View Full Version : Jerry Jones puts down san antonio on nfl team

King Manu
11-02-2005, 09:47 PM

Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys take on San Antonio said "It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."

Now it's sad how san antonio fans still root for the cowboys when jerry jones is saying garbage like this. people that support the cowboys are traitors to san antonio.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2005, 09:49 PM

Yep, soccer lovin' San Antone.

N.Y. Johnny
11-02-2005, 10:01 PM
Now it's sad how san antonio fans still root for the cowboys when jerry jones is saying garbage like this. people that support the cowboys are traitors to san antonio.

I don't disagree that Jones is an ass, but I see it as Cowboy fans simply loving their team because they grew up loving and watching the team, but they didn't exactly have to love the owner....

god knows I wish Woody Johnson would just drop dead or sell the Jets to someone that would actually like and want to win..he's a terrible owner and not an improvement over Leon Hess....Jones is an asshat of an owner, certainly not a fine gentleman that Texx Shramm used to be

but alot of the Cowboys fans here grew up with the Dallas Cowboys and love the team, because there wasn't anything else but probably don't necessarily like Jones at all.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-02-2005, 10:07 PM
What do you expect Jerry to say? He makes about 5-6 million a year in Cowboys gear revenue from South Texas.

11-02-2005, 10:09 PM
The message is pretty clear. To Jerry, we're all just a bunch of soccer lovin mexicans down here in San Antonio.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2005, 11:47 PM
Interesting public comment from Jones. Sounds defeatist more than anything else. Perhaps a very good sign for SA.

11-03-2005, 12:02 AM
Uuummm...in the article that is linked JJ doesnt say any of that and actually says he has no problem with a team in SA

11-03-2005, 12:10 AM
"I would be very shocked if the Saints permanently relocated to San Antonio," said Gary Roberts, the director of the sports law program at Tulane. "San Antonio, for all kinds of reasons, is not a good place for relocation.

"It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."

Yeah, it looks like this is Roberts saying this not Jones. Either way those are fighting words. Hey, I understand Cowboy fans' point of view in that they grew up watching them so it's hard to give it up. But like a couple of people said it's only because San Antonio doesn't have an NFL team. But if SA has it's own team then fuck 'em. Fuck Jones even if he didn't say that. He will NOT have control over this city.

11-03-2005, 12:13 AM
You idiots.

That quote was not by Jerry Jones.

"I would be very shocked if the Saints permanently relocated to San Antonio," said Gary Roberts, the director of the sports law program at Tulane. "San Antonio, for all kinds of reasons, is not a good place for relocation.

"It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."

Go ahead and start deleting all of those posts you made in the other threads now.

11-03-2005, 12:53 AM
I was gonna say. .Jerry Jones get's a lot of his coke and botox money from us.. he would not say that.

11-03-2005, 02:54 AM
What Jerry feels:

Jerry Jones, making a public appearance in New York, said he would not oppose having an NFL team in San Antonio

What some dumbass tool from Tulane said:

"It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

Shiner Bock Girl
11-03-2005, 09:24 AM

Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys take on San Antonio said "It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."

Now it's sad how san antonio fans still root for the cowboys when jerry jones is saying garbage like this. people that support the cowboys are traitors to san antonio.

Hell i don't know anyone here that prefers soccer to the NFL, what an idiot...Iam tired of jerks telling us in SA what we like and don't like.....Is there even a soccer team near by??? LOL....

11-03-2005, 09:40 AM
Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys take on San Antonio said "It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."

"I would be very shocked if the Saints permanently relocated to San Antonio," said Gary Roberts, the director of the sports law program at Tulane. "San Antonio, for all kinds of reasons, is not a good place for relocation.

"It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."


Oh, Gee!!
11-03-2005, 09:55 AM
Soccer? JJ must think we're all illegals down here.

11-03-2005, 10:37 AM
Hell i don't know anyone here that prefers soccer to the NFL, what an idiot...Iam tired of jerks telling us in SA what we like and don't like.....Is there even a soccer team near by??? LOL....

Yea, I don't care who said it. The person is ignorant. Soccer? Forget our high school football fever on the weekends, forget our tv football ratings, our NBA Championship Spurs, Misions baseball, our Alamobowl. We're soccer lovin mexicans. :rolleyes

He's obviously an idiot for saying that, whomever it was. No care in the world to make a statement like that without researching or really knowing anything about SA.

Mayor Garza, is that you?

11-03-2005, 10:45 AM
arriba arriba frijoles

Hook Dem
11-03-2005, 10:59 AM
Mayor Garza, is that you?".....................................And thats exactly where that shit came from. Fuck Garza and his soccer lovin ass!

11-03-2005, 11:06 AM
The message is pretty clear. To Jerry, we're all just a bunch of soccer lovin mexicans down here in San Antonio.

Yep, even us French/Cajuns. I had to turn off the soccer game just now so I could pay attention to the threads. :rolleyes

Extra Stout
11-03-2005, 11:12 AM
First of all, I would like to clarify my position that the Saints should return to New Orleans if at all possible.


I would be very shocked if the Saints permanently relocated to San Antonio. San Antonio, for all kinds of reasons, is not a good place for relocation.

It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to.

Now, I'm saying this as a non-resident of San Antonio, who gets annoyed at some of its vestigial small-town, woe-is-me thinking.

But seriously. In consecutive sentences, he says that San Antonio both already follows 2 NFL teams yet doesn't really the follow the NFL because Mexicans like soccer better. Not only is that self-contradictory, but he's malevolently parroting a racial stereotype of Hispanics, which makes him a bigot.

What you have here is somebody abusing the "prestige" of his position in academia (however much prestige "sports law" has) to make an emotional outburst because he's mad about this whole Saints situation. In other words, this guy is a hack.

And I think most folks understand that San Antonio is not a big market. Bigger than New Orleans? Yes. Growing? Yes. Undesirable? Well, if it is, then that guy just undercut the whole argument behind keeping the Saints in New Orleans, because San Antonio is a larger, wealthier market than New Orleans with a much stronger corporate presence.

Now, while I understand that New Orleans is a decadent, second-rate city, it doesn't help its cause when its "leaders" and "experts" continually reinforce that fact in people's minds with their every utterance. Either they need to shut up and let Tagliabue handle it, or get some remedial "How Not To Sound Like a Doltish Hack" lessons.

11-03-2005, 11:19 AM
How do you say "Keep it down! I'm trying to watch soccer here!" in Spanish? :spin

Extra Stout
11-03-2005, 11:24 AM
Shouldn't it be pointed out that New Orleans isn't a suitable market because of its substantial Cajun population that prefers alligator wrestling and mule races to American football?

Oh, Gee!!
11-03-2005, 11:26 AM

11-03-2005, 11:34 AM
Shouldn't it be pointed out that New Orleans isn't a suitable market because of its substantial Cajun population that prefers alligator wrestling and mule races to American football?

Actually, the football is ok when played in the Dome. They have bars that sell real booze. Ooops, my bad. Used to have bars......

11-03-2005, 11:47 AM
First of all, I would like to clarify my position that the Saints should return to New Orleans if at all possible.


Now, I'm saying this as a non-resident of San Antonio, who gets annoyed at some of its vestigial small-town, woe-is-me thinking.

But seriously. In consecutive sentences, he says that San Antonio both already follows 2 NFL teams yet doesn't really the follow the NFL because Mexicans like soccer better. Not only is that self-contradictory, but he's malevolently parroting a racial stereotype of Hispanics, which makes him a bigot.

What you have here is somebody abusing the "prestige" of his position in academia (however much prestige "sports law" has) to make an emotional outburst because he's mad about this whole Saints situation. In other words, this guy is a hack.

And I think most folks understand that San Antonio is not a big market. Bigger than New Orleans? Yes. Growing? Yes. Undesirable? Well, if it is, then that guy just undercut the whole argument behind keeping the Saints in New Orleans, because San Antonio is a larger, wealthier market than New Orleans with a much stronger corporate presence.

Now, while I understand that New Orleans is a decadent, second-rate city, it doesn't help its cause when its "leaders" and "experts" continually reinforce that fact in people's minds with their every utterance. Either they need to shut up and let Tagliabue handle it, or get some remedial "How Not To Sound Like a Doltish Hack" lessons.

This guy is from Tulane...I would take whatever he says with a grain of salt. Actually I wouldn't beleive a word of what he says now that I think about it. He is a hack for sure.

Shiner Bock Girl
11-03-2005, 04:28 PM
Actually, the football is ok when played in the Dome. They have bars that sell real booze. Ooops, my bad. Used to have bars......
:lol :lol :lol

11-03-2005, 06:38 PM
Actually, the football is ok when played in the Dome. They have bars that sell real booze. Ooops, my bad. Used to have bars......
The same as San Antonio used to be Mexico. Ooops, my bad. Still is......

11-03-2005, 06:50 PM
The same as San Antonio used to be Mexico. Ooops, my bad. Still is......

San Antonio is still Mexico?

:lol :lol :lol

I bet it took you all day to come up with that racist comment.


11-03-2005, 07:18 PM
San Antonio is still Mexico?

:lol :lol :lol

I bet it took you all day to come up with that racist comment.

Oooops, my bad.
I thought someone who loved The Office would get it.
And yes, I did write this on Friday

Shiner Bock Girl
11-03-2005, 07:56 PM
Oooops, my bad.
I thought someone who loved The Office would get it.
And yes, I did write this on Friday

Hey give the dude a break, after all, his team is the BUCKS...Need i say more???

11-03-2005, 09:50 PM
But seriously. In consecutive sentences, he says that San Antonio both already follows 2 NFL teams yet doesn't really the follow the NFL because Mexicans like soccer better. Not only is that self-contradictory, but he's malevolently parroting a racial stereotype of Hispanics, which makes him a bigot.

I don't think it's a malevolent racial stereotype any more than it would be to say that mexican americans tend to like refried beans -- he's talking about demographic preferences. He just happens to be, you know, completely wrong in this instance.

11-03-2005, 10:12 PM
Hey give the dude a break, after all, his team is the BUCKS...Need i say more???
I would prefer if you didn't, but I'm sure that you will.
Being a Saints supporter, the Bucks should be a GREAT step up, and if you want to be one, then maybe you should understand. But then, it makes a change from being a Bulls supporter.

Shiner Bock Girl
11-03-2005, 10:15 PM
I would prefer if you didn't, but I'm sure that you will.
Being a Saints supporter, the Bucks should be a GREAT step up, and if you want to be one, then maybe you should understand. But then, it makes a change from being a Bulls supporter.

MMMM, i don't i have a clue what the hell he just said...lol.... :huh

11-03-2005, 11:09 PM

Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys take on San Antonio said "It's not a big market. It's a market that already has allegiances to two other NFL teams (the Cowboys and Houston Texans). And it's a city with a huge Hispanic population that likes soccer better than American football.

"There's no way that 24 teams in the National Football League are going to vote for any team to move to San Antonio. It's just not a market worth going to."

Now it's sad how san antonio fans still root for the cowboys when jerry jones is saying garbage like this. people that support the cowboys are traitors to san antonio.

Living in SA and rooting for the Cowboys doesn't make me a traitor at all. It's the team I'm rooting for not the city of Dallas. There is a difference!! Besides, I'm going to root for whatever team I want.........PERIOD!!

11-03-2005, 11:13 PM
from a life long cowboy fan.............fuck dallas. puro san antonio.

somebody send this to that cowboy ass kisser charlie parker.

Then you never were a life long Cowboy fan!

11-04-2005, 09:40 AM
well the fact that this roberts guy says san antonio is nothing but a bunch of mexicans (doesnt even use the word hispanics) who like soccer is like me saying new orleans is a bunch of blacks (when it actually is in all trueness) who like watermelon. just another typical sterotype.

N.Y. Johnny
11-04-2005, 09:49 AM
The same as San Antonio used to be Mexico. Ooops, my bad. Still is......


11-04-2005, 09:51 AM
well the fact that this roberts guy says san antonio is nothing but a bunch of mexicans (doesnt even use the word hispanics) who like soccer is like me saying new orleans is a bunch of blacks (when it actually is in all trueness) who like watermelon. just another typical sterotype.

I'm not black...but I do like watermelon.

Shiner Bock Girl
11-04-2005, 05:30 PM
I'm not black...but I do like watermelon.

Me too!! Hey we agreed on something...LOL....Thats scarry :lol

11-04-2005, 05:31 PM
Me too!! Hey we agreed on something...LOL....Thats scarry :lol

Well hell...I guess it had to happen sometime. :oops :lol

Shiner Bock Girl
11-04-2005, 05:33 PM
I'm not black...but I do like watermelon.

Ok Tgrg, i want to ask you a serious question...What is it like in NOLA right now, i mean as far as businesses opening and coming back...

Kip Fanatic
11-04-2005, 06:00 PM

11-04-2005, 06:16 PM
Ok Tgrg, i want to ask you a serious question...What is it like in NOLA right now, i mean as far as businesses opening and coming back...

Well I would say it is going fairly well. Not as good as it could be but certainly not as bad as some would think.

Fortunately, from a business perspective at least, many of the worst hit areas were residental. Sure they had some small and large businesses in some of the majorly flood areas....but the central business district and the French Quarter were for the most part spared extensive damage.

The biggest problem right now is for these companies to find employees. Everyone is hiring...it is crazy how high the labor rates have jumped. I honestly couldn't tell you one company where you couldn't walk in the door and apply for a job and not get it. Burger King is offering $6000 signing bonses to employees who retain employment for 1 year. Jobs that used to be minimum wage are paying $10-$12 p/hour.

I wish I could put some kind of number on it for you as to how many businesses are open now as compared to pre storm numbers....but it is really hard to tell. Some business like Wal-mart and grocery stores are closing early at around 6:00 or so because they just don't have enough people to work all shifts. But they are open, with long lines in most stores and some empty shelves or some products.

Bourbon street is packed again almost every night. Mostly with workers from other states. Hotels are opening back up in the heart of the city..restaurants are opening up daily (as a matter of fact one of my favorites is opening tonight and I am headed there in a minute :rollin ).

If I hear something about official numbers are something I will pass it on. But in general I would say that business wise the city is fair to midland at the moment. Hopefully it will keep picking up like it has been...because there is promise.

11-04-2005, 06:29 PM
Good to hear.

Shiner Bock Girl
11-04-2005, 06:43 PM
Well I would say it is going fairly well. Not as good as it could be but certainly not as bad as some would think.

Fortunately, from a business perspective at least, many of the worst hit areas were residental. Sure they had some small and large businesses in some of the majorly flood areas....but the central business district and the French Quarter were for the most part spared extensive damage.

The biggest problem right now is for these companies to find employees. Everyone is hiring...it is crazy how high the labor rates have jumped. I honestly couldn't tell you one company where you couldn't walk in the door and apply for a job and not get it. Burger King is offering $6000 signing bonses to employees who retain employment for 1 year. Jobs that used to be minimum wage are paying $10-$12 p/hour.

I wish I could put some kind of number on it for you as to how many businesses are open now as compared to pre storm numbers....but it is really hard to tell. Some business like Wal-mart and grocery stores are closing early at around 6:00 or so because they just don't have enough people to work all shifts. But they are open, with long lines in most stores and some empty shelves or some products.

Bourbon street is packed again almost every night. Mostly with workers from other states. Hotels are opening back up in the heart of the city..restaurants are opening up daily (as a matter of fact one of my favorites is opening tonight and I am headed there in a minute :rollin ).

If I hear something about official numbers are something I will pass it on. But in general I would say that business wise the city is fair to midland at the moment. Hopefully it will keep picking up like it has been...because there is promise.

Well aside from any name calling since you have not been as harsh as loose cannon, i appreciate your info. It looks like things are looking up for NOLA, and even though it won't happen overnite at leasts businesses are making efforts instead of fleeing. I am at a point where i guess i feel the Saints should go back and see if they can make it there. If not then at least SA will not be noted as monsters that we are protreyed as. But in all honesty, there are many san antonions who do not have a clue what all is going onwith the saints. Many just want to prove we can support an NFL team. But it looks like Tags would never let that happen no matter how namy games we'd sell out of prove ourselves worthy. Well time for me to head to work. Nite all.

11-05-2005, 10:04 AM
Cowboys' owner says decision on Saints should wait

NEW YORK -- Jerry Jones believes this is not the time to talk about moving the New Orleans Saints.

"We have to address the basic situation for the people of New Orleans and the conditions there," the Dallas Cowboys' owner said Tuesday. "There's no solution today that's acceptable."

The Saints have been based in San Antonio since being driven from New Orleans in late August by Hurricane Katrina. They have been practiced in San Antonio and played some home games there at the Alamodome and in Baton Rouge, La.

Their "home opener" was played at the home of their opponent, the New York Giants.

Saints owner Tom Benson has not commented on the team's future.

The team has a contract to play at the Superdome through 2010, but could opt out by Nov. 29 under certain conditions. The building was badly damaged by Katrina.

But there have been reports Benson would like to move the team to San Antonio and has been talking to city officials there. He also fired executive vice president Arnold Fielkow, an outspoken proponent of keeping the team in New Orleans.

On Monday, commissioner Paul Tagliabue attempted to quash the San Antonio talk.

"The Saints are Louisiana's team and have been since the late '60s when my predecessor Pete Rozelle welcomed them to the league as New Orleans' team and Louisiana's team," Tagliabue said. "Our focus continues to be on having the Saints in Louisiana."

Jones, in New York to introduce Sheryl Crow as the halftime entertainer for the Cowboys' Thanksgiving Day game, said he would have no objection to an NFL team in San Antonio even though Texas already has teams in Dallas and Houston. The Cowboys have a strong fan base in San Antonio and trained there in the past.

But he emphasized that he's not pushing for it.

"Football has been an inspiration to people who have other troubles," Jones said. "There are problems throughout New Orleans and Louisiana. We owe to those people not to take football from them."

The Associated Press News Service

Copyright 2004-2005, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved


11-05-2005, 01:13 PM
Cowboys' owner says decision on Saints should wait

NEW YORK -- Jerry Jones believes this is not the time to talk about moving the New Orleans Saints.

"We have to address the basic situation for the people of New Orleans and the conditions there," the Dallas Cowboys' owner said Tuesday. "There's no solution today that's acceptable."

The Saints have been based in San Antonio since being driven from New Orleans in late August by Hurricane Katrina. They have been practiced in San Antonio and played some home games there at the Alamodome and in Baton Rouge, La.

Their "home opener" was played at the home of their opponent, the New York Giants.

Saints owner Tom Benson has not commented on the team's future.

The team has a contract to play at the Superdome through 2010, but could opt out by Nov. 29 under certain conditions. The building was badly damaged by Katrina.

But there have been reports Benson would like to move the team to San Antonio and has been talking to city officials there. He also fired executive vice president Arnold Fielkow, an outspoken proponent of keeping the team in New Orleans.

On Monday, commissioner Paul Tagliabue attempted to quash the San Antonio talk.

"The Saints are Louisiana's team and have been since the late '60s when my predecessor Pete Rozelle welcomed them to the league as New Orleans' team and Louisiana's team," Tagliabue said. "Our focus continues to be on having the Saints in Louisiana."

Jones, in New York to introduce Sheryl Crow as the halftime entertainer for the Cowboys' Thanksgiving Day game, said he would have no objection to an NFL team in San Antonio even though Texas already has teams in Dallas and Houston. The Cowboys have a strong fan base in San Antonio and trained there in the past.

But he emphasized that he's not pushing for it.

"Football has been an inspiration to people who have other troubles," Jones said. "There are problems throughout New Orleans and Louisiana. We owe to those people not to take football from them."

The Associated Press News Service

Copyright 2004-2005, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved


a lot different than what everyone thought he said. He was actually pretty class with his remarks. Refrained from bad mouthing san antonio as a bad market and mad a good effort with relating to the people of New Orleans.

11-05-2005, 01:29 PM
Mexicans like soccer. Texans like football, and San Antonio, with a large Mexican-American population, is mostly Texans. That was an ignorant statement and a stupid argument to keep an NFL team out of San Antonio. It doesn't change the fact that the Saints need to eventually go back to New Orleans.