View Full Version : Real Men of Genius: Mr. Internet Sports Fan

12-20-2007, 01:59 PM
(This sooo applies to this place. Enjoy!)

Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Internet Sports Fan

"Mr. Really Mad Internet Spo-orts Fan!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the mind-blowing tragedy of a bunch of 18-22 year old athletes you'll never meet, losing a game.

"Don't you TAAAAALK to me about perspective!!"

While others are too preoccupied with things like real life, you take your anger directly to the place where it will make the absolute least possible impact: An Internet discussion forum.

"Loggin' on now!"

Your unique eye for logic allows you to sling turds of doom every which way, and then brag about how you were RIGHT as soon as one of the pieces sticks to the wall regardless of how many dozens fell limply to the floor before that.

"See I told you sooooooo!!"

And if some idiot newspaper columnist has the gall to not be as incensed as you are, you unleash your fury down upon him with all the tenacity and mercilessness of a rabid pit bull with a tender buttock locked in its jaws.

"Total anonymity!"

So keep clicking away, oh Marauder of the Mousepad. Because when the results you so desire finally come about years from now, you can say it was because YOU demanded it."

"How come they haven't fired that dumb coach yet?"

12-20-2007, 02:09 PM

12-20-2007, 02:10 PM
Surprised they haven't made that into a spot yet.

12-20-2007, 02:12 PM
haha, yeah, i want to hear it with the real voices

12-20-2007, 02:15 PM
thats pretty good. lol. suddenly i want a bud lite
"Mr Really Mad internet Spoo-oorts Fan..."

12-20-2007, 02:37 PM

12-20-2007, 02:41 PM
:lol That's awesome

12-20-2007, 02:44 PM


12-20-2007, 02:44 PM
:lol When did Mav Fan get funny? This is a disturbing trend.

12-20-2007, 03:46 PM
Believe it or not, I bring about the much needed sanity in Mavs land. Every team needs a fan like me! (haha)

12-20-2007, 03:50 PM
(This sooo applies to this place. Enjoy!)

Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Internet Sports Fan

"Mr. Really Mad Internet Spo-orts Fan!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the mind-blowing tragedy of a bunch of 18-22 year old athletes you'll never meet, losing a game.

"Don't you TAAAAALK to me about perspective!!"

While others are too preoccupied with things like real life, you take your anger directly to the place where it will make the absolute least possible impact: An Internet discussion forum.

"Loggin' on now!"

Your unique eye for logic allows you to sling turds of doom every which way, and then brag about how you were RIGHT as soon as one of the pieces sticks to the wall regardless of how many dozens fell limply to the floor before that.

"See I told you sooooooo!!"

And if some idiot newspaper columnist has the gall to not be as incensed as you are, you unleash your fury down upon him with all the tenacity and mercilessness of a rabid pit bull with a tender buttock locked in its jaws.

"Total anonymity!"

So keep clicking away, oh Marauder of the Mousepad. Because when the results you so desire finally come about years from now, you can say it was because YOU demanded it."

"How come they haven't fired that dumb coach yet?"

Pretty good!

12-20-2007, 04:05 PM
(This sooo applies to this place. Enjoy!)

Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Internet Sports Fan

"Mr. Really Mad Internet Spo-orts Fan!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the mind-blowing tragedy of a bunch of 18-22 year old athletes you'll never meet, losing a game.

"Don't you TAAAAALK to me about perspective!!"

While others are too preoccupied with things like real life, you take your anger directly to the place where it will make the absolute least possible impact: An Internet discussion forum.

"Loggin' on now!"

Your unique eye for logic allows you to sling turds of doom every which way, and then brag about how you were RIGHT as soon as one of the pieces sticks to the wall regardless of how many dozens fell limply to the floor before that.

"See I told you sooooooo!!"

And if some idiot newspaper columnist has the gall to not be as incensed as you are, you unleash your fury down upon him with all the tenacity and mercilessness of a rabid pit bull with a tender buttock locked in its jaws.

"Total anonymity!"

So keep clicking away, oh Marauder of the Mousepad. Because when the results you so desire finally come about years from now, you can say it was because YOU demanded it."

"How come they haven't fired that dumb coach yet?"

Thats really great.
:clap :clap :clap

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-20-2007, 04:12 PM
An oldie but a goodie.

12-20-2007, 05:05 PM
Completely ridiculous and obviously written by someone who hasn't spent much time on Internet Sports Forums. :td

12-20-2007, 05:13 PM
Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno Lover Guy

"Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno LOV-ER GUY!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the soft-ass metrosexual point guard from the shadow of the Julian Alps.

"Better than Tony but Pop loved him more"

While other SpursTalk members are concerned about the Spurs winning games, you brood over the loss of your beloved Slovene.

"He starts for the Kings"

Only you believe a commitment to winning consists of a steady diet of breakfast tacos and latinas.

"Taco Cabana"

Now that the left-handed china doll has left, you are bereft.

"My God, why have you forsaken me?"

So here's to you, Connoisseur of Crap. May you shut the fuck up and stop wasting this forum's bandwith with your incessant whining.

"Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno Lover Guy"

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-20-2007, 06:25 PM
Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno Lover Guy

"Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno LOV-ER GUY!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the soft-ass metrosexual point guard from the shadow of the Julian Alps.

"Better than Tony but Pop loved him more"

While other SpursTalk members are concerned about the Spurs winning games, you brood over the loss of your beloved Slovene.

"He starts for the Kings"

Only you believe a commitment to winning consists of a steady diet of breakfast tacos and latinas.

"Taco Cabana"

Now that the left-handed china doll has left, you are bereft.

"My God, why have you forsaken me?"

So here's to you, Connoisseur of Crap. May you shut the fuck up and stop wasting this forum's bandwith with your incessant whining.

"Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno Lover Guy"

^^^ Now THAT was funny!! :lmao

12-20-2007, 06:52 PM
LAWL at the kitty cat!

12-20-2007, 07:04 PM
The last line is supposed to start with "So crack open an ice cold Bud Light,". Massive failure.

marini martini
12-21-2007, 12:19 AM
The last line is supposed to start with "So crack open an ice cold Bud Light,". Massive failure.

Tis the season to forget the details. Funny as shit VK :lmao

12-21-2007, 12:47 PM
LOL awesome.....very awesome.

(This sooo applies to this place. Enjoy!)

Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Internet Sports Fan

"Mr. Really Mad Internet Spo-orts Fan!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the mind-blowing tragedy of a bunch of 18-22 year old athletes you'll never meet, losing a game.

"Don't you TAAAAALK to me about perspective!!"

While others are too preoccupied with things like real life, you take your anger directly to the place where it will make the absolute least possible impact: An Internet discussion forum.

"Loggin' on now!"

Your unique eye for logic allows you to sling turds of doom every which way, and then brag about how you were RIGHT as soon as one of the pieces sticks to the wall regardless of how many dozens fell limply to the floor before that.

"See I told you sooooooo!!"

And if some idiot newspaper columnist has the gall to not be as incensed as you are, you unleash your fury down upon him with all the tenacity and mercilessness of a rabid pit bull with a tender buttock locked in its jaws.

"Total anonymity!"

So keep clicking away, oh Marauder of the Mousepad. Because when the results you so desire finally come about years from now, you can say it was because YOU demanded it."

"How come they haven't fired that dumb coach yet?"

12-21-2007, 05:53 PM
Reeeeal men of geeeeeniuuuus!

Today we salute YOU, Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno Lover Guy

"Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno LOV-ER GUY!"

Only YOU can fully appreciate the soft-ass metrosexual point guard from the shadow of the Julian Alps.

"Better than Tony but Pop loved him more"

While other SpursTalk members are concerned about the Spurs winning games, you brood over the loss of your beloved Slovene.

"He starts for the Kings"

Only you believe a commitment to winning consists of a steady diet of breakfast tacos and latinas.

"Taco Cabana"

Now that the left-handed china doll has left, you are bereft.

"My God, why have you forsaken me?"

So here's to you, Connoisseur of Crap. May you shut the fuck up and stop wasting this forum's bandwith with your incessant whining.

"Mr. Really Mad Slovenian Beno Lover Guy"

Hahah, nice. :lmao :lol

04-07-2011, 07:57 PM

04-07-2011, 08:37 PM

It doesn't matter what you do: the Mavs are going out in the first round.

2007 first round out as a 1 seed
2008 first round out as a 7 seed
*2009 beat SA in a first round 4/5 matchup with no Ginobili and TD on one leg
2010 first round out as a 2 seed.

04-07-2011, 08:48 PM
Lost interest.:vomit:

04-07-2011, 09:04 PM
weird bump

04-07-2011, 09:08 PM
It's fucking hilarious. That's why I bumped it.

04-07-2011, 09:37 PM
It's like stepping into a time machine.

silverblk mystix
04-07-2011, 09:43 PM

04-07-2011, 09:52 PM
Thread delivers.

04-07-2011, 11:08 PM
Tender Buttock? :lol

04-08-2011, 02:53 AM
:lol When did Mav Fan get funny? This is a disturbing trend.

And not a moment too soon - the first round's almost here.