View Full Version : Richard Jefferson takes off for a poster dunk

10-08-2015, 02:41 AM
He got more juice left than Porker*SMH*:


Meanwhile Vince loses fight to father time:


Sean Cagney
10-08-2015, 02:52 AM
I still like RJ for giving the Spurs the spark in 013 playoffs game one missing those FTs, other than that screw dick... Nice little dunk though I must admit, from time to time he can actually show sone passion and do shit.

10-08-2015, 07:57 AM
But can he make a FT when it counts?

10-08-2015, 07:57 AM
Cavs buying Spurs' Corporate knowledge from Dick

10-08-2015, 08:53 AM
Good dunk tbh. Better than those 6'9 guys dunking on 6'3 guys with people jizzing their panties over it.

10-08-2015, 10:05 AM
Cavs buying Spurs' Corporate knowledge from Dick

From Austin Daye too apparently.

Perry Mason
10-08-2015, 10:07 AM
I'm pretty sure RJ was something like -16 in this preseason game. But I didn't really look that close.

10-08-2015, 12:48 PM
Porker is the lamest insult really, it's amazing it caught on here. Oh wait this is ST, a forum that still thinks calling someone a faggot behind the comfort of a screen proves ones masculinity.

10-08-2015, 12:52 PM
Defensive breakdown so 6'7" NBA player has clear path to rim and 5 advance steps to dunk.
Big deal.

10-08-2015, 01:48 PM
Vince Carter though. He looked out of shape, chubby for his standards.

Blue Duck
10-08-2015, 10:33 PM
Everyone on here hates him, and I never quite got it. I mean, he always spoke very highly of his coaches and teammates, and by all accounts, he worked extremely hard to transform and refine his game to fit the team's needs. It just didn't work out. I really don't get it, along with the Bonner hate. Why hate on the nice guys with positive attitude? Oh well, whatever, I wish him well.

10-08-2015, 10:55 PM
For all of the reaction it got I thought the dunk would be better. Jefferson barely got off the floor :lol

10-08-2015, 11:03 PM
Everyone on here hates him, and I never quite got it. I mean, he always spoke very highly of his coaches and teammates, and by all accounts, he worked extremely hard to transform and refine his game to fit the team's needs. It just didn't work out.

He played shitty defense and was a turnover machine. Missed free throws in the clutch, and his touted "athleticism" was a shell of what it used to be in New Jersey.

10-08-2015, 11:03 PM
For all of the reaction it got I thought the dunk would be better. Jefferson barely got off the floor :lol

It looked to me, like he took off, and realized at the peak jump, that he wasn't anywhere close to rim and had to awkwardly reach to the rim. Maybe it's preseason and no one goes 100%, , but a better more athletic guy would get an and one in that situation.

10-08-2015, 11:07 PM
Everyone on here hates him, and I never quite got it. I mean, he always spoke very highly of his coaches and teammates, and by all accounts, he worked extremely hard to transform and refine his game to fit the team's needs. It just didn't work out. I really don't get it, along with the Bonner hate. Why hate on the nice guys with positive attitude? Oh well, whatever, I wish him well.

agreed. hard workers who do their best to play whatever role the team needs.

10-08-2015, 11:14 PM
Meh. It's was ok. Lebrons reaction was way over the top.

10-08-2015, 11:17 PM
Meh. It's was ok. Lebrons reaction was way over the top.

It was a pre season game. Nothing better happened so it was a highlight by default.

10-09-2015, 12:09 AM
Everyone on here hates him, and I never quite got it. I mean, he always spoke very highly of his coaches and teammates, and by all accounts, he worked extremely hard to transform and refine his game to fit the team's needs. It just didn't work out. I really don't get it, along with the Bonner hate. Why hate on the nice guys with positive attitude? Oh well, whatever, I wish him well.

The guy has ZERO heart & is as soft as cotton. He's the exact opposite of Stephen Jackson, nobody cares how nice he is if he doesn't bring it on the court.

Blue Duck
10-09-2015, 10:13 AM
Respectfully, I disagree with some of these takes on what matters in determining the set of attributes that are desirable. Jackson was selfish and immature and violent. All of those on court antics, the chest pounding and the snarling, it doesn't mean someone is tougher than a player who is more subdued. Jackson provided this team with one good playoff run on a team that was already Stacked and believed his own hype machine. He needed duncan to keep him in line, by his own admission, and that demonstrates weak character. Jefferson tried his best to earn the contract he was given and make the team better, in the end he just couldn't. No reason to hate. I grew up rooting for the spurs that were genuinely good guys, or at least they are as far as we know, and I prefer it that way. Sorry, I'd rather have guys like bonner than someone that would be "slangin rocks" if not for genetic luck of the draw. I grew up believing that sports were about building character and all of that, and call me sappy, but I'd rather have a team made up of guys I can pull for than a bunch of embarassment to humanity bringing me rings.

10-09-2015, 10:15 AM
Fuck you and fuck Bonner. That ginger fuck has been the biggest waste of money in Spurs history.

10-09-2015, 10:28 AM
I said it when he sign with cavs, rj as bench player with no expatiations would have been good sign for the spurs, could have give serviceable regular season minutes, nice guy...

10-09-2015, 10:31 AM
If you would rather have RJ over Tony, you are nuts!

UNT Eagles 2016
10-09-2015, 11:18 AM
I still like RJ for giving the Spurs the spark in 013 playoffs game one missing those FTs, other than that screw dick... Nice little dunk though I must admit, from time to time he can actually show sone passion and do shit.
nah, fuck that, I'd have rather lost that series tbh

Sean Cagney
10-09-2015, 01:16 PM
nah, fuck that, I'd have rather lost that series tbh

If it doesn't end in a title I agree, but glad they won that game as it was some great entertainment... The end though was just flat out disgusting and ruined some of my summer. I am glad the next year they avenged that.

10-09-2015, 01:38 PM
Fuck you and fuck Bonner. That ginger fuck has been the biggest waste of money in Spurs history.

The cockroach of the franchise

Blue Duck
10-09-2015, 04:59 PM
I assume that "fuck you" was meant for me, so I'll try to temper my response with restraint. Bonner is not as bad as posters here indicate, his attitude, work ethic and humility are greatly appreciated by his peers, it's not all about wind mill dunks. If you would like to debate, in the future, please act like a spurs fan and a true texan, not Kool-aid man. We're better than that.

10-09-2015, 05:02 PM
I assume that "fuck you" was meant for me, so I'll try to temper my response with restraint. Bonner is not as bad as posters here indicate, his attitude, work ethic and humility are greatly appreciated by his peers, it's not all about wind mill dunks. If you would like to debate, in the future, please act like a spurs fan and a true texan, not Kool-aid man. We're better than that.

Bonner received too much blame here in his prime, I used to routinely defend him, tbh, but he's definitely horrible nowadays, I don't think it's arguable..

Blue Duck
10-09-2015, 09:50 PM
Definitely not as good as he once was, although I would argue that is difficult for even a prototype NBA great talent to play with any real consistency when his minutes are meted out so sporadically. Rhythm is key.

UNT Eagles 2016
10-09-2015, 10:27 PM
If it doesn't end in a title I agree, but glad they won that game as it was some great entertainment... The end though was just flat out disgusting and ruined some of my summer. I am glad the next year they avenged that.
It ruined my entire summer. That, and my thyroid cancer scare (turned out to be an immune reaction to remnants of a bad cold which inflamed my hyperthyroidism). And that was the only summer in my life other than 2008 in which I caught a cold. I also had a two-week bout with food poisoning that summer due to eating a slightly rotten mango from Guatemala. And I had to get three cavities filled later that summer.

And the girl that I had talked to for several months since that spring that we had planned to be in a relationship together upon entering UNT stopped liking me and started hating me out of the blue because she all of a sudden got ultra racist/black supremacist after her white prom date at her high school dropped her off in a ditch and went out with his cousin instead. (her HS was in Ardmore, South Oklahoma Shady 580.) I haven't talked to her in 2 years, and I still don't have a GF.

Fuck 2013, an all out shitty year. Also

January 1 (yes, New Year's Day): went to La Cantera and bought some dress shoes and my first grown man suit and tie
January 15: got rejected from Stanford undergrad
February 4: found out I was valedictorian of my high school
March 1: first met Amanda, the aforementioned girl from south Oklahoma, at a campus tour at UNT on the road up IH-35 to my great great uncle's funeral in Omaha
March 7: got rejected from Tier One Scholar at UHouston undergrad
Also in March: found out I'd only get 3/4 cost of attendance paid for if I went to UT or A&M
April 1: Drove to Dallas and interviewed for Terry Scholarship at UNT
April 15: Rejected by Terry Scholarship foundation (and the Boston Massacre, but who cares)
May: my high school kept sodomizing me telling me I'd need to take most of the final exams because I missed 3 class days even though I was the fucking valedictorian and shit
June 11: graduated, had to give a stupid valedictorian speech on stage that my mom wrote to 609 blurry black caps and gowns in the Alamodome
June 18: :grim::eyebrows:grim:... :wow:D:D:wow ... :grim::wtf:bang:grim:... :wow:D:lobt2::cry:D:D:D ... :grim: ... :cuss ... :pctoss... :grim: ... :flipoff:cuss:cuss:pctoss ...:depressed

June 20: :shootme... :(... :depressed

July 2: Ultrasound on thyroid/neck lymph nodes
July 5: Negative result
July 7-12: Stomach infection / food poisoning from strange fruit, high ass fever
July 14-16: Freshman orientation at UNT (boooooooring)
July 21-August 1: bad respiratory cold/infection, another high fever
August 7: dentist, cavities, ugh
August 24: my first college date, but not who I really wanted obviously... didn't get laid with, we never had a second date
August 25: my second college date, again not with someone ideal... total nympho, an animal freak, 10 cats and 3 dogs and 6 rats as pets... yeah. I didn't have sex with her but it was primarily my choice.
August 28: My first day of college classes
August 24-October 2nd: my time in my first dorm hall, I make some friends and some enemies, including the girl I had planned to spend my life with and marry until she started hating me for no reason
October 4: I have to leave my dorm (as well as my enemy) for a new dorm because of a fight that the Dean determined to be a big ass deal and shit
October 5-May 2014: my time in my second dorm hall, the nerdy honors hall, nobody to meet there, boring dorm life
October 15: I got eliminated from a karaoke contest for money even though my performance was the best. WTF???!?
November 23: UNT loses at home to UTSA, a shocker, I get wasted AF that night with some offbeat Mexican fraternity (Alpha Tau Omega?), but I didn't get laid. Bummer.
December 5-10: "Icepocalypse"; school shuts down, finals postponed, all-out hell, I scrape my knee in the snow, change my major, and didn't get laid. Eh.
December 13: I finally return to SA. I'm happy to see my mom at this point.
December 23: I finally get my long awaited LASIK surgery
The rest of December: I have to spend wearing goggles 24/7, even to bed, even on Christmas. Shit was terrible

FUCK 2013, tbh

Sean Cagney
10-09-2015, 11:26 PM
couldnt figure out why he was shit here

yes he was fkn passive hanging out on the perimeter doing nothing, whether it was touches or not, then again the spurs dont have a pass first pg to feed him...

seriously he looked like he was still a top10 sf in t he league when he was on the spurs, he had good handles and a good leap, u telling me he couldnt beat his scrub defender off the dribble and attack the rim for a dunk?...
I remember when he challenged Oden at the time and went in for the dunk against Portland towards the end of the game and I thought he had arrived at that point, then it was all downhill from there with very few highlights.

10-09-2015, 11:43 PM
RJ had average handles. He couldn't create for himself. At the end of his first or second game for the Spurs, he had the ball in his hands against Dallas with the game on the line and he lost the ball trying to dribble it. Spurs lost the game. He wasn't very good and really had to be fed to score.

Sean Cagney
10-10-2015, 12:02 AM
Respectfully, I disagree with some of these takes on what matters in determining the set of attributes that are desirable. Jackson was selfish and immature and violent. All of those on court antics, the chest pounding and the snarling, it doesn't mean someone is tougher than a player who is more subdued. Jackson provided this team with one good playoff run on a team that was already Stacked and believed his own hype machine. He needed duncan to keep him in line, by his own admission, and that demonstrates weak character. Jefferson tried his best to earn the contract he was given and make the team better, in the end he just couldn't. No reason to hate. I grew up rooting for the spurs that were genuinely good guys, or at least they are as far as we know, and I prefer it that way. Sorry, I'd rather have guys like bonner than someone that would be "slangin rocks" if not for genetic luck of the draw. I grew up believing that sports were about building character and all of that, and call me sappy, but I'd rather have a team made up of guys I can pull for than a bunch of embarassment to humanity bringing me rings.

Jackson on his second go round had a great playoff run and almost single handily won that game 6 for them against OKC. He shot 50% from the field, 60% from three land I believe and 90% from the stripe, the only player in those 2012 playoffs to shoot that high of a %. He had the it when it counted type of mentality and was not scared of the moment where as RJ would have shrunk and went 1-5 or so in that game and be hesitant to shoot or drive in. RJ just never really had it, good numbers in NJ and then in Milwaukee for a while when he was there, would dissapear at key times though and was very soft mentally.

Sean Cagney
10-10-2015, 12:40 AM
It ruined my entire summer. That, and my thyroid cancer scare (turned out to be an immune reaction to remnants of a bad cold which inflamed my hyperthyroidism). And that was the only summer in my life other than 2008 in which I caught a cold. I also had a two-week bout with food poisoning that summer due to eating a slightly rotten mango from Guatemala. And I had to get three cavities filled later that summer.

And the girl that I had talked to for several months since that spring that we had planned to be in a relationship together upon entering UNT stopped liking me and started hating me out of the blue because she all of a sudden got ultra racist/black supremacist after her white prom date at her high school dropped her off in a ditch and went out with his cousin instead. (her HS was in Ardmore, South Oklahoma Shady 580.) I haven't talked to her in 2 years, and I still don't have a GF.

Fuck 2013, an all out shitty year. Also

January 1 (yes, New Year's Day): went to La Cantera and bought some dress shoes and my first grown man suit and tie
January 15: got rejected from Stanford undergrad
February 4: found out I was valedictorian of my high school
March 1: first met Amanda, the aforementioned girl from south Oklahoma, at a campus tour at UNT on the road up IH-35 to my great great uncle's funeral in Omaha
March 7: got rejected from Tier One Scholar at UHouston undergrad
Also in March: found out I'd only get 3/4 cost of attendance paid for if I went to UT or A&M
April 1: Drove to Dallas and interviewed for Terry Scholarship at UNT
April 15: Rejected by Terry Scholarship foundation (and the Boston Massacre, but who cares)
May: my high school kept sodomizing me telling me I'd need to take most of the final exams because I missed 3 class days even though I was the fucking valedictorian and shit
June 11: graduated, had to give a stupid valedictorian speech on stage that my mom wrote to 609 blurry black caps and gowns in the Alamodome
June 18: :grim::eyebrows:grim:... :wow:D:D:wow ... :grim::wtf:bang:grim:... :wow:D:lobt2::cry:D:D:D ... :grim: ... :cuss ... :pctoss... :grim: ... :flipoff:cuss:cuss:pctoss ...:depressed

June 20: :shootme... :(... :depressed

July 2: Ultrasound on thyroid/neck lymph nodes
July 5: Negative result
July 7-12: Stomach infection / food poisoning from strange fruit, high ass fever
July 14-16: Freshman orientation at UNT (boooooooring)
July 21-August 1: bad respiratory cold/infection, another high fever
August 7: dentist, cavities, ugh
August 24: my first college date, but not who I really wanted obviously... didn't get laid with, we never had a second date
August 25: my second college date, again not with someone ideal... total nympho, an animal freak, 10 cats and 3 dogs and 6 rats as pets... yeah. I didn't have sex with her but it was primarily my choice.
August 28: My first day of college classes
August 24-October 2nd: my time in my first dorm hall, I make some friends and some enemies, including the girl I had planned to spend my life with and marry until she started hating me for no reason
October 4: I have to leave my dorm (as well as my enemy) for a new dorm because of a fight that the Dean determined to be a big ass deal and shit
October 5-May 2014: my time in my second dorm hall, the nerdy honors hall, nobody to meet there, boring dorm life
October 15: I got eliminated from a karaoke contest for money even though my performance was the best. WTF???!?
November 23: UNT loses at home to UTSA, a shocker, I get wasted AF that night with some offbeat Mexican fraternity (Alpha Tau Omega?), but I didn't get laid. Bummer.
December 5-10: "Icepocalypse"; school shuts down, finals postponed, all-out hell, I scrape my knee in the snow, change my major, and didn't get laid. Eh.
December 13: I finally return to SA. I'm happy to see my mom at this point.
December 23: I finally get my long awaited LASIK surgery
The rest of December: I have to spend wearing goggles 24/7, even to bed, even on Christmas. Shit was terrible

FUCK 2013, tbh

Man you could not make half this stuff up, sorry.. That was possibly one of the most miserable years I have read on personally.

10-10-2015, 12:50 AM
He got more juice left than Porker*SMH*:


This pedestrian dunk really needed it's own thread, apo?


10-10-2015, 01:00 AM
Jackson on his second go round had a great playoff run and almost single handily won that game 6 for them against OKC. He shot 50% from the field, 60% from three land I believe and 90% from the stripe, the only player in those 2012 playoffs to shoot that high of a %. He had the it when it counted type of mentality and was not scared of the moment where as RJ would have shrunk and went 1-5 or so in that game and be hesitant to shoot or drive in. RJ just never really had it, good numbers in NJ and then in Milwaukee for a while when he was there, would dissapear at key times though and was very soft mentally.

I also felt Stephen would have turned it up in the 2014 playoffs. I was very shocked when he was cut just before the playoffs began. I thought as bad as he was during the regular season, he would step it up in the playoffs. Most of the time he raised his game in the playoffs no matter what team he was on.

Maybe it was the right call as the young players may not have played as well as they did in the playoffs with him still being there. I don't know what he was like behind the scenes and how much trouble he was causing complaining about playing time and being better than other players ahead of him in the rotation, but I really do think that he would have stepped up his own game in the playoffs that season.

10-10-2015, 01:46 AM
Respectfully, I disagree with some of these takes on what matters in determining the set of attributes that are desirable. Jackson was selfish and immature and violent. All of those on court antics, the chest pounding and the snarling, it doesn't mean someone is tougher than a player who is more subdued. Jackson provided this team with one good playoff run on a team that was already Stacked and believed his own hype machine. He needed duncan to keep him in line, by his own admission, and that demonstrates weak character. Jefferson tried his best to earn the contract he was given and make the team better, in the end he just couldn't. No reason to hate. I grew up rooting for the spurs that were genuinely good guys, or at least they are as far as we know, and I prefer it that way. Sorry, I'd rather have guys like bonner than someone that would be "slangin rocks" if not for genetic luck of the draw. I grew up believing that sports were about building character and all of that, and call me sappy, but I'd rather have a team made up of guys I can pull for than a bunch of embarassment to humanity bringing me rings.

Bruh, the Spurs aren't a church choir so it doesn't how much of a character guy he was off the court if he disappears once he steps on the court. The guy completely disappeared against the Grizzlies in 2011 when the team was counting on him to step up b/c of Manu's injury: dude has two ZERO point games in that series, ZERO! That was after signing a 4yr/40mill contract & ended up getting outplayed by Gary Neal who was making a league minimum. He wasn't much better in 2010 when he got outplayed by wet-behind-the-ears George Hill against the Mavs & by 40yr old Grant Hill against the Suns. It was only fitting that his final postseason game in a Spurs uniform was a ZERO point game.

Let's not forget his choke job in the 2003 Finals when Stephen Jackson was shooting the Spurs back into Gm 6 during the 4th quarter. I'll never forget Manu stripping him of the ball & scoring a moment changing dunk which led to a Nets timeout. Jefferson had exactly ZERO points & the biggest turnover of the game during that 4th quarter.


On the other hand this is why BASKETBALL fans love Stephen "Action" Jackson:





This press conference makes me sad thinking of the "What ifs?" (2004/2006/2008) had he kept his word & been a Spur for life:

Sean Cagney
10-10-2015, 02:21 AM
I also felt Stephen would have turned it up in the 2014 playoffs. I was very shocked when he was cut just before the playoffs began. I thought as bad as he was during the regular season, he would step it up in the playoffs. Most of the time he raised his game in the playoffs no matter what team he was on.

Maybe it was the right call as the young players may not have played as well as they did in the playoffs with him still being there. I don't know what he was like behind the scenes and how much trouble he was causing complaining about playing time and being better than other players ahead of him in the rotation, but I really do think that he would have stepped up his own game in the playoffs that season.Maybe but we will never know. Maybe Pop was right because he did not play much since?? Only a few games for the Clipps so he might have been done. Either or when the Spurs got him back I was happy as hell and they got rid of RJ's contract to boot!!! I was in heaven that night and it felt like a reunion and he said all the right things about he should never have left and regretted it and then had a very solid playoffs... Then poof he was gone. That ended too fast.

10-10-2015, 02:26 AM
it's actually pretty lame.

10-10-2015, 04:31 AM
Maybe but we will never know. Maybe Pop was right because he did not play much since?? Only a few games for the Clipps so he might have been done. Either or when the Spurs got him back I was happy as hell and they got rid of RJ's contract to boot!!! I was in heaven that night and it felt like a reunion and he said all the right things about he should never have left and regretted it and then had a very solid playoffs... Then poof he was gone. That ended too fast.

Stephen Jackson was on his last legs in 2012-13 & couldn't even stay healthy b/c his body was breaking down. He couldn't guard anyone or hit an open shot consistently; maybe he might have had one bullet left in the chamber for a Steve Kerr type game otherwise he would have been even more of a disaster than Manu had he been a rotation player.

Sean Cagney
10-10-2015, 12:48 PM
Stephen Jackson was on his last legs in 2012-13 & couldn't even stay healthy b/c his body was breaking down. He couldn't guard anyone or hit an open shot consistently; maybe he might have had one bullet left in the chamber for a Steve Kerr type game otherwise he would have been even more of a disaster than Manu had he been a rotation player.
He was done I agree, most teams knew that too and steered clear of him.

10-10-2015, 01:10 PM
He got more juice left than Porker*SMH*:

He's got 7 inches on Tony. Of course he can dunk. If you had 7 inches, you wouldn't spend all your time here posting stupid shit.

Bonner is worthless in the playoffs, and proved it over and over again. I don't care if he had a game or two where some shots fell. Those games are remarkable because all the rest were such shit. That series against Memphis he looked like a fucking matador on defense. Invite them to charge, and then move out of their way. He didn't just get beat, he got humiliated. I defended that red-headed schoolgirl for a long time, but I finally had to admit that he's never going to be a factor when it counts.

Dick J was limp. My favorite thing was when he'd blow a defensive assignment and then bark at someone else like it was their fault. You can argue with other fans opinions of him, but when Tim Duncan bitches an ex-teammate the way he did Jefferson, you should understand that the guy didn't deserve any more respect than he got here. The fact that he can still get above the rim when un-defended doesn't change anything.

10-10-2015, 06:05 PM
I'm pretty sure RJ was something like -16 in this preseason game. But I didn't really look that close.
Pretty sure someone needs to explain to you that +/- has no correlation with individual performance. keep posting

UNT Eagles 2016
10-10-2015, 08:12 PM
Man you could not make half this stuff up, sorry.. That was possibly one of the most miserable years I have read on personally.
It's all fucking true, unfortunately. And I had to be on stage I probation with the university from October 2013-October 2014 for shit that wasn't my fault. Fuck UNT in the ass with no lube, honestly

UNT Eagles 2016
10-10-2015, 08:14 PM
He was done I agree, most teams knew that too and steered clear of him.
Disagree, Robert Horry always looked "on his last legs" every regular season we had him after the 1st one, but we all know what happened with him in the playoffs... SJax was a similar type player... shot 32% in the regular season in 2012 but like 60% in the playoffs including that ridiculous game 6 in OKC... can't go by his regular season performance or regular season anything, tbh...

Sean Cagney
10-10-2015, 09:28 PM
Disagree, Robert Horry always looked "on his last legs" every regular season we had him after the 1st one, but we all know what happened with him in the playoffs... SJax was a similar type player... shot 32% in the regular season in 2012 but like 60% in the playoffs including that ridiculous game 6 in OKC... can't go by his regular season performance or regular season anything, tbh...
Horry did come alive in the playoffs but even in 2008 he was officially done, no magic for the Spurs that year against LA nor do i remember him really in the Phoenix series or NO series as well. He might have had a game here or there. Jax just looked horrible that whole year and maybe he could have helped a little bit in one game or so but nothing consistent IMO. I agree regular season is different but Jax usually showed up a few games during the year too and that year he was just awful. Might have had some to do with his kid dying or an injury or just old age? A combo of all three? Either nobody seemed to want him after that so Pop was on to something.

10-10-2015, 09:43 PM
it's actually pretty lame.
Sweet avatar and one-liner

UNT Eagles 2016
10-10-2015, 09:57 PM
Horry did come alive in the playoffs but even in 2008 he was officially done, no magic for the Spurs that year against LA nor do i remember him really in the Phoenix series or NO series as well. He might have had a game here or there. Jax just looked horrible that whole year and maybe he could have helped a little bit in one game or so but nothing consistent IMO. I agree regular season is different but Jax usually showed up a few games during the year too and that year he was just awful. Might have had some to do with his kid dying or an injury or just old age? A combo of all three? Either nobody seemed to want him after that so Pop was on to something.
It wasn't his kid, it was a miscarriage, but yeah there were a lot of personal problems.

Sean Cagney
10-10-2015, 10:00 PM
It wasn't his kid, it was a miscarriage, but yeah there were a lot of personal problems.

Well basically the same thing except he never got to see it so yeah that would have been worse had the kid died after he got to hold it and know it more, sure it still hurt a lot. Personal problems and his hand was messed up too right? I remember him taping it up and his shot was off. Probably a few things that effected him.

UNT Eagles 2016
10-10-2015, 10:03 PM
Well basically the same thing except he never got to see it so yeah that would have been worse had the kid died after he got to hold it and know it more, sure it still hurt a lot. Personal problems and his hand was messed up too right? I remember him taping it up and his shot was off. Probably a few things that effected him.
Yeah, a few nagger injuries and that. Life begins at birth, but you're right that it sucked for him and it is especially hard for the woman in such situations. Hopefully he stayed with her and stuck by her side through it all, and they tried again (what else can you do?) Better than investing 9 years into a kid born with leukemia or progeria or some other wacky disease only to have them die on you and $200k plus down the toilet.

10-11-2015, 11:25 PM
Disagree, Robert Horry always looked "on his last legs" every regular season we had him after the 1st one, but we all know what happened with him in the playoffs... SJax was a similar type player... shot 32% in the regular season in 2012 but like 60% in the playoffs including that ridiculous game 6 in OKC... can't go by his regular season performance or regular season anything, tbh...

Stephen was done in 2013 & was atrocious in 2014 so much so he ended up without an NBA contract. Forget his terrible shooting percentages, it was the fact he lost foot-speed b/c of a plethora of injuries & couldn't guard anyone that made it obvious in 2013. Back in 2012 it was more so him being rusty rather than dealing w/ any aliments that led to his mediocre regular season numbers. Artest, Gerald Wallace & Stephen fell off together to never experience a revival.

10-12-2015, 12:02 AM
lame thread. let's move on. rj is in the past.

Sean Cagney
10-12-2015, 12:27 AM
Stephen was done in 2013 & was atrocious in 2014 so much so he ended up without an NBA contract. Forget his terrible shooting percentages, it was the fact he lost foot-speed b/c of a plethora of injuries & couldn't guard anyone that made it obvious in 2013. Back in 2012 it was more so him being rusty rather than dealing w/ any aliments that led to his mediocre regular season numbers. Artest, Gerald Wallace & Stephen fell off together to never experience a revival.

Wallace fell off at a pretty young age IMO, that part shocked me but he fell off a cliff. When he got traded to Portland I thought he could be the different maker, NOPE.

10-12-2015, 01:49 AM
Wallace fell off at a pretty young age IMO, that part shocked me but he fell off a cliff. When he got traded to Portland I thought he could be the different maker, NOPE.

His body was viciously abused which was why they called him "Crash". Dude had more concussions than all the players in the league combined b/c he used to take hard spills, the guy was dependent on athleticism & high motor but his body simply became lifeless after he crashed one too many times.

UNT Eagles 2016
10-12-2015, 07:28 AM
His body was viciously abused which was why they called him "Crash". Dude had more concussions than all the players in the league combined b/c he used to take hard spills, the guy was dependent on athleticism & high motor but his body simply became lifeless after he crashed one too many times.
yeah, he played power forward on a number of teams at 6'5" 210