View Full Version : Poppovich Must Rip

04-01-2005, 11:58 PM
i'm a loyal spurs fan, i'm not a love-hate guy, i look at the big picture
if poppovich does not tear assholes at halftime he should be fired and we might as well hire the Judson head coach
i dont care if its the most horribly officiated game of the year
i dont care if you let camby go for 40 25 and 19 blocks
i dont care if DEMARR JOHNSON is shooting like pistol pete
i dont care if massenburg is trying to be left off the playoff roster
i dont care if duncan ever plays again
you cannot let EDUARDO NAJERA hoop on you
the shitiest player in the nba who gets minutes along with mark madsen
that made me ashamed to be from san antonio and i've never felt that before
if i was watching this game in my house i would have destroyed half my stuff
if the spurs cannot contain najera, theyt have ZERO chance of winning another game this season.
i am enraged and i am a calm guy
poppovich should try to have a stroke in the locker room caused by rage
this is a low point in my life

04-02-2005, 12:05 AM
Did you not see the game Blog topic? :lmao

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-02-2005, 12:14 AM
Pop should tear his own fucking ass.

Never ever ever ever ever ever should we be running an inbounds play for Rasho to shoot a jumper.

If Pop's gonna rip some ass (and I'm not talking gas) he needs to look in the damn mirror.

04-02-2005, 12:15 AM
If there is one play that can deflate any chance of a Spurs comeback, THAT was it.

04-02-2005, 12:55 AM
where the FUCK is Barry's game?

04-02-2005, 01:38 AM
eduardo najera

04-02-2005, 01:58 AM
How was that Pop's play? They ran a inbounds play and Rasho happend to be an option on that play and they passed him the ball with 3 seconds left on the clock and he had no other choice to shoot the ball everyone else was denied or a hard shot to attempt.

T Park
04-02-2005, 02:31 AM
Pop should tear his own fucking ass.

death, taxes, aggie blames pop.

Nothing new.

Why rip them a new asshole?? They all looked tired, and they all had a bad night.

Just take the game tap throw it in the trash and fuck it, move on to the Lakers.

04-02-2005, 02:37 AM
eduardo najera hooped on the whole team dude
eduardo najera

T Park
04-02-2005, 02:40 AM
Najera is a good player dude.

There are good players outside of the Spurs.

Najera is Malik witha jump shot.

04-02-2005, 02:44 AM
I felt Pop was not in the game at all. When they showed the huddles he was all calm and almost seemed uncaring. I don't care if Tim Duncan is in or not, I want to win, and Pop not putting the wrath of God into the players doesn't help. His rotations were wacky, but it's understandable with everyone playing bad, he was trying to find a combo that would work.

But why OH WHY does he keep trying the beno and tony one? It hasn't worked why does he continue to push it? I absolutely hate that combo! Blah!

04-02-2005, 02:45 AM
najera fucking blows
he makes mark madsen look like duncan
out of all the players in the nba whos game ive seen najera sucks the most
you know you suck when everytime the anouncer mentions you he has to point out that your contributions dont always show up on the statsheet, and that youre an "energy" guy
and not like malik or manu
he does play hard, but so would i if i was in the nba
i'd stilll blow donkey testicles

T Park
04-02-2005, 02:48 AM
I felt Pop was not in the game at all.

lol, you dont rip a team's ass for not playing well when its "one of dem nights" You just ride it out.

Mookie, give it a fuckin rest, Najera is a damn good player, and if he was on the SPurs youd love the fuck out of him.

04-02-2005, 02:50 AM
he would never make the spurs summer league tryouts

T Park
04-02-2005, 02:54 AM
God, you cannot be that stupid.

Lose your blindness.

Najera is a damn good player, hes Malik and Bowen rolled into 1 person.

Lose the hate.

04-02-2005, 02:55 AM
alright man
youre sticking upfor eduardo najera
i'd go on a limb and say a majority of spurstalk would not agreee he is a good player

T Park
04-02-2005, 03:02 AM
go ahead, ill garan damn tee you people are gonna agree with me that he is a solid to good player.

04-02-2005, 03:09 AM
hopefully we'll find out
my most effective arguement is to keep posting

"eduardo najera"

04-02-2005, 03:13 AM
Eduarrrrrrdo is no doubt a good player, he makes an impact on games with his style of back asswards hustle and rustle play. I might even say he is better than Leek. No doubt a player I would want coming off my bench.

04-02-2005, 03:16 AM
alternate universes
4th demensionally he is like hakeem olajuwon

04-02-2005, 03:26 AM
No doubt dude is no allstar in any dimension but to say you wouldn't want ole boy coming off your bench would be insane. Dude plays hard in the paint and will throw a chicken wing to the eye with no remorse just for a board. Thats why id like Najara on my team. Now don't get me wrong, I hate the bastage for the simple fact we gotta take the opposite side of the court. He does bring it though.

04-02-2005, 03:33 AM
yes i agree he plays hard
but what the stuff does that mean
any bench player worth a sack of beans should play hard
i'll have to stick to my guns and say he fucking blows
not solid
not ok
he blows
he had a good game tonight
thats why we're talking about him...
eduardo najera

04-02-2005, 05:33 AM
Damn, why all the hate for Najera. He is a hell of a player, and I hear TWO people say that he's the worst player in the NBA in this thread? Mookie, I really can't understand how myopic you are - he is a damn good player - I would want him off the bench any day. And please, Mookie, don't use the phrase "He blows". I looked it up; it's Number 13 in the Big Book of Insult Clichés.

I don't think you understand what that means, but w/e

04-02-2005, 07:32 AM
Najera is definitely solid. I don't know about better than Malik, but he definitely doesn't suck. He's better than most of the guys coming off of most teams' bench, including the Spurs.

04-02-2005, 10:02 AM
Bunch of armchair coaches.

Fire Pop. Ok. :rolleyes

04-02-2005, 10:57 AM
Man, some of you better snap out of it. Where have you been all these years of following NBA basketball.

There are four "quite possible" losses on our schedule without Tim, based on the way we (and most other NBA teams except the Suns) play on the road; at Dallas, at Clippers, at Utah, at Memphis, and depending on where the Timerberwolves are at the time, at Minnesota, which would give us a 5 win, 5 loss record the rest of the way. Let's see, that would be a 58/24 overall record. If you gave Pop that possibility at the beginning of the season, he'd take it in a minute.

Our emphasis should be to get ready for the playoffs, and that would include momentum. It doesn't really matter what team we play. They are all tough now! The Knicks of '99 didn't have home court advantage over any of the four teams they beat in the playoffs. The Suns came in a couple of years ago and in one game took that advantage away from us.

We'll be alright. You saw what we can do in the Rockets and Sonics games. Denver would have beat any team last night. Did you notice how loose the Nuggets were? They are playing with confidence. Pop ought to order 12 doses of that same stuff for our Spurs. I thought they had huge doses from the Sonics' game. Evidently not. I have to believe that Nene's and Carmelo's smiles and laughter after making shots won't be forgotten, either. Now that is strictly minor league stuff.

Najera is streaky. However, there wasn't a single arm up trying to block any of his simple lay-ins under the basket. Also, we have a lot of inexperienced players who don't know where to be, at MOST given times. Pop did the right thing playing them as much as he did towards the end of the game. Two of those players won't be on the playoff roster. He has some decisons to make.

red kryptonite
04-02-2005, 11:56 AM
"i am enraged and i am a calm guy"

I wouldn't refer to you as calm if you are that upset about a Spurs v Denver regular season game without Tim and Kenyon. I'd call you gay.

P.S. Najera is a good basketball player. I would love him to play for the Spurs.

04-02-2005, 12:09 PM
"They are all tough now"

Yes, every game is a test, every game is tough, so why aren't the Spurs PLAYING tough vs Nuggets?

the Spurs know they have mediocre, soft road record,

they know that the Nuggets could be a first round matchup.

The Spurs knew they had proved to everybody, esp to themselves, with W's vs Rockets, Sonics they they could beat WC playoff teams without Tim (at least, at comfy SBC).

The Spurs had a 2-game, turn-it-around momentum.

Then they come out flat, play like shit, get outhustled on both ends,

Get destroyed in FB points,

get killed in the paint,

Shoot 32%, 14 pts under their average FG% (that's no confidence, NOT no skills)

launch the easy, lazy 3G's at a high rate, and miss, like they were the Suns or Sonics,

they can't play just an average offensive game, play no no defense, and get blown out.

Kills their momentum.

Kills the Spurs' confidence

And Manu gets beat up anyway, what a waste,

Lose the first game of a B2B, now have to fight through fatigue to salvage the second game.

Gives confidence to the first-round Nuggets.

The Nuggets game was, if nothing else, with 3 season weeks remaining, a preparation for the playoffs, a test. Failed miserably.

Nothing new, the Spurs are consistently inconsistent, 3 garbage road losses sandwiching 2 magnificent home wins. Back to being incompetent and feeling sorry for their crippled, TD-less selves.

The rest of the way, the season is a mental, the playoffs, even more so.

I don't expect them to win every game, but what's wrong with expcting the Spurs to be readly to play, to hustle every game, at least, come up with an average Spurs game, win or lose? That expectation has nothing to do with Tim playing or not.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-02-2005, 12:40 PM
Y'all have some definite reading comprehension issues. No one said anything about firing Pop, just that he deserved some criticism.

It amazes the hell out of me that some of you clowns can come on here and be critical of one of or several of our players, meanwhile Pop is the saint who can do no wrong.

All I stated was that inbounds play sucked donkey balls.

How was that Pop's play? They ran a inbounds play and Rasho happend to be an option on that play and they passed him the ball with 3 seconds left on the clock and he had no other choice to shoot the ball everyone else was denied or a hard shot to attempt.

Rasho should be the 9th option on inbounds plays with little time on the clock. Everyone else on the court should be tried and tried again before it goes to Rasho in a last second catch and shoot situation, and Pop does deserve blame for setting up a play like that.

THIS JUST IN: Pop makes mistakes too, it's okay to criticize him. Some of you that are covering his ass and making the whole "figures, fire Pop as usual" short bus retort come on here all the time critical of other players on this squad.

Why is Pop any better? Half the reason I criticize Pop is because this site needs some balance, and someone's gotta make up for all you Poplovers laying all the blame all the time on the players out there busting their butt while Pop sits there with a blank stare on his face.

If Pop was perfect, we'd have 8 rings and never lose a game, but we don't. He makes mistakes just like everyone on this team does at time, and just once it'd be nice for those of you who are smoking Pop's manpole 24-7 on this site to acknowledge that.

I'm out.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-02-2005, 12:44 PM
By the way, Najera is a Popdamn scrub. He flops more than John Kerry on the campaign trail.

Quit trying to give him so much credit, the only reason he looks like anything other than a two bit hack out there is because the refs confuse a little hustle and body language for skill.

04-02-2005, 12:58 PM
By the way, Najera is a Popdamn scrub. He flops more than John Kerry on the campaign trail.

Quit trying to give him so much credit, the only reason he looks like anything other than a two bit hack out there is because the refs confuse a little hustle and body language for skill.
Total Truthhttp://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smispin.gif

04-02-2005, 01:09 PM
Eduardo had more hustle and confidence last night than the entire Spurs squad, effectively, winningly making up for any absence of skill.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-02-2005, 01:12 PM
What has he won? NCAA championship? Nope. NBA championship? Nope.

About the only thing Eduardo is going to win in the NBA is the record for most teams played for.

04-02-2005, 02:06 PM
exactly aggie
i guess people consider 80% of nba players good

this game counted just as much as any other and people are just making "one of them night" excuses when this the worst ive seen them play in years
they werent even on a back to back
i would have some words for pop

04-02-2005, 03:49 PM
No one said anything about firing Pop, just that he deserved some criticism

Hey, I blame Pop as much as anybody. I'm well aware of Pop's faults and point them out frequently. But I do have to call you on one thing. Read the title of the thread and tell me again whether you think anybody was talking about firing Pop.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-02-2005, 07:32 PM

I know the title. The whole Pop angle has emerged because I said that inbounds play that Pop drew up sucked.

Go back and read the thread, some of us criticized that play call, and then others (Tpark, etc.) came with the whole "of course, fire Pop as usual, blame him, blah blah freakin' blah).

The original thread title didn't discuss Pop, but the posters sure ponied up the "Fire Pop" BS.

T Park
04-03-2005, 03:56 AM
death, taxes, aggie blames pop.

Nothing new.

Why rip them a new asshole?? They all looked tired, and they all had a bad night.

Just take the game tap throw it in the trash and fuck it, move on to the Lakers.

Wanna show me where I said fire pop there sunshine?

04-03-2005, 06:45 AM
Najera isn't the worst player in the league, but he might be the most dangerous player in terms of causing injuries. I'm just happy Timmy didn't have to be out there.

04-03-2005, 09:40 AM
God, you cannot be that stupid.

Lose your blindness.

Najera is a damn good player, hes Malik and Bowen rolled into 1 person.

Lose the hate.

He is a god player but I don't think he is that good......Najera's biggest attribute is his heart and hustle ( that is where the similarities to Malik end)

He cannot shoot the 3, and hos jumper is not as good as Malik's.

That said I would not mind him at all on the Spurs

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-03-2005, 12:04 PM
Tpark, it's always the same connotation from you "blame Pop, fire Pop."

Najera is a scrub. The only time he looks like anything other than a scrub is when the other team is dragging ass.

11-30-2008, 09:52 PM
preach on brother..

12-01-2008, 12:31 AM
are you fucking kidding? Eduardo Najera's a damn good hustle bench player. I'd ship both Vaughn and Bonner's ass out just to get this guy. Either you're being outright ignorant or you haven't wantched enough basketball games to see what Eduardo can do...

K-State Spur
12-01-2008, 12:40 AM
damn, a "50% of our titles ago" bump.

12-01-2008, 06:03 AM
preach on brother..

Did you bring this thread back to life simply to show how stupid mookie is?

12-01-2008, 09:43 AM
Believe me Pop yells even if were up by 20. Yelling is Pops mojo. For alot of players it works. Look at the past decade. But for many players it doesnt work. And thats why we dont see those high profile FA sit around and listen to long. They've all be warned about Pops yelling.

12-01-2008, 07:48 PM
Did you bring this thread back to life simply to show how stupid mookie is?

cuantos para los esmegmas ESMEAGMOL

12-01-2008, 08:05 PM
Lol. He said smegma. I think.

12-01-2008, 08:20 PM
Lol. He said smegma. I think.

Just cut and paste next time, since now you know your memory sucks. Or quote, either way works.

01-23-2009, 10:10 PM
i'm a loyal spurs fan, i'm not a love-hate guy, i look at the big picture
if poppovich does not tear assholes at halftime he should be fired and we might as well hire the Judson head coach
i dont care if its the most horribly officiated game of the year
i dont care if you let camby go for 40 25 and 19 blocks
i dont care if DEMARR JOHNSON is shooting like pistol pete
i dont care if massenburg is trying to be left off the playoff roster
i dont care if duncan ever plays again
you cannot let EDUARDO NAJERA hoop on you
the shitiest player in the nba who gets minutes along with mark madsen
that made me ashamed to be from san antonio and i've never felt that before
if i was watching this game in my house i would have destroyed half my stuff
if the spurs cannot contain najera, theyt have ZERO chance of winning another game this season.
i am enraged and i am a calm guy
poppovich should try to have a stroke in the locker room caused by rage
this is a low point in my life

Ehhh....I don't know how to break this breh....but 'Dwardo just got a vicious dunk over the entire team...

01-23-2009, 11:06 PM
i'm a loyal spurs fan, i'm not a love-hate guy, i look at the big picture
if poppovich does not tear assholes at halftime he should be fired and we might as well hire the Judson head coach
i dont care if its the most horribly officiated game of the year
i dont care if you let camby go for 40 25 and 19 blocks
i dont care if DEMARR JOHNSON is shooting like pistol pete
i dont care if massenburg is trying to be left off the playoff roster
i dont care if duncan ever plays again
you cannot let EDUARDO NAJERA hoop on you
the shitiest player in the nba who gets minutes along with mark madsen
that made me ashamed to be from san antonio and i've never felt that before
if i was watching this game in my house i would have destroyed half my stuff
if the spurs cannot contain najera, theyt have ZERO chance of winning another game this season.
i am enraged and i am a calm guy
poppovich should try to have a stroke in the locker room caused by rage
this is a low point in my life

first of all Pop is the best coach in the NBA. second, what do you have against Judson...dont go bashing the red and grey...cause they are one of the top teams in the state right now, having only lost to PFlugerville.....ROCKET PRIDE