View Full Version : In Case Somebody Doesn't Know....

11-12-2004, 03:21 PM

11-12-2004, 03:25 PM
cnn is still waiting on ohio, though. ;)

11-12-2004, 03:27 PM
so is Dan.

11-12-2004, 03:36 PM
Yeah, and It took him all of one week to piss of his constiuency with the nomination of Gonzales to Attorney General. Gee, lucky he waited till after the election for that one, huh?

11-12-2004, 03:43 PM
Yeah, and It took him all of one week to piss of his constiuency with the nomination of Gonzales to Attorney General. Gee, lucky he waited till after the election for that one, huh?

11-12-2004, 04:48 PM
hurray for american imperialism we have a man who feels we are supperior to all other cultures on earth running our government!!!

Hook Dem
11-12-2004, 05:16 PM
hurray for american imperialism we have a man who feels we are supperior to all other cultures on earth running our government!!!
http://tinypic.com/lea6s This should cover your emotions

11-13-2004, 02:44 AM
hurray for american imperialism we have a man who feels we are supperior to all other cultures on earth running our government!!!

It's much deeper than that R2D. What this adminstration doesn't seem to understand is that with technology, improvements in flight and communication we are all one big government now. The U.S. finances its wars when Chinese, Russian, British, Jewish, French, and Asians investors buy our treasury bonds and bills. If they stop buying, or start selling dollars and treasury bonds in droves, as they have been doing recently, the U.S. simply can't afford to go to war, and sooner or later we all pay with higher interest rates to borrow for cars, homes, or that ajustable interest rate credit. Enter stagflation - high interest rates and high unemployment without the Fed able to lower lending rates to spur domestic productivity.

11-13-2004, 03:47 AM
hurray for american imperialism we have a man who feels we are supperior to all other cultures on earth running our government!!!

And hooraay for American Liberalism, we have people in this country that think we are the root of all evil and responsible for all the worlds problems, that think our enemies and some of the most corrupt regimes in the world are the ones we should be trying to emulate and follow.

Let's see...we are the most technologically advanced nation, we have the highest standards of education, we have the highest quality of life, and one of the highest immigration rates in the world...not to mention a cultural influence world wide, not necessarily all of our doing.

I wonder...who is more right...those that think our nation and it's laws freedoms are superior to those offered in most other countries...or those that think we are the cause of the worlds problems...

When I see Iran with a positive migration rate I might be willing to consider that they are doing something better than we are.

11-13-2004, 04:34 AM
we are the most technologically advanced nation

By most technologically advanced, I'm assuming that you mean most productive in the workplace cause Asian countries have more advanced T.V., and digital broadcast (HD) technology. Some also have fiberobic broadband internet. 100x the speed of normal broadband speed. Cell Phone techonogy that we are only now getting in the U.S. has been available in Japan for years. High-speed rail, ekkk, don't even get me started on that.

11-13-2004, 04:51 AM
we have the highest standards of education,

Not in High School. We have the largest number of Higher Institutes of Learning. We also have always been the most creative societies on earth, but lately that edge has been waining and we are getting further and further behind on advanced technologies of the future such as stem cell research, engineering, clinical science, almost anything having to do with advanced math and science because of a lack of interests and a lack of proper Government funding to promote these occupations at influencial times to our kids.

11-13-2004, 05:49 PM
By most technologically advanced, I'm assuming that you mean most productive in the workplace cause Asian countries have more advanced T.V., and digital broadcast (HD) technology. Some also have fiberobic broadband internet. 100x the speed of normal broadband speed. Cell Phone techonogy that we are only now getting in the U.S. has been available in Japan for years. High-speed rail, ekkk, don't even get me started on that.
I mean mainly military and medical of course. And our electronics industries are just more regulated than the mid-east.

11-13-2004, 05:52 PM
Not in High School. We have the largest number of Higher Institutes of Learning. We also have always been the most creative societies on earth, but lately that edge has been waining and we are getting further and further behind on advanced technologies of the future such as stem cell research, engineering, clinical science, almost anything having to do with advanced math and science because of a lack of interests and a lack of proper Government funding to promote these occupations at influencial times to our kids.

High school?

I'm talking eductation,serious education, high school grads with nothing else aren't going to be relying on their high quality high scool education that much. The best universities, those with the highesr standards of learning in the world, are mostly in the US.

As for your other comments...we have no restrictions on stem cell research here...only in Govt participation and funding.

In case you didn't notice it, a US backed company just won 10 million dollars for the first commercial space flight...funded and developed entirely in the private sector.

And thanks to Bush's tax cuts, the US is going to remain the best place in the world to do such research privately.

11-14-2004, 04:57 PM
Let's see...we are the most technologically advanced nation, we have the highest standards of education, we have the highest quality of life, and one of the highest immigration rates in the world...not to mention a cultural influence world wide, not necessarily all of our doing.


This is OK and all, but with all the wealth and power the US has, it does fairly little to try to make the rest of the world a better place. A considerable number of Americans could care less what happens with the rest of the world, and that's not good.

[Damn, now I'm really going to get yelled at!]

11-14-2004, 06:40 PM
Well smeagol, I think we do more than anyone else, I think we do more than any other country that has ever been in our position has done, financially as well as the personal cost.

Pretty much all it gets us is being hated and being accused of all the worlds problems.

You probably aren't going to like this...but I think we should do less.

I think we should stop giving aid to underprivleged countries...

Why? Because when we do give them aid morons accuse us of supporting dictators or corrupt regimes...then they burn our flag and call for people to kill Americans...blah blah blah.

When we send our troops into human rights catastrophe's at the request of the world, shitheads hide behind women and children, kill our soldiers and drag their bodies through the streets....and that's a mission where all we are doing is delivering food. So our soldiers die for some other countries fucked in the head civillians that aren't willing to fight for themselves...their own humanity gets used against them....Then this makes idiots like Osama Bin Laden say we are weak and get even bigger idiots to commit suicide blowing up our buildings...whivch then requires us to go and kick the living shit out of other countries to prove we aren't, and to send a cease and desist message to terrorists, and countries that support them as a way of placating their own miserable populations.

When we give aid to an opposition group that opposes the dictator they accuse us of interfering in other countries affairs and causing war and human suffering...being the World Police to to speak.

And when we do nothing then they say all we care about is money.

I think we should stop all aid...

I think we should stop funding the UN...and I think all these other countries that have all the answers...


Should be doing it. I think my country should mind it's own business unless another country presents a threat to us...

Those countries that want to be dickheads should be ignored...those countries which have elitist dullards(severely detatched from every day life and the reality of the world) posing as intellectuals...individuals that wouldn't know wolrd history if they had it shoved up their ass...that write articles for state run news organizations...those countries should be told to go fuck themselves.

Those countries that want to be cool and have a generally sane populations that can still tell simple right from wrong...we should have good relations with.

I think we should stop being the worlds police unless it suits our own interests...and at the same time I think we should stop being the worlds wallet as well. Let the rest of the world take care of itself for a while...it'll save the lives of our citizens, it will let this countries taxpayers actually get some of the benefit from their own taxes, it'll solve a lot of our problems.

If we are having to support some country that's government is too stupid or corrupt to support it's own population...then we should damn sure have a say in what goes on over there...as a way of getting out of a financial drain.

All people who criticize our foreign policy should be equally critical of their government if it is one of the ones we support...I mean, tis hypocritical is it not? And I am sicking of seeing idiots in other countries burn our flag...I want to see someone burn a French Flag or a Syrian Flag for a change...otherwise I will just think those people are dumbasses that have a clear double standard and not worthy of respect...

11-15-2004, 02:59 AM
Not in High School. We have the largest number of Higher Institutes of Learning. We also have always been the most creative societies on earth, but lately that edge has been waining and we are getting further and further behind on advanced technologies of the future such as stem cell research, engineering, clinical science, almost anything having to do with advanced math and science because of a lack of interests and a lack of proper Government funding to promote these occupations at influencial times to our kids.

There is a really good article in the oct. 04 issue of Harvard Business review on exactly this problem that I think all of you guys would find to be a good read. It's called "America's Looming Creativity Crisis" by Richard Florida. I dont have a link because my father gets the mag, but if you can find it, I would highly recommend it.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-15-2004, 03:14 AM
Dan and his ilk call it imperialism.

History will judge us as being the ones who actually realized that unless someone stepped in to stop radislam the entire planet would go to hell.

Britain, Poland, Australia, Japan, Russia, Israel, and for a little bit there Spain too had it figured out.

The Netherlands, in the aftermath of the van Gogh murder, have caught on, as is the government of Thailand (dealing with multiple bombings by Muslim separists in the last several days).

Germany's also figured it out and is getting onboard, the French are clueless, and it will be interesting to see what the next several years on Bush bring.

NOTE I am not saying that the Bush admin. is doing a perfect job on this, because they're far from it. However, given the alternative option just defeated, I'll take it.

Hook Dem
11-15-2004, 12:58 PM

11-15-2004, 02:17 PM
By most technologically advanced, I'm assuming that you mean most productive in the workplace cause Asian countries have more advanced T.V., and digital broadcast (HD) technology. Some also have fiberobic broadband internet. 100x the speed of normal broadband speed. Cell Phone techonogy that we are only now getting in the U.S. has been available in Japan for years. High-speed rail, ekkk, don't even get me started on that.

And they can turn a watch into a TV set.


Reggie White