View Full Version : Eating is for cucks

Mark Celibate
01-24-2024, 05:10 PM
Foods awful and eating sucks. I eat the bare minimum and as fast as possible. I hate eating. I hate feeling full. Men who think cooking makes them manly are cucks afraid of the cage desperate to validate a non existent masculinity. Imagine how stupid you have to be to find food entertaining.Literally embarrassing.

01-24-2024, 06:18 PM
Food in Romanian jail probably wasn't great.

01-24-2024, 06:19 PM
Food in Romanian jail probably wasn't great.

But he still eats, so there is that.

01-24-2024, 09:19 PM
Food in Romanian jail probably wasn't great.

:lmao det reference.

01-24-2024, 09:19 PM
But he still eats, so there is that.

Got to eat to be Top G and play chess and all

Mark Celibate
01-24-2024, 10:09 PM
Food in Romanian jail probably wasn't great.

When I bumped into serial killers in jail, we would both apologise and carry on our day.Do you understand?

01-25-2024, 12:46 AM
When I bumped into serial killers in jail, we would both apologise and carry on our day.Do you understand?


01-27-2024, 05:24 AM
I grew up eating because I had to. I wasn't allowed to say no to toppings. Disliked tomatoes but always ate them.

In my early 20s I started a strategy of first eating on the plate the least desirable. Then finishing strong with my favorites and I began to finish plates.

Around this time I was thrusted into kitchens at work and learned how to prepare & overall cook.

Food is the best. As you age it becomes a center piece of travels. If you can cook for a woman...

Fat Hands
01-27-2024, 01:44 PM
I hate how mental illness sometimes doesnt feel like mental illness

I have severe depression, anxiety, and cptsd (that's what I've been diagnosed with). Yeah I eat some, but I hate how sometimes its hard to tell. Like, my depression makes me empty, irritable, and hate everyone. But sometimes , I don't feel "depressed" I just think everyone sucks and it feels normal to me and I like to eat, sue me. Or my anxiety makes me want to leave everyone, and think i hate my friends family and cat and I want to abandon them, but I dont think "Ah its just anxiety" usually, it just feels perfectly rational to me like "yeah ofc everyone hates me". my point is that sometimes these mental illness symptoms aren't obvious all the time and it can be hard to tell what is you and what is the mental illness which is frustrating, as it just feels like how life is. These anxious and depressed thoughts just feel like normal thoughts sometimes, like constant hunger. Its hard to sort out what is actually me and how I feel, or maybe it's all the same idk. I need to eat.

Mark Celibate
01-27-2024, 07:58 PM
I hate how mental illness sometimes doesnt feel like mental illness

I have severe depression, anxiety, and cptsd (that's what I've been diagnosed with). Yeah I eat some, but I hate how sometimes its hard to tell. Like, my depression makes me empty, irritable, and hate everyone. But sometimes , I don't feel "depressed" I just think everyone sucks and it feels normal to me and I like to eat, sue me. Or my anxiety makes me want to leave everyone, and think i hate my friends family and cat and I want to abandon them, but I dont think "Ah its just anxiety" usually, it just feels perfectly rational to me like "yeah ofc everyone hates me". my point is that sometimes these mental illness symptoms aren't obvious all the time and it can be hard to tell what is you and what is the mental illness which is frustrating, as it just feels like how life is. These anxious and depressed thoughts just feel like normal thoughts sometimes, like constant hunger. Its hard to sort out what is actually me and how I feel, or maybe it's all the same idk. I need to eat.

I don't believe in depression. As a man, there's no time to be depressed, we have too much sh!t to do. Who cares how you feel? You shouldn't care how you feel.

First of all, even if I knew you, I don't care about your depression. I guarantee you, a stranger doesn't care. Your boss doesn't care. Best case scenario is you find someone who pretends to care just long enough to where you get a dopamine hit until they've had enough and quit talking to you as well. In the meantime, I'm already a billionaire, I own hundreds of luxury cars, and I f*ck hot women every night. Life is too competitive to feel depressed all the time. I'm already that much ahead of you, that if you just walk around moping and feeling sorry for yourself, I will just completely BURY you to the point that you have no chance of ever dreaming of being in the same ballpark as me.

01-27-2024, 10:00 PM
I grew up eating because I had to. I wasn't allowed to say no to toppings. Disliked tomatoes but always ate them.

In my early 20s I started a strategy of first eating on the plate the least desirable. Then finishing strong with my favorites and I began to finish plates.

Around this time I was thrusted into kitchens at work and learned how to prepare & overall cook.

Food is the best. As you age it becomes a center piece of travels. If you can cook for a woman...
Then you're a cuck & need to trade in your nuts and man card or get a real woman who cooks.

01-28-2024, 02:07 AM
Then you're a cuck & need to trade in your nuts and man card or get a real woman who cooks.
Haha I mean occasional. You never lived alone without a woman around?

01-28-2024, 10:41 AM
Haha I mean occasional. You never lived alone without a woman around?

Aside from the last 2 years in college, not really. Either lived with my mom or a partner. And in college I had the 5 day cafeteria meal plan unlimited and on weekends I'd spend whatever money I had and eat out. When I'm traveling long distance alone I typically stay in hotels and eat out. Costco hot dog & pop are my friend if I'm on a tight budget; same for amusement park meal plan all-year dining food & roller coasters and hiking are a bonus.

That said, I do know how to cook to an extent, but not high quality like a woman's cooking.

Tyronn Lue
01-28-2024, 11:52 AM
Aside from the last 2 years in college, not really. Either lived with my mom or a partner. And in college I had the 5 day cafeteria meal plan unlimited and on weekends I'd spend whatever money I had and eat out. When I'm traveling long distance alone I typically stay in hotels and eat out. Costco hot dog & pop are my friend if I'm on a tight budget; same for amusement park meal plan all-year dining food & roller coasters and hiking are a bonus.

That said, I do know how to cook to an extent, but not high quality like a woman's cooking.
Most women younger than 40 cannot cook, so when you say "a woman's cooking" you must be talking about your mom because women who aren't relegated to fending for themselves because they are homely, or who have a brood of kids aren't cooking either. This isn't the 70's.
Cooking is no different than anything else, you follow a procedure and pay attention. It's not feminine or masculine. If you need cooking to be either you should re-examine your life choices.

01-28-2024, 04:47 PM
Most women younger than 40 cannot cook, so when you say "a woman's cooking" you must be talking about your mom because women who aren't relegated to fending for themselves because they are homely, or who have a brood of kids aren't cooking either. This isn't the 70's.
Cooking is no different than anything else, you follow a procedure and pay attention. It's not feminine or masculine. If you need cooking to be either you should re-examine your life choices.

He says he makes the big bucks but eats at Costco when on a tight budget by using his mom's membership card. :lol

01-29-2024, 12:21 AM
Most women younger than 40 cannot cook, so when you say "a woman's cooking" you must be talking about your mom because women who aren't relegated to fending for themselves because they are homely, or who have a brood of kids aren't cooking either. This isn't the 70's.
Cooking is no different than anything else, you follow a procedure and pay attention. It's not feminine or masculine. If you need cooking to be either you should re-examine your life choices.

Big thanks to feminism for that one. Though I'd put that number at closer to 35. Italian women can generally cook though.

01-29-2024, 12:21 AM
He says he makes the big bucks but eats at Costco when on a tight budget by using his mom's membership card. :lol

Costco is a premium membership, while all the dindus just go to Sam's or eat at Walmart or sleep in tents outside Walmart tbh.

01-29-2024, 12:22 AM
Feminism is a mental illness

01-29-2024, 07:37 AM
Foods awful and eating sucks. I eat the bare minimum and as fast as possible. I hate eating. I hate feeling full. Men who think cooking makes them manly are cucks afraid of the cage desperate to validate a non existent masculinity. Imagine how stupid you have to be to find food entertaining.Literally embarrassing.

You need to serve more time for making this dumbarse post. :rolleyes

Tyronn Lue
01-29-2024, 08:46 AM
Feminism is a mental illness
Feminism has zero to do with not cooking. If you take a peek around you'll see that women actually work these days. How about that?

You have an archaic sense of entitlement and unlike the OP, yours seems genuine.

01-29-2024, 05:36 PM
If you take a peek around you'll see that women actually work these days.

This is literally what he means by feminism. He thinks women should be baby-making homebodies. No wonder he has to drive across country to get laid.

01-29-2024, 06:37 PM
Feminism has zero to do with not cooking. If you take a peek around you'll see that women actually work these days. How about that?

You have an archaic sense of entitlement and unlike the OP, yours seems genuine.

They work because they're poisoned by the schools and the colleges that they don't need a man and that living the single indepoondent life is more beneficial. It's part of the globalist left's long-term population control strategy. More indepoondent women -> more single, unmarried, childless women -> less babies -> more immigrant infestation -> white replacement & the globalists control our brains and win the great information war.

01-29-2024, 06:39 PM
This is literally what he means by feminism. He thinks women should be baby-making homebodies. No wonder he has to drive across country to get laid.

Not exactly. I support egalitarian relationships to an extent, as well as healthy and active lifestyles and diets for both women and men. The man assisting the woman in traditional womanly duties, and the woman assisting the man in traditional manly duties, promotes and fosters a healthy, compatible long-term monogamous relationship. However, the roles being completely reversed and tossed on their heads like what the globalist left actively promotes, leads to population loss, societal decay, and an increase in both inequality and government power and authority and a dissolution of individualism and freedom.

Tyronn Lue
01-29-2024, 08:43 PM
They work because they're poisoned by the schools and the colleges that they don't need a man and that living the single indepoondent life is more beneficial. It's part of the globalist left's long-term population control strategy. More indepoondent women -> more single, unmarried, childless women -> less babies -> more immigrant infestation -> white replacement & the globalists control our brains and win the great information war.
The incel manifesto

Still has nothing to do with cooking.

01-29-2024, 09:13 PM
The incel manifesto

Still has nothing to do with cooking.

I was cooking with my post. You have nothing to run on in 2024 now that the chinavirus and muhbortion are over. "Save Muh Demoocracy" is just.... :lmao

01-29-2024, 09:15 PM
As far as millennial women being less likely than previous generations' women to be competent at cooking in the household, it's because of feminism and more gen X women having to work instead of being stay at home mothers and home makers and teaching their daughters to be womanly and elegant instead of gender neutral and indepoondent.

Tyronn Lue
01-29-2024, 10:26 PM
I was cooking with my post. You have nothing to run on in 2024 now that the chinavirus and muhbortion are over. "Save Muh Demoocracy" is just.... :lmao
Meanwhile you hope your candidate stays out of prison.

Still not related to cooking. Go back to lying about your sex life.

Mark Celibate
01-29-2024, 10:29 PM
They work because they're poisoned by the schools and the colleges that they don't need a man and that living the single indepoondent life is more beneficial. It's part of the globalist left's long-term population control strategy. More indepoondent women -> more single, unmarried, childless women -> less babies -> more immigrant infestation -> white replacement & the globalists control our brains and win the great information war.

Also a tool to keep wages suppressed, since women are generally afraid to negotiate salary or take risks by jumping to another company. This is still pretty much the only reason you'll see a woman in 2024 still get paid less than a man for doing the same work. Some girl I dated a few years ago had the title "Director" in her job title and never broke $60k/yr despite being with the company for seven years :lol Meanwhile, I was well over double that my 7th year in my field because I job hopped more, risked getting let go once by demanding a significant raise or quitting, and counter offered several times with no backup plan. Women, in general, don't make those risks

Will Hunting
01-30-2024, 09:45 AM
Also a tool to keep wages suppressed, since women are generally afraid to negotiate salary or take risks by jumping to another company. This is still pretty much the only reason you'll see a woman in 2024 still get paid less than a man for doing the same work. Some girl I dated a few years ago had the title "Director" in her job title and never broke $60k/yr despite being with the company for seven years :lol Meanwhile, I was well over double that my 7th year in my field because I job hopped more, risked getting let go once by demanding a significant raise or quitting, and counter offered several times with no backup plan. Women, in general, don't make those risks
This is accurate. My mom was plenty successful as a lawyer but stayed with the same firm her entire career despite being perpetually undercompensated & treated horribly when she was one of the firm's top earners and worked harder than all the other partners. She was occasionally approached by other firms but couldn't go to that firm due to a client conflict, but if she was proactive about job hopping she'd have probably made 2x what she made over her career.

A lot of women see that and think it's discrimination when I think that's a mischaracterization; in corporate America your employer is going to stiff you on compensation as long as it thinks it can get away with it. I hate the cliche "a squeaky wheel gets the grease" but it's what anyone in a white collar private sector job should live by. If you're ever told by your employer that they "don't do off-cycle raises" it's a bold-faced lie. If you're a good performer and give them an ultimatum that you're quitting if you don't get a raise, they're not going to lose a good employee over a bureaucratic rule.

01-30-2024, 10:12 PM
This is accurate. My mom was plenty successful as a lawyer but stayed with the same firm her entire career despite being perpetually undercompensated & treated horribly when she was one of the firm's top earners and worked harder than all the other partners. She was occasionally approached by other firms but couldn't go to that firm due to a client conflict, but if she was proactive about job hopping she'd have probably made 2x what she made over her career.

A lot of women see that and think it's discrimination when I think that's a mischaracterization; in corporate America your employer is going to stiff you on compensation as long as it thinks it can get away with it. I hate the cliche "a squeaky wheel gets the grease" but it's what anyone in a white collar private sector job should live by. If you're ever told by your employer that they "don't do off-cycle raises" it's a bold-faced lie. If you're a good performer and give them an ultimatum that you're quitting if you don't get a raise, they're not going to lose a good employee over a bureaucratic rule.
it's a 100 percent what I've lived by since pretty much 8th grade.

01-30-2024, 10:13 PM
Meanwhile you hope your candidate stays out of prison.

Still not related to cooking. Go back to lying about your sex life.
he goes to prison in 2024 I pay you $800,000.00, and if he doesn't you pay me $800,000.00. Straight up; no welching. Man up, or you're a pussy.

01-31-2024, 07:55 AM
I don't believe in depression. As a man, there's no time to be depressed, we have too much sh!t to do. Who cares how you feel? You shouldn't care how you feel.

First of all, even if I knew you, I don't care about your depression. I guarantee you, a stranger doesn't care. Your boss doesn't care. Best case scenario is you find someone who pretends to care just long enough to where you get a dopamine hit until they've had enough and quit talking to you as well. In the meantime, I'm already a billionaire, I own hundreds of luxury cars, and I f*ck hot women every night. Life is too competitive to feel depressed all the time. I'm already that much ahead of you, that if you just walk around moping and feeling sorry for yourself, I will just completely BURY you to the point that you have no chance of ever dreaming of being in the same ballpark as me.

From not eating to jail to a billionaire...

Why the fk do you care about being "ahead" of people?
Exactly who is chasing you?
"Im not paranoid, but THEY are indeed after me."

Get fixed.

01-31-2024, 07:58 AM
he goes to prison in 2024 I pay you $800,000.00, and if he doesn't you pay me $800,000.00. Straight up; no welching. Man up, or you're a pussy.

Just a minor Venmo exchange stand off.
But a very manly challenge.

The mental illness on this board is spreading.

Mark Celibate
01-31-2024, 09:24 AM
From not eating to jail to a billionaire...

Why the fk do you care about being "ahead" of people?
Exactly who is chasing you?
"Im not paranoid, but THEY are indeed after me."

Get fixed.

the autism is strong with this one…

01-31-2024, 09:53 AM
Just a minor Venmo exchange stand off.
But a very manly challenge.

The mental illness on this board is spreading.
When you're rich, you don't use Venmo...

Straight cash, homie.

Tyronn Lue
01-31-2024, 03:31 PM
he goes to prison in 2024 I pay you $800,000.00, and if he doesn't you pay me $800,000.00. Straight up; no welching. Man up, or you're a pussy.

Tyronn Lue
01-31-2024, 03:32 PM
Just a minor Venmo exchange stand off.
But a very manly challenge.

The mental illness on this board is spreading.
When you see a 50 dollar bet you know it's real. When you see a 500K bet you know it's bullshit. Definitely not a value bet.

01-31-2024, 04:27 PM

Yup, with the money he saved by eating at Costco using his mom’s membership, sure, he has $800K to wager. :lmao

01-31-2024, 05:43 PM
When you see a 50 dollar bet you know it's real. When you see a 500K bet you know it's bullshit. Definitely not a value bet.

50 dollars couldn't pay for my dinner. Please.

Tyronn Lue
01-31-2024, 05:47 PM
50 dollars couldn't pay for my dinner. Please.
But you didn't bet dinner. You wanted to bet 800K. No mature adult serious about himself would ever propose such a silly wager online. You're a clown and you're the only one who doesn't know it.

02-01-2024, 06:13 PM
Also a tool to keep wages suppressed, since women are generally afraid to negotiate salary or take risks by jumping to another company. This is still pretty much the only reason you'll see a woman in 2024 still get paid less than a man for doing the same work. Some girl I dated a few years ago had the title "Director" in her job title and never broke $60k/yr despite being with the company for seven years :lol Meanwhile, I was well over double that my 7th year in my field because I job hopped more, risked getting let go once by demanding a significant raise or quitting, and counter offered several times with no backup plan. Women, in general, don't make those risks

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

02-01-2024, 10:23 PM
When you're rich, you don't use Venmo...

Straight cash, homie.

Exactly my point idiot.
You think this dork is rich.

And you make a bet that will NEVER happen. Like you have money for this ever to occur…

Go slap yourself in the crotch.

02-01-2024, 10:26 PM
the autism is strong with this one…


Lying sack of shit.
You really think people believe your bizarre bs wealth and what you have achieved?

Mark Celibate
02-01-2024, 11:02 PM

Lying sack of shit.
You really think people believe your bizarre bs wealth and what you have achieved?

:lol tbh you really are one of those autistic geniuses....I think I recall a few years ago we talked in a thread about Quantum Physics or something, but this extremely lazy low level sh1tposting is completely going over your head imho

Mark Celibate
02-01-2024, 11:04 PM
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

I would rather listen to a 10 hr loop of Gayson Goatett going on about the 'Process' while leading the Cuckboys to an 8-8 record every season for the rest of eternity then have a daughter IMO

02-02-2024, 08:36 PM
:lol tbh you really are one of those autistic geniuses....I think I recall a few years ago we talked in a thread about Quantum Physics or something, but this extremely lazy low level sh1tposting is completely going over your head imho

I am a genius?
That is comically ridiculous.

I am basically saying one thing.
Gtf OFF this high horse bullshit.
This is a basketball board, your claims are perfectly silly.
And I am autistic... sure thing.

Go somewhere else with this shit.
Do you realize the irony of you calling me autistic when you make up some silly race you are in with the rest of the males in the world.
Just stop posting. And your deep problem with women is totally in line with this malady.

Tyronn Lue
02-04-2024, 01:54 PM
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Today you have about 50/50 chance of having a lesbian daughter or a Gay son vs your scenario, so either way you could face the same odds of them having them face down with a pillow under their hips.

Mark Celibate
02-05-2024, 09:22 AM
I am a genius?
That is comically ridiculous.

I am basically saying one thing.
Gtf OFF this high horse bullshit.
This is a basketball board, your claims are perfectly silly.
And I am autistic... sure thing.

Go somewhere else with this shit.
Do you realize the irony of you calling me autistic when you make up some silly race you are in with the rest of the males in the world.
Just stop posting. And your deep problem with women is totally in line with this malady.

:lol more autistic rambling

02-05-2024, 09:51 PM
:lol more autistic rambling

“Life is too competitive to be depressed”

wtf is wrong with you?
Your ENTIRE life is about some delusional competition and I’m autistic…
You need to pull yourself out of your fictional battles.

Do something for fun. Can you. Find something funny to laugh at for Gods sake…

Tyronn Lue
02-08-2024, 12:57 PM

OP: "breathing is for faggots"
Posters: "I've all but stopped breathing, I've found it's not really needed"
Other posters: "I type a lot because I refuse to breathe"

02-08-2024, 02:30 PM

OP: "breathing is for faggots"
Posters: "I've all but stopped breathing, I've found it's not really needed"
Other posters: "I type a lot because I refuse to breathe"



04-16-2024, 08:37 PM
Fellows, I have recently found a most delicious snick/snack. Cookie Pop Popcorn OREO...made with Real Oreo Cookie Pieces.

A couple months back I took a flyer on it at the WalMart, just as a whimsy. It sat on my snack shelf near a month till I finally grabbed it because there was nothing else left. A GD delicacy. I figured you know rich, cheap, crap. No. Uh, uh. I was so happy. I went back up the next day and bought all five bags they had. It was on the top shelf and I had a dickens of the time getting all five down after I finally found it after 3 GD trips back and forth down that chip aisle. I was no longer 70 and shuffling thru that store. I'd remember somebody had left a broom in the next aisle over. I got that broom and finagled every single bag down. I was stretching. I shook at the effort. But I got 'em all. More than 3 dollars a bag, but it's worth it, trust me.

Go. Go now!

Love always,

- Dale
