View Full Version : Everyone here who was begging for Sheed...

05-01-2010, 11:56 PM
i am here to remind this board that over the summer probably 2/3 of you guys were crying out for us to go after rasheed wallace. saying he would be the ultimate peice to help the team LOL. dont deny it, there were half a dozen threads every single day talking about wanting to get Sheed.

meanwhile I, poop, was stating left and right (along with some other smart posters) that Sheed, was old, injury prone and washed up already.

we have all been witness to how this schmoe has performed this season-he would have sank the spurs. let this be a reminder-poop knows what hes talking about, trust the wisdom of Poop.

05-01-2010, 11:58 PM
Not me

but way to call out nobody

DJ Mbenga
05-01-2010, 11:59 PM
people thought he would be in shape. its the playoffs and he is still fat

05-02-2010, 12:01 AM
Not me

but way to call out nobody

way to call out nobody?

there were literally new threads every single day with people here talking whimsically about getting rasheed wallace on this team.

05-02-2010, 12:03 AM
toot toot

05-02-2010, 12:06 AM
Ill admit, my preference was Sheed over McDyess.

05-02-2010, 12:08 AM
people thought he would be in shape. its the playoffs and he is still fat

i cant stand that french cunt in your sig, french is such an annoying language

05-02-2010, 12:15 AM
i am here to remind this board that over the summer probably 2/3 of you guys were crying out for us to go after rasheed wallace. saying he would be the ultimate peice to help the team LOL. dont deny it, there were half a dozen threads every single day talking about wanting to get Sheed.

meanwhile I, poop, was stating left and right (along with some other smart posters) that Sheed, was old, injury prone and washed up already.

we have all been witness to how this schmoe has performed this season-he would have sank the spurs. let this be a reminder-poop knows what hes talking about, trust the wisdom of Poop.

Personally, I've always wanted McDyess... I didn't even consider Sheed.

05-02-2010, 12:23 AM
I didn't see enough of Sheed last season to argue weather or not he was washed up or not. But I knew that dude was not a right fit for the team based on his attitude and his constant tirades with the refs and such. Spurs fans were up in arms over here when they found out that the Celtics were pulling out all the stops in attaining Sheed while our FO was standing back idly. It was pretty obvious to me that the FO had no intentions on going after Sheed and a lot of it probably had to do with what I just mentioned above. Sheed is lazy as fuck and would rather bitch at refs all game long rather then actually try and make a difference on the court.

Give the FO some credit, Dice is the consummate professional out there. He works hard and doesn't complain. Glad to have him. :toast

05-02-2010, 12:24 AM
Sheed > Bonner any day

05-02-2010, 12:25 AM
Ill admit, my preference was Sheed over McDyess.

So did I.

Meanwhile I thought not a single one here was low on RJ in the summer(except those who thought we could get Carter with the same assets).

05-02-2010, 12:28 AM
Yeah with all those daily threads it should be real easy to get a name or two

Instead you called out nobody

05-02-2010, 12:31 AM
I wanted neither Sheed nor Dyess, I wanted Ian, Blair, and Bonner to get minutes and step up, and who's to say they wouldn't have???

plus we'd have 5 more mill under the cap, we could extort RJ to opt out and go after Nowitzki :lol

yeah, I'd be about the best GM ever, to bad the profession is all nepotism and the former players network...

05-02-2010, 12:51 AM
i never wanted Sheed. not for a second. TOTALLY wrong for the Spurs. i was psyched to get McDyess. psyched to get Blair. and psyched to get Jefferson. last one didn't work out so well. :(

05-02-2010, 12:58 AM
Yeah with all those daily threads it should be real easy to get a name or two

Instead you called out nobody

i could sit here and spend an hour doing research and dig up a bunch of old names/threads...but anyone why has been a regular poster here since at least last year would know.

05-02-2010, 12:58 AM
Had to say we are pretty blessed for getting dice and not shred

05-02-2010, 01:14 AM
I wanted neither Sheed nor Dyess, I wanted Ian, Blair, and Bonner to get minutes and step up, and who's to say they wouldn't have???

plus we'd have 5 more mill under the cap, we could extort RJ to opt out and go after Nowitzki :lol

yeah, I'd be about the best GM ever, to bad the profession is all nepotism and the former players network...

if you can't beat em, join them!

Dirk in spurs uniform... ok back to reality now :)

oh man that would be so fun to watch.

05-02-2010, 01:28 AM
I actually wanted Gortat. Sheed and Dice were equal to me. Getting either one would have been fine.

baseline bum
05-02-2010, 01:29 AM
i cant stand that french cunt in your sig, french is such an annoying language

Not a fan of the ladies, eh?

05-02-2010, 01:51 AM
not a fan of your annoying gigantic math problem sig that is a hindrance to the forum.

05-02-2010, 01:55 AM
I wanted Sheed...

Glad We didnt get him...

Hind sight is 20/20.....

Congrats on being a douche bag I guess....

05-02-2010, 01:57 AM
hindsight's 20/20

05-02-2010, 01:58 AM
hindsight's 20/20

Beat you to it....

hindsight is 20/20


05-02-2010, 01:58 AM
lol did you go ahead and count the members to get that 2/3 statistic.

05-02-2010, 02:02 AM
I wanted Sheed...

Glad We didnt get him...

Hind sight is 20/20.....

Congrats on being a douche bag I guess....

congrats on being a retard that confessed to wanting sheed meanwhilst there were actual intelligent posters that did not want him the whole time.

'hindsight is 20/20' :rolleyes

im glad you see that now, but there were plenty of guys who AT THE TIME were(rightfully) advising against the Sheed hype.

conrgats on being a retard :toast

05-02-2010, 02:04 AM
congrats on being a retard that confessed to wanting sheed meanwhilst there were actual intelligent posters that did not want him the whole time.

'hindsight is 20/20' :rolleyes

im glad you see that now, but there were plenty of guys who AT THE TIME were(rightfully) advising against the Sheed hype.

conrgats on being a retard :toast

Like I said, congrats on being a douche bag. thanks for validating my post. You continue to live up to your user name :toast

05-02-2010, 02:09 AM
Have you not seen the half dozen threads on this topic?

05-02-2010, 02:09 AM
Like I said, congrats on being a douche bag. thanks for validating my post. You continue to live up to your user name :toast

nice rebuttal :toast

continuing to prove that you have down syndrome :wakeup

05-02-2010, 02:12 AM
nice rebuttal :toast

continuing to prove that you have down syndrome :wakeup

Says the Douche Bag with Borat as his Avatar.... :lmao

Look man, I conceeded that I was wrong about Rasheed. You keep talking shit about it...

Hence you are a Douche Bag.

Thats it. No arguement.

You are a Douche Bag.

Just remember, Hindsight is 20/20. NO ONE knew what Rasheed or Dice would bring. BOTH sucked it up in the regular season. Lets not forget that. Dice has brung it in the playoffs. Who is to say Sheed wouldnt do the same on this team?

You know what? you go ahead and feel all high and mighty about yourself, I'll just enjoy the Spurs wins regardless of who we picked up.

You go ahead and keep living up to your user name with your shitty posts. :lol

05-02-2010, 02:18 AM
nice try, but you admit you were hoping for the spurs to get Sheed.

i said all along that = bad idea.

this year proves me = right all along and you = retard.

you are the one that singled me out and attacked so im simply responding to you.

05-02-2010, 02:22 AM
nice try, but you admit you were hoping for the spurs to get Sheed.

i said all along that = bad idea.

this year proves me = right all along and you = retard.

you are the one that singled me out and attacked so im simply responding to you.



I Singled YOU out???


I Simply responded that, yes, I had wanted Rasheed....

YOU attacked ME for admitting it!!! :rollin

I admitted I was wrong and was GLAD about it and you fucking jumped on me!!!

The only way I possibly calling you out (which I wasnt trying to do directly) was because you where trying to rub it in peoples faces. Trust me, we now know we where wrong. No need to continue.

Hence you = DOUCHE BAG!!

05-02-2010, 02:29 AM
go to sleep already

and yes anyone who was pushing for Sheed = full retard

05-02-2010, 02:30 AM
go to sleep already

and yes anyone who was pushing for Sheed = full retard

Borat as Avatar calling someone else retarded... :lmao

Is that all you can really say???

Go to sleep???

Fuck you!!

You know your wrong and now your trying to backtrack.

You have now realized how much of a fucking asshole you are for questioning people about Rasheed.... let me put this clearly... NO ONE KNEW THAT RASHEED WOULD BE A FUCKING SCRUB after the previous year he had. He was a fucking BEAST the prior year.

I dont give a FUCK what you THINK you know about basketball. The main FACT is the Spurs targeted Rasheed as their FIRST OPTION, Rasheed just decided to go to the Celtics, hence we got McDyess.

Im happy with that outcome now that he is actually showing up.....

But dont you fucking DARE come in here now, when McDyess is FINALLY manning up, pretending to know ALL ALONG that you knew this shit would happen. FUCK YOU!!!

05-02-2010, 02:32 AM
Borat as Avatar calling someone else retarded... :lmao

you are truly a retard...


im guessing the movie borat went a bit over your head :lol

05-02-2010, 02:37 AM
i didn't want Sheed. i actually had McDyess as 1, Pachulia as 2, and i forget who else at 3; i think it was Bass. but sheed was like 4th or 5th on my list.

my reasons: he is old and unathletic. in retrospect, you can add overwieght and playing only for the money (ie not hungry) to those two reasons. can't believe he's getting paid what he's getting paid to stink it up. he came into the damn season looking like A FATASS. i don't know why these damn players aren't held to the same standards of employment that virtually everyone else is. i understand that some players aren't going to meet expectations and not all of it is their fault, but it's just ridiculous that this guy can just blatantly show up to training camp, looking like all he did over the summer (and it is probably all he did) is smoke weed and munch. there should be a void option on contracts that cover fat fucks like him to hold them accountable. that just bugs the hell out of me.

and, we simply would not have won the last series with Sheed here instead of McDyess. Mcyess is just a consummate pro.

05-02-2010, 02:40 AM
Tell me Poop......

Why come out now and talk shit???

Where were you in the regular season when McDyess was sucking it up?

Were you just waiting for this moment when he had a good series so you could talk shit??

I dont recall any of your "backup McDyess" Posts when he was playing like Matt fucking Bonner.... Where were you then you front running bitch?

Come on...

Give me a link...



05-02-2010, 02:46 AM
Tell me Poop......

Why come out now and talk shit???

Where were you in the regular season when McDyess was sucking it up?

Were you just waiting for this moment when he had a good series so you could talk shit??

I dont recall any of your "backup McDyess" Posts when he was playing like Matt fucking Bonner.... Where were you then you front running bitch?

Come on...

Give me a link...



i never had a bad word to say about McD at any point.

you meanwhile were hoping for Sheed.

you = lose forever

05-02-2010, 02:52 AM

/thread plz

05-02-2010, 02:55 AM
I'm glad we landed Dice. Fits in the Spurs very well, real classy guy. :toast

05-02-2010, 03:03 AM

/thread plz

haha 'Phyzik' was advocating for rasheed wallace the whole time, clearly he has down syndrome, i bet his 'phyzik' sucks as well, hahahahaha lets see those pythons hahahahhahaahaa.

Man In Black
05-02-2010, 03:24 AM
I wanted 2005 Rasheed :)

05-02-2010, 05:13 AM
not a fan of your annoying gigantic math problem sig that is a hindrance to the forum.

Hahahha well played.

05-02-2010, 07:41 AM
Not to brag, but I was one of the original Dice backers. While 99% of the board wanted Rasheed Wallace as the top choice, a few of us wanted McDyess instead and believed he would be the better fit.

So what about the biggest Wallace backer, *cough* Timvp *cough*? Haha..

05-02-2010, 08:46 AM
From a talent and basketball ability standpoint, Sheed >>>> Dice. The variable is always "what's going on in his head, or is anything going on inside his head?" I suppose they thought his high maintenance act was too much trouble. Who knows, though? It may have been totally different for him here. I can tell you one thing: he would NOT still be fat and out of shape come the playoffs. Mike Brungardt would have been sicced on his ass immediately upon his arrival. I'm sure Pop called LB to find out what's the recipe to motivate Sheed, and decided it was too much trouble. I'm OK with that because I think the front office knows more than I do.

Just remember to bump this thread when the Lakers front line takes a giant dump all over ours, poop.

05-02-2010, 09:04 AM
I wanted 2005 Rasheed :)

To give up backbreaking threes?

(Just for fun....I told y'all that Dice would be a better fit. I'm sure it's in the archive somewhere.)

05-02-2010, 10:08 AM
Beat you to it....

hindsight is 20/20


dang it! :lol

great minds think alike :D

yall really have to resort to name calling?

05-02-2010, 10:12 AM
I didn't really care either way who we got, but I wanted McDyess because I figured he'd come cheaper and with less technicals.

Nice thread trying to pump yourself up, but someone posted this exact same thread already and everyone knows Wallace sucks balls.

05-02-2010, 10:15 AM
Oh and if you wanna act all high and mighty, maybe this will take you off that high horse:



Saying Mason is still a good piece when he is clearly utter trash and one of the worst players in the NBA. :lmao :lmao :lmao I've been saying he's garbage all year long so I guess I'm right and you're wrong.

05-02-2010, 01:44 PM
I actually wanted Gortat. Sheed and Dice were equal to me. Getting either one would have been fine.
Gortat vs the Mavs would have been spurs out in 5.

05-02-2010, 01:53 PM
i cant stand that french cunt in your sig, french is such an annoying language

That chick is hot. You into dick?

05-02-2010, 02:44 PM
Have you not seen the half dozen threads on this topic?


And it has gotten two pages and most likely go to 3 or 4. This is such a waste of time.
This is :deadhorse

From a talent and basketball ability standpoint, Sheed >>>> Dice. The variable is always "what's going on in his head, or is anything going on inside his head?" I suppose they thought his high maintenance act was too much trouble. Who knows, though? It may have been totally different for him here. I can tell you one thing: he would NOT still be fat and out of shape come the playoffs. Mike Brungardt would have been sicced on his ass immediately upon his arrival. I'm sure Pop called LB to find out what's the recipe to motivate Sheed, and decided it was too much trouble. I'm OK with that because I think the front office knows more than I do.

Just remember to bump this thread when the Lakers front line takes a giant dump all over ours, poop.

Areed. I wanted Sheed, too. Even if he can be such a head case. And I'm glad to be wrong on that one. All I have to do is think about that Simmon's article and his hatred and disdain for Sheed in a Celtic's uniform. Makes me laugh at him and the Boston FO. Boy did they get hosed on that deal. He has done absolutely nothing for that team.

05-02-2010, 04:48 PM
Last year he wasn't just jacking up 3's like he is this year, last season he was solid. That's why I was rooting for Spurs to get him, but why are you bringing this up now?

05-02-2010, 04:49 PM
Matt Bonner > Sheed

Thank you Boston for grabbing both Sheed and Finley.

05-02-2010, 05:23 PM
i wanted sheed too but thank god we didn't get him, and sense you're sig. is really distracting

05-02-2010, 05:27 PM
I didn't want Wallace or McDyess. Both are over the hill players.

05-02-2010, 05:29 PM
i wanted sheed but i accept am wrong and dice has proved me wrong...

05-02-2010, 05:30 PM
go to sleep already

and yes anyone who was pushing for Sheed = full retard

I wanted Sheed when the Pistons first got him. That was the time to make a move for Sheed. It would have gotten the spurs another title if they got him then.

Pistons < Spurs
05-02-2010, 05:52 PM
I thought Sheed going to Boston was the best thing in the world for the Spurs. It forced the Spurs to make the correct choice and settle for Dice. Sheed's obviously extremely talented, but he only plays up to his abilities here and there, when he wants to. Like Derrick Coleman his career is a story that starts with 'could of, should of, would of...'. And I just didn't see that working real well in San Antonio alongside players like Manu and Timmy who believe in personal accountability on the floor, and play with a constant high level of effort. Sheed would have brought positives to the Spurs for sure, but with his coasting through the regular season mentality, his offensive game drifting further and further away from the basket (44% of his attempts last year were from 3. 45% this year), and his obvious attitude/maturity issues, I clearly thought Dice would be the better fit.

Hopefully he continues to play well, but even if the Spurs falter from here on out, I still clearly believe that Dice better reflects and represents the Spurs organization, it's players and it's fans.

05-14-2010, 09:50 AM

05-14-2010, 09:50 AM
Matt Bonner > Sheed

Thank you Boston for grabbing both Sheed and Finley.


05-14-2010, 10:16 AM
Matt Bonner > Sheed


05-14-2010, 10:21 AM
Well lookie here - Sheed finally had a good game. It's about time don't you think? Let's see him do the same thing against Orlando. My bet is that he won't.

05-14-2010, 03:54 PM
Well lookie here - Sheed finally had a good game. It's about time don't you think? Let's see him do the same thing against Orlando. My bet is that he won't.

that would be one more than Bonner had in the playoffs.

im just sayin.....

05-14-2010, 04:47 PM
Well lookie here - Sheed finally had a good game. It's about time don't you think? Let's see him do the same thing against Orlando. My bet is that he won't.

Why? He's defended Howard as well as anybody for years, including this season. That's his job in this series. Do you think he won't do it now?

05-14-2010, 05:03 PM
Why? He's defended Howard as well as anybody for years, including this season. That's his job in this series. Do you think he won't do it now?

if spurs had kept sheed, they would hav missed teh PO for sure ...

Pistons < Spurs
05-14-2010, 08:35 PM
Why? He's defended Howard as well as anybody for years, including this season. That's his job in this series. Do you think he won't do it now?

Agreed. I'm no Sheed fan, but Sheed has completely destroyed Howard for years. He frustrates him all game long. Takes him out of the game. And while I want the Magic to win, I think Sheed will be the determining factor this series ... and Boston will eventually win largely because of his D on Dwight.

05-14-2010, 11:21 PM
is poop a troll or just completely stupid?

seems more like an act - you've been talking crap about splitter and now random posters a year ago.. wtf?

05-14-2010, 11:32 PM
So did I.

Meanwhile I thought not a single one here was low on RJ in the summer(except those who thought we could get Carter with the same assets).

I was low on RJ. According to Wages of Wins, he wouldn't help the team, since he's a less efficient scorer than the people he would be taking shots away from. I bought it... and it seems to have come to pass.

05-14-2010, 11:40 PM
is poop a troll or just completely stupid?

seems more like an act - you've been talking crap about splitter and now random posters a year ago.. wtf?

i posted this thread a long time ago and someone else bumped it, idiot.

05-14-2010, 11:41 PM
i posted this thread a long time ago and someone else bumped it, idiot.

I'm aware, that doesn't mean you don't start stupid threads.

05-15-2010, 12:34 AM
I'm aware, that doesn't mean you don't start stupid threads.

so...pointing out the fact that when everyone here was lusting after sheed and i (and a few others) were saying that hes old and washed up, and then it plays out that he infact did have an abysmal season and is in fact totally washed up just like i said to begin with is stupid?

whats your idea of a 'good thread'? do you start many? maybe you are in favor of the dozens of innovative, quality threads discussing possible trades for lebron james and trading parker?

Doctor J
05-15-2010, 01:41 AM
Sheed can't defend Dirk Nowitzki.

Dice was a better choice for sure.

Dice also has been consistently healthy over the past several years.