ball. Horry's pick sent West, who was already stretched airborne like a wide receiver reaching for a too-high pass, sprawling to the floor.

“If I had tried to have some kind of malicious intent, I would have put a forearm in his back or something,” Horry said.

In truth, the play had less in common with Horry's hit on Nash last season than it did another play from this series. In Game 5, New Orleans' Tyson Chandler blindsided Spurs guard Tony Parker with a back-pick that looked a lot like the one Horry laid on West.

“That was ‘X' times more physical (than what Horry did),” Popovich said.

Chandler, like Horry, was whistled for a foul on the play. The key difference?

After a few seconds of shaking out the cobwebs, Parker stayed in the game. West required help to the Hornets' locker room.

“If he would have got up, the question would be moot right now,” Horry said.

Popovich called the hubbub surrounding Horry's back-pick “very silly.”

“It's typical of where we live,” Popovich said. “This is our country. We're sensationalistic.”

05-18-2008, 12:21 AM
basically horry said "fuck the NO media".

good for him.

- Mars

05-18-2008, 12:43 AM
Dude, if you're gonna post a story, you should post the the whole thing. Here's the end:

When interviewed about his decision, Stu Jackson said, "Who gives a fuck about the Spurs and Hornets?!? We never even watched the footage. David and I are too busy prepping the marketing campaign for Celtics-Lakers '08. Bringing back the 80's, baby! Yeah! We's all gonna get rich and get laid!!! Woooooohhh!!!" Still, when asked about the San Antonio fans cheering West's injury, Jackson replied, "Oh yeah...those guys are a bunch of assholes."

05-18-2008, 01:09 AM
Once again, a paragraph was left out. Here it is:

Stu Jackson confirmed that West was faking his back injury hoping that in game 7, the Spurs would be hesitant to guard West for fear of hurting him. That would really add to the home court advantage. He added that "We know the Hornets are childlike and worthless but anything goes for Chris, our poster child this year". "Afterall, Chris is the smaller flopper in the NBA and we're proud of him".

05-18-2008, 01:23 AM
Once again, a paragraph was left out. Here it is:

Stu Jackson confirmed that West was faking his back injury hoping that in game 7, the Spurs would be hesitant to guard West for fear of hurting him. That would really add to the home court advantage. He added that "We know the Hornets are childlike and worthless but anything goes for Chris, our poster child this year". "Afterall, Chris is the smaller flopper in the NBA and we're proud of him".

Very original.

Ya know, if you're gonna steal my joke, at least try and it make it funny, you unoriginal, unimaginitive jerkoff.

05-18-2008, 01:24 AM
Very original.

Ya know, if you're gonna steal my joke, at least try and it make it funny, you unoriginal, unimaginitive jerkoff.

Notice how you got trolled by your own fucking joke and you fell for it :lmao :lmao Too fucking funny!

05-18-2008, 01:31 AM
Notice how you got trolled by your own fucking joke and you fell for it :lmao :lmao Too fucking funny!

"Trolled by my own fucking joke"? I don't even know the fuck that means. Must be some kinda cutesy, internet geek talk by people who add little, smiley faces to their posts. How adorable. Does your mommy know you're up past 12?

05-18-2008, 02:02 AM
"Trolled by my own fucking joke"? I don't even know the fuck that means. Must be some kinda cutesy, internet geek talk by people who add little, smiley faces to their posts. How adorable. Does your mommy know you're up past 12?

You're seriously pulling the "internet geek talk" bull? Last I checked you were in here posting with us, "geek". You can't pull the "internet posting is lame" card while you're doing it in the first place jackass.

Keep owning yourself bitch, it makes my job all that much easier. You do know what owning means... right?

05-18-2008, 02:10 AM
Fuck the Media!

05-18-2008, 02:13 AM
You're seriously pulling the "internet geek talk" bull? Last I checked you were in here posting with us, "geek". You can't pull the "internet posting is lame" card while you're doing it in the first place jackass.

Keep owning yourself bitch, it makes my job all that much easier. You do know what owning means... right?

Now, now...easy with the naughty talk, tiger. Santa's watching.

Time to get in your little Manu Ginobili underroos, cuddle up with your little Spurs teddy bear, and go nite nite. Here's a couple smiley faces for being such a good boy.

:blah :rollin :downspin: :king :hat :lol :married: :bking

Nite nite, little Manumaniac, nite nite.

05-18-2008, 02:26 AM
Now, now...easy with the naughty talk, tiger. Santa's watching.

Time to get in your little Manu Ginobili underroos, cuddle up with your little Spurs teddy bear, and go nite nite. Here's a couple smiley faces for being such a good boy.

:blah :rollin :downspin: :king :hat :lol :married: :bking

Nite nite, little Manumaniac, nite nite.

This is the best you've got? really?? :lol just sad... go waste someone else's time

05-18-2008, 02:35 AM
This is the best you've got? really?? :lol just sad... go waste someone else's time

You're right. I'm actually ashamed at how lame some of those posts were. I got much better shit than that. Ten times as funny. Fucking hysterical stuff. Shit that'll have you rolling on the floor laughing...and I'll get to writing it just as soon as I remove my cock from your mother's ass.

05-18-2008, 05:30 AM
at least try and it make it funny

You should take your own advice. You're 0 for 15 so far.

Johnny RIngo
05-18-2008, 09:35 AM
You should take your own advice. You're 0 for 15 so far.

Reminds me of David West's shooting percentage in game 6 :lol

On topic: David West's a soft bitch that wouldn't last a minute in the 80s/90s. One soft bump and he's flat on his back like a cheap whore(most likely faking to avoid taking blame for his pathetic performance in that blowout loss).

05-18-2008, 10:07 AM
You're right. I'm actually ashamed at how lame some of those posts were. I got much better shit than that. Ten times as funny. Fucking hysterical stuff. Shit that'll have you rolling on the floor laughing...and I'll get to writing it just as soon as I remove my vagina from your mother's ass.


05-18-2008, 11:59 AM
You should take your own advice. You're 0 for 15 so far.

0-15? Really? You took the time to read all 15 of my posts to determine I'm not funny. HA!!! Either you have WAY too much time on your hands or you can't get enough of my ass. Who the fuck takes the time to read 15 different posts by one person spread over multiple threads if they think he sucks?!?
Face it, you fucking love me. Probably some kind of innate jealousy that made you lash out when you saw me going back and forth with Manumaniac...or maybe you love Manu. Whatever the case, you're seriously all about the cock. So, go now, brave little homo, take this knowledge and begin exploring your new life somewhere over the rainbow.

"remove my vagina from your mother's ass?"

Alright, listen up, Joe Bob, you can't sick a vagina into anything. Just letting ya know, son. You make jokes like that and you're letting everyone know you're an ignorant, hick whose never had pussy, and has absolutely no idea how the vagina works.

05-18-2008, 12:03 PM
"I remove my vagina from your mother's ass." :lol :lol :lol :lol

Finally a troll contributes a huge positive!

Damn, these NO fucks are cretins.

05-18-2008, 12:05 PM
"I remove my vagina from your mother's ass." :lol :lol :lol :lol

Finally a troll contributes a huge positive!

Damn, these NO shit4brains are cretins.

05-18-2008, 12:06 PM
Im a Hornets fan...Im a homo....please do me in the asshole!
Alright, listen up, Joe Bob, you can't sick a vagina into anything. Just letting ya know, son. You make jokes like that and you're letting everyone know you're an ignorant, hick whose never had pussy, and has absolutely no idea how the vagina works.
Yes...well that or I mad a joke claiming you had a vagina....and why are you posting stuff like this?...in bold for that matter. If you choose to be gay, thats your choice, but Lord....lets not get carried away here.

05-18-2008, 12:52 PM
You're calling people shit4brains when you posted the same thing twice? Fucking classic.

05-18-2008, 01:51 PM
Hah...he didnt respond to me...I win...a Spurs fan...beats a Hornets fan...just like the Spurs...are gonna beat the Hornets.

05-18-2008, 02:26 PM
Once again, a paragraph was left out. Here it is:

Stu Jackson confirmed that West was faking his back injury hoping that in game 7, the Spurs would be hesitant to guard West for fear of hurting him. That would really add to the home court advantage. He added that "We know the Hornets are childlike and worthless but anything goes for Chris, our poster child this year". "Afterall, Chris is the smaller flopper in the NBA and we're proud of him".


05-18-2008, 03:01 PM
Dude, if you're gonna post a story, you should post the the whole thing. Here's the end:

When interviewed about his decision, Stu Jackson said, "Who gives a fuck about the Spurs and Hornets?!? We never even watched the footage. David and I are too busy prepping the marketing campaign for Celtics-Lakers '08. Bringing back the 80's, baby! Yeah! We's all gonna get rich and get laid!!! Woooooohhh!!!" Still, when asked about the San Antonio fans cheering West's injury, Jackson replied, "Oh yeah...those guys are a bunch of assholes."

wait i thought you left. dammit.

- Mars

05-18-2008, 05:03 PM
Damn, fellas, you know its okay to leave the computer for a couple of hours here and there. Take a jog, talk to girl, read a book. Really...try stepping away from this now and then. Maybe then you're lives wouldn't be so empty and pathetic that you start turning posts on a message board into actual contests with winners and losers like this pathetic soul right here:

Hah...he didnt respond to me...I win...a Spurs fan...beats a Hornets fan...just like the Spurs...are gonna beat the Hornets.

Joe Bob, I can just picture you all excited, giggling like a school girl, hunched over your computer, taking 20 minutes to type out your little message. I can see you laughing, thinking to yourself, "I'ze a gonna change dat der quote aroun' n' folks'll b thinkin' he sed he's gay. Hyuck!!!"

Hell, I can even see you refreshing the page every 30 seconds to see if I responded. But, I'm sorry, rube, just didn't see anything funny to it. It was quite putrid, actually. 4th grade shit, really. Try again. If I don't respond, It's because that message sucked too.

wait i thought you left. dammit.

- Mars

Mars, you can wipe a monkey's ass with what you thought. When I said I was out, I meant I was logging off the computer. People do that from time to time. And another thing, I like how you sign your name to your posts. Look to the left of your post, dipshit. Your name's there for everyone to see. Signing your own post just shows everyone how important you think your own words are. Pitiful.

Ya know, I came here for a little fun, but looking at some of you...this is actually your lives. Scary. I guess that's what happens when the NBA is over and there's no NFL, MLB, or NHL to look forward to.

The more I come here, the more I'm reminded of that line from Anchorman where Ron Burgundy says that San Diego is german for a Whale's Vagina. If that were the case, then I'd imagine San Antonio would be German for a Whale's Asshole. Later, bitches.

05-18-2008, 06:38 PM
And another thing, I like how you sign your name to your posts. Look to the left of your post, dipshit. Your name's there for everyone to see. Signing your own post just shows everyone how important you think your own words are. Pitiful.

The fact that you are a complaining about it makes you pitful, bitch.

Ya know, I came here for a little fun, but looking at some of you...this is actually your lives. Scary. I guess that's what happens when the NBA is over and there's no NFL, MLB, or NHL to look forward to.

actually not, i happen to like the Spurs and root for them, but this is far from my life. but please continue to make retarded assessments like that, it just shows your stupidity.

The more I come here, the more I'm reminded of that line from Anchorman where Ron Burgundy says that San Diego is german for a Whale's Vagina. If that were the case, then I'd imagine San Antonio would be German for a Whale's Asshole. Later, bitches.

I'd probably be mad at this stupid city-smack part if I lived in SA. Too bad I don't.

yet another fucking ignorant NO troll...Monday can't get here soon enough.

- Mars

05-18-2008, 07:01 PM
The more I come here, the more I'm reminded of that line from Anchorman where Ron Burgundy says that San Diego is german for a Whale's Vagina. If that were the case, then I'd imagine San Antonio would be German for a Whale's Asshole. Later, bitches.

0 for 18

05-18-2008, 07:04 PM
The more I come here, the more I'm reminded of that line from Anchorman where Ron Burgundy says that San Diego is german for a Whale's Vagina. If that were the case, then I'd imagine San Antonio would be German for a Whale's Asshole. Later, bitches.

I'm gonna be honest with you, that smelled like pure gasoline. :td