View Full Version : Tim Duncan's Knees

11-06-2009, 01:02 PM
Does Tim really look that bad or is it just posters exagerrating because they are anxious over the team's record? I haven't watched a Spurs game yet this season. Does he have the double braces on again?

11-06-2009, 01:04 PM
Had one brace on. There was a segment where TNT zoomed in on Duncan and highlighted the fact that he was't getting any lift when jumping off of the braced leg. I'm hoping it was the layoff and not anything more...... :depressed

11-06-2009, 01:05 PM
He looks like shit right now, to put it bluntly.

He's just not athletic as we all know, coupled with not being in game shape and adjusting to the new team and the new brace. Tim won't be Tim for another couple weeks, minimum.

11-06-2009, 01:06 PM
Non knee-sue

11-06-2009, 01:07 PM

11-06-2009, 01:07 PM
seriously just get rid of it, he didnt play with it last season, why this season though? its not like he got hit with anything last season and offseason....either someshit has happened he hasnt told us yet....

11-06-2009, 01:08 PM
Looks like shit? really I wouldnt go that far I mean if your jus looking at last night or what?

11-06-2009, 01:46 PM
Duncan is averaging career highs in:

DRB per game
Steals per game
ORB per 36 minutes
DRB per 36 minutes
TRB per 36 minutes
Steals per 36 minutes
Steals %
Offensive rating
lowest TO per game
lowest fouls per game
lowest TOs per 36 minutes

11-06-2009, 01:48 PM
he looks fine to me. same as last year. but maybe the brace is subconsiously affecting his jump/run.

anyway, this team has moved on from depending on Duncan to be 90%+

if we really want to go far the other big 2 and aquisitions need to step up

11-06-2009, 02:03 PM
Duncan is fine, I don't believe in everybody's overreactions..

People seem to not realize that he didn't have any basketball action until preseason, and even that was limited..it's gonna take him a while, as you can clearly see by the fact that he's been trying the same one move for like 90% of the time so far..

Last night, he started switching it up in the 2nd half, and had immediate success..hopefully tonight he continues to mix it up, rather than just putting his head down and driving..

11-06-2009, 02:14 PM
Tim Duncan was limping for a bit but now watching a replay of the game, I think he actually just got hit in the junk . . .

11-06-2009, 02:17 PM
Duncan is averaging career highs in:

DRB per game
Steals per game
ORB per 36 minutes
DRB per 36 minutes
TRB per 36 minutes
Steals per 36 minutes
Steals %
Offensive rating
lowest TO per game
lowest fouls per game
lowest TOs per 36 minutes

Ha! LoL. Yep, looks like Duncan sucks.

11-06-2009, 02:22 PM
Realistically all we could expect from Duncan is the defensive presence and once in a while help in the offense.

As long as the rest of the team are playing well we got a shot

11-06-2009, 02:24 PM
Timmeh just looks out of shape. He's not getting any lift in his shot. I think it'll take another month before he gets his mojo back.

11-06-2009, 02:28 PM
Duncan is averaging career highs in:

DRB per game
Steals per game
ORB per 36 minutes
DRB per 36 minutes
TRB per 36 minutes
Steals per 36 minutes
Steals %
Offensive rating
lowest TO per game
lowest fouls per game
lowest TOs per 36 minutes

Meaningless 4 games into the season

11-06-2009, 02:50 PM
The sky is falling....

11-06-2009, 02:54 PM
Tim Duncan was limping for a bit but now watching a replay of the game, I think he actually just got hit in the junk . . .

That would even make Superman limp.

11-06-2009, 04:57 PM
I wouldnt go so far as to say he sucks...I would say the team is playing like shit and it doesnt seem many players are in shape...We have had too high of expectations out of the gate...Lets give it time...its only four games.

Man In Black
11-06-2009, 05:06 PM
Let's see...

He hasn't been able to jump any higher than a piece of white toast since 2005 but that hasn't stopped him from going ALL-NBA and ALL-NBA D his entire career.

It's not him, it's the pieces around the big 3 and the rush to integrate them. They'll look great against bad teams and struggle against the good ones until it clicks...and when it does...well you've been warned, they're on a drive for 5!

11-06-2009, 05:32 PM
He looks like shit right now, to put it bluntly.

He's just not athletic as we all know, coupled with not being in game shape and adjusting to the new team and the new brace. Tim won't be Tim for another couple weeks, minimum.

Agree 100%.

11-06-2009, 06:08 PM
Tim Duncan was limping for a bit but now watching a replay of the game, I think he actually just got hit in the junk . . .

:lol Seems to happen to him a lot. From February 1999:

Have you ever noticed that some people while playing always seem to hit themselves in the same place? Whether it is they bang knees often, or they always seem to get hit in the head. Unfortunately, I have one of these problems, only I wish it were the knee or the head. Lucky me, it is a place in the middle of these two, that only males have, got it yet? Yes I get hit often in the gonads.

I don't know why I have this propensity, I just do. That is my major area of weakness. I don’t know how this happens, I don't know why this happens, all I know is how frequently this seems to happen. It seems that nobody gets hit in the "groin", as many tend to call it, on a basketball court more than me. Opponents have hit me in games. Teammates have hit me in practice. Teammates, believe it or not, have even got me during games against other opponents. Everybody but the referee and the mascot have got me at some point or another (and if you see me retiring early, it'll probably be because one of the aforementioned finally got me). The amazing thing is that nobody has got me twice, with the exception of David, who seems to get me all the time. I don't know if it’s his arm length or what, but he sure does seem to have a knack at crippling me in that way. Everyone else in the league is pretty random. Whoever gets me gets me. I'm going to have to be the first NBA player to regularly wear a cup if this continues to happen.

As far as the brace goes...Duncan went through several over the summer trying to find what was going to work best for him. He said it doesn't bother him but I think there is a learning curve playing with it. Everyday activities over the summer aren't the same as playing. I think he'll be okay with it, obviously he needs it or he wouldn't be wearing it.

He started his summer routine a month later than he usually does, we're seeing that on the court now. I'm not concerned, he and Pop said he'd be starting slow. The goal is for Duncan to stay as fresh and healthy as possible through the grind of the season so he can rise for the Playoffs. I believe we'll see his game improve over the next several weeks as his conditioning improves. I'd rather he start slow and end strong rather than what we saw last season where he started strong and faded.

11-06-2009, 06:23 PM
to me he's the same old tim i mean he wasnt dunking last year like Kg or anything, hes quietly putting numbers up like always and playing defense, people are just thinking he looks bad because the team is out of sync

11-06-2009, 06:24 PM
Duncan needs to substantially improve his mobility, if the Spurs want a shot at the title.
Right now, he just looks slow.

11-06-2009, 07:01 PM
Did a lot of you spend the entire Summer watching videos of Tim from 1998 to 2005?..he hasn't been mobile and athletic for years now..the reason everybody is noticing more is because our overall team is worse..

KG looks the same so far this year, the difference is the help around him..

Sean Cagney
11-06-2009, 07:23 PM

Ur an idiot.......:rolleyes

11-06-2009, 07:38 PM
Did a lot of you spend the entire Summer watching videos of Tim from 1998 to 2005?..he hasn't been mobile and athletic for years now..the reason everybody is noticing more is because our overall team is worse..

KG looks the same so far this year, the difference is the help around him..

I think for a big man, duncan is actually pretty athletic. He doesn't jump the highest, or isn't the strongest, isn't the quickest...but he is probably above average in all of those areas. it takes a decent about of hops to dunk over Amare...need a good amount of agility to do spin moves and finish strong. The most important thing is for Duncan to be healthy enough so he can trust his body so he is CONFIDENT in his ability to use his wide range of moves

11-06-2009, 09:31 PM
I definitely agree that Duncan was athletic earlier in his career, you'd have to be somewhat athletic to be the best player in the entire league for years..

The guy looks fine to me, but even if he wasn't, he's barely played any basketball in the last 6 months or so..

11-06-2009, 09:45 PM
I mean, obviously he's declining, but not anything too significant. He's fine.