View Full Version : Rumor: Rasheed for Chandler/Nocioni

Kori Ellis
08-24-2005, 01:54 PM
Is Sheed on the Trading Block?

The Pistons may not be done. Dale Davis might not be the final piece.
Rumors are circulating that the Pistons might break up their starting five by trading Rasheed Wallace to the Chicago Bulls for center Tyson Chandler and forward Andres Nocioni. It is a scary proposal because Chandler has had back problems and I don`t see the fire in him. I think Nocioni is going to be a good player. If the Pistons make this move it would solidify the future. Team President Joe Dumars has said he wants to have a contending team today with a link toward the future. Chandler would probably move into the starting lineup. But this gives them a bunch of young guys who might bond for the future.

Stay tuned. What do you think?


08-24-2005, 02:01 PM
Maybe I'm overrating Rasheed, but I can't believe this would even be considered by the Pistons. Rasheed was great in crunch time situations in the Finals for them. He's the emotional leader of the team. And they're a great team as it is.

I think this is a horrible idea.

08-24-2005, 02:01 PM
damn why are all these teams stealing players I want the spurs to have, well if there is any truth to this rumor, I hope this means the pistons wont go after James Jones

08-24-2005, 02:04 PM
Don't think the Pistons would ever do this, but they may be upset with Rasheed's less than Phi Beta Kappa finals.

08-24-2005, 02:05 PM
with larry brown out who knows what rasheed will do
not a bad idea
depends what chandler money is
if I am the bulls I trade curry not chandler though

08-24-2005, 02:07 PM
The Pistons want to start two single-digit scorers up front?

Odd trade for both sides.

08-24-2005, 02:14 PM
I just can't see how that would happen.
unless they are really looking to shake things up in DET. But ..... why? they were NBA champs last year and almost were this year. Sheed is obviously the "leader" of that team.......

it just doesn't make sense. for either team.

but then again it's from hoopshype and i've seen them throw some pretty far out rumors into the mix before.

oh well, it gets us talking.

Kori Ellis
08-24-2005, 02:17 PM
Sheed is obviously the "leader" of that team.......


I would say Billups is the leader of the Pistons, or even Ben Wallace or Rip, not Rasheed.

Either way, I don't think it's true at all. Hoopshype doesn't make up the rumors, they just collect them on that page. It looks like this one comes from a blog.

08-24-2005, 02:22 PM
Rasheed got them to the finals twice and helped them win a championship - not to mention that he's really their only reliable low post scorer. I have no idea why Detroit would even entertain this trade unless they felt that Saunders really wouldn't be able to control 'Sheed.

Saunders probably won't be able to control Rasheed as well as Brown did but it would still be a senseless move to trade a guy who was an integral part of a team that made the finals two years running. At least see what Saunders can do with 'Sheed first.

I call BS on this rumor.

08-24-2005, 02:23 PM
i don't think that hoopshype makes stuff up. I'm just saying that the craziest rumors that i read iread at hoopshype 1st. days before or if they are replayed someplace else.

and I do think sheed has some type of emotional lead on that team. like the way the tide sways with the moon.

08-24-2005, 02:27 PM
Rasheed won them the 04 title, and lost them to 05 Title.

Gotta take the low-BB-IQ, unstable, lazy, childish player along with the tall, talented shooter, shot blocker, and rebounder. Kind of a wash, imo.

I wonder if he would get along with Skiles' discipline and hustle sytle?

08-24-2005, 02:29 PM
and lost them to 05 Title.

How's that? By leaving Horry?

The Finals were 341 minutes long this year.

08-24-2005, 02:31 PM
I think it's BS.
Bulls will not do it.

08-24-2005, 02:31 PM
Detroit was good before Rasheed Wallace, but they have been great with Rasheed. I can't imagine why on Earth they would make a move to deal Rasheed for two guys whose combined numbers in almost 30 minutes per game a piece were barely better than Rasheed's individual numbers over 34 minutes per game last season. Say what you will about Billups, Prince, Ben, and Rip, but they got over the hump and into the Finals once they got Rasheed because he balances their team. He gives them a defensive stalwart in the paint and a guy who can score in the post and on the perimeter.

About the only knock against Rasheed is that he isn't Tim Duncan, and hasn't been great offensively against Tim. But he's great defensively against Tim -- far, far better than a guy like Chandler will ever be as long as Tim is in his prime.

If I'm Detroit, the only offers I'm considering for Rasheed involve no-brainer all-stars at the 3, 4, or 5.

08-24-2005, 02:37 PM
"By leaving Horry?"

yes, the winning play in pivotal game5.

I don't think the Spurs could have won the last 2 games in SA, just like the Pistons couldn't, either.

As has been repeated so often, the Game5 winner in a 2-2 series most often goes on to win the series.

Did you hear Larry say in the preceding huddle, up by 2: "NO 3 POINT PLAYS!"

dumbass balla.

Kip Fanatic
08-24-2005, 02:48 PM
I doubt that this goes down. Its not impossible, but doubtful in my mind. The Bulls have said all along that they want to keep their young nucleus together. I agree with them. They have a bright future. If Curry remains healthy, which I hope he does, they can be a good team in the next years.

08-24-2005, 02:49 PM
Maybe I'm overrating Rasheed, but I can't believe this would even be considered by the Pistons. Rasheed was great in crunch time situations in the Finals for them. He's the emotional leader of the team. And they're a great team as it is.

I think this is a horrible idea.

:tu Couldn't agree more with what you said. If I were the Pistons, I wouldn't even consider it.

You also forgot to mention that Sheed also brings great defense, rebounding, and 3 pt shooting for them (which they lack as it is).

08-24-2005, 03:22 PM
This trade makes no sense unless the Pistons want to lower their salary roll. Rasheed has been a key to their last two Finals trips. Chandler and Chapu are good players, but they'll never be close to Sheed's best numbers. Also, Nocioni would create a rotation problem with Prince, both are SF who play good, intense defence and are streaky in offence.

It could be that the Pistons are feeling a discipline problem coming, but they should wait and see how Rasheed works under Flip.

08-24-2005, 03:38 PM
typical hoopshype rumor. It doesn't make that much sense for Det. Are they going to move Ben to PF then? He'll get killed offensively from other PF's around the league.

08-24-2005, 03:55 PM
This from the blog of Terry "The Truth" Foster, the guy who started this rumor:

"I just talked to one of my NBA sources. He said the Sheed-Chandler trade has not been discussed by the two teams. It won't happen. Sorry to get you so excited."

08-24-2005, 04:00 PM
^^^While I agree that the rumor is absolutely ridiculous...Saying that Ben would get killed by power fowards in this league is blatantly disregarding Ben's skills as the best defender in the league. Wallace wouldn't get killed by power fowards any more than he would centers (which doesn't happen too often).

08-24-2005, 04:02 PM
Considering that everybody kept saying that Rasheed could have his way with Duncan on either end of the floor whenever he wanted, Detroit fans could make the argument that Rasheed didn't have a very good Finals since he didn't dominate Duncan.

08-24-2005, 04:06 PM
How could anyone take this trade seriously? Chandler has been has gotten a rep as a guy without much heart or hussle, so I could understand why a taskmaster like Skiles might want to deal him, but why on earth would he want a headcase like Sheed? Not only that but Sheed would be the default "veteran leader" on a very young team. Wallace is a talented but undisciplined player. He can contribute on the court, but he's not a leader by any stretch of the imagination.

08-24-2005, 04:53 PM
I think it would be a great deal for Detroit. This way they would get the perfect backup for Prince and one of the most promising big mans in the league with a great defense.

Besides now Detroit haves Dale Davis so he could share some minutes with Chandler that would take over Rasheed's position if that trade happens.

08-24-2005, 06:39 PM
At first look, I thought it said Rasho for Chandler and Nocoini.

I think I wet my pants a little.

08-24-2005, 07:56 PM
sheed isn't getting any younger and mcdyess looked pretty good against in the playoffs, he could probably be a solid starter for detroit. and maybe darko is finally showing some promiss. nocioni isn't as long, but plays as big as sheed and could play the 4 if nessecary chandler has had the potential to be the poor-mans sheed for a while, maybe in the right place he could actually do well.

08-24-2005, 08:57 PM
I just don't see the Pistons building for the future, which is what acquiring Chandler/Nocioni look like to me. Why try to win a ring 3 years down the road when they have a great shot now?

08-24-2005, 09:11 PM
I just don't see the Pistons building for the future, which is what acquiring Chandler/Nocioni look like to me. Why try to win a ring 3 years down the road when they have a great shot now?

They lost Brown besides if Chandler has a breaking year Rasheed would easily be forgot.

Maybe even Darko steps up :elephant

08-24-2005, 11:35 PM
If Im Detroit I would do the deal in a flash. Rasheed is overrated. Granted he has talent. But motivation wise, he has lost it. People kept saying that he got too many technicals in the past and blamed him for it. However, I felt that he played best when he had that fire in him. Look at him now, he has been woeful for the Pistons. If Im Detroit, I'll be looking to move him.

08-24-2005, 11:38 PM
Joe Dumars said that any rumors involving their 7 core players should be disregarded.

Aggie Hoopsfan
08-24-2005, 11:38 PM
What in the world are you talking about Dalamar?

Rasheed and Chauncey make that team go.

It'd be a dumb trade for Detroit, but I wouldn't put it past Flip to want to move the guy.

08-24-2005, 11:51 PM
Who cares? Rasheed is whack. As long as he never comes to san antonio im cool. He is in line with shaq as the biggest mouth in the east. I wish he would retire cause everytime hes on the court all i can see is that ugly ass bald spot on his big ass head.

08-25-2005, 12:02 AM
Even stats Chandler was almost the same as Rasheed last season. Tyson played 7 minutes less through.

08-25-2005, 01:07 AM
What in the world are you talking about Dalamar?

Rasheed and Chauncey make that team go.

It'd be a dumb trade for Detroit, but I wouldn't put it past Flip to want to move the guy.

U apparantly dont watch the Pistons play do you. Billups and Rip are what makes the Pistons go on offense. Wallace, BEN Wallace makes them go on defense. McDyess if he is fit will bring more to the Pistons than Rasheed other than his 3 point shot.

08-25-2005, 01:25 AM
Rasheed Wallace was borned 10 days after McDyess, lol.

By the way, if that trade goes through McDyess will surelly play much more minutes and if he is in good condition i think he can do good.

If Rasheed's stats per 48 minutes and McDyess's stats per 48 minutes are compared they are almost the same thing.