View Full Version : Paul Pierce "I would Sign Ginobili"

07-24-2008, 08:56 AM

The two interesting answers he gives:

Do you think Ginobili is one of the great players in the NBA?

- I would sign Ginobili. He is the best foreign player in the history of the NBA.

Is Kobe Bryant the best player nowadays?

I don't think Kobe is the best, I am the best. There is a line that separates being presumptuous and self confidence. I do not cross that line but i a big deal of self confidence.

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Hola Paul!!! Enhorabuena por tu victoria!!! Mi pregunta es...¿cómo viste a Pau en las finales? ¿crees que este año con Bynum recuperado pueden plantar un poco más de cara a los Celtics? Y una adicional. ¿Cómo te sientes al ganarle al equipo de tu ciudad, al que has animado desde pequeño? Un saludo y enhorabuena de nuevo Enviada por JeSu989 (23/07/2008 22:02) Sí, porque me ha permitido ganar... ¡Gracias Gasol! Con Bynum estarán más cerca, jugaremos las Finales contra ellos.

Hola The Truth. Has sido muy criticado por la lesion que tuvistes en el primer partido de las finales de la nba, ¿ te da rabia que duden de tu profesionalidad ? Enviada por malaka_10 (23/07/2008 22:03) Bueno, no beneficia en nada a mi equipo que yo finja. Los medios de Los Ángeles se volvieron locos y dijeron eso, pero no había nada.

en agún momento antes de este verano pensaste de verdad que ibas a ganar el anillo con los celtics? Enviada por Facoteso (23/07/2008 22:03) Sí, con Kevin y Ray sabía que íbamos a ganar

Hola! Es un honor enviarte una pregunta. Lo primero, felicidades campeón! ¿Cual ha sido el mejor momento de tu vida profesional? Gracias, adios. Enviada por aupa_erreala (23/07/2008 22:04) Ganar el campeonato, por supuesto

Hola The Truth. ¿ Por qué no jugasteis contra Hawks y Cavaliers igual que contra los Pistons y los Lakers ? ¿ Fue por confianza ?. Muchas gracias MARCA por poder hablar con un crack de la NBA Enviada por malaka_10 (23/07/2008 22:07) Hawks y Cavs son buenos equipos también, y nosotros fuimos siendo mejores cuanto más avanzó el año.

¿ Con quién te llevas mejor en el equipo ? ENHORABUENA Enviada por Sioux!! (23/07/2008 22:13) Probablemente, Tony Allen y Kevin Garnett. De todas maneras, hay muy buena química con todos.

que se siente al jugar con grandes cracks del basket como Allen o Garnett, sin dejarte de lado a ti claro. a que se debe el dorsal 34 que llevas en los Celtics?? Enviada por oliverito (23/07/2008 22:04) Te sorprenderá, pero lo llevo porque en el instituto la del número 34 era la camiseta que mejor me quedaba.

hola pauL! quien crees que es mejor base arenas y calderón? Un saludo crack! Enviada por pablito_90 (23/07/2008 22:12) Hoy por hoy es mejor Gilbert Arenas, porque Calderón tiene margen de mejora y Gilbert es una superestrella ahora mismo.

Hola crack,te gusta el futbol? Enviada por jesusmija (23/07/2008 22:20) Si me gusta, lo he empezado a seguir este año, creo que Beckham tiene parte de culpa. Kevin Garnett es muy fan del Chelsea, pero yo todavía no tengo equipo, lo estoy buscando.

¿que opinion tienes de rudy fernandez y de marc gasol que emprenderan su aventura por la NBA esta temporada? Enviada por Michel89 (23/07/2008 22:23) Nunca los he visto jugar. He escuchado hablar mucho de ellos, igual que de Ricky Rubio, pero no puedo opinar porque no los he visto jugar

¿A que se deben los fracasos de unas selecciones norteamericanas plagadas de estrellas en los ultimos campeonatos FIBA?. ¿Es Kobe Bryant el mejor jugador del mundo en la actualidad?, gracias y enhorabuena por el merecido anillo. Enviada por xiskovic (23/07/2008 22:34) No creo que Kobe sea el mejor, el mejor soy yo. Hay una línea que separa tener confianza en uno mismo de ser presuntuoso. Yo no traspaso esa línea pero tengo mucha confianza en mí.

hola paul!!!!Quien ha sido el jugador que mas te ha costado defender??Gracias y felicidades por tu titulo cosechado Enviada por Magiko_espanyol (23/07/2008 22:14) Si tuviera que elegir a uno sería LeBron James

hola paul ! me alegra que uno de los grandes del mundo en baloncesto charle con los aficionados. gracias ¿ quién fué tu idolo de la infancia ? ¿ qué opinas de las posibilidades de la selección española contra la seleccion de estados unidos en los juegos olímpicos?gracias crack. Enviada por Reggie_the killer_miller_31 (23/07/2008 23:16) Mis ídolos cuando era pequeño eran: en primer lugar, mi madre y en segundo lugar Magic Johnson

Hola, Paul. Soy seguidor de los celtics desde los años 80, y para mi eres uno de los 5 mejores jugadores de la actualidad. Me gustaria saber: ¿Quienes son tus 5 jugadores preferidos en la nba hoy dia? Gracias y suerte para la proxima temporada. Enviada por Bolisa (23/07/2008 22:19) Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Rajon Rondo, Kendrick Perkins y Paul Pierce

¿alguna vez te has planteado cambiar de aires? Enviada por mahoneso (23/07/2008 22:19) No, nunca, quiero terminar mi carrera en los Celtics

Hola y felicidades, mi pregunta es ¿crees que podeis ganar el anillo la temporada que viene sin James Posey y sin fichar a ningun agente libre? ¿cuanto años crees que se mantendra el equipo actual luchando con los mejores? Enviada por Goty (23/07/2008 22:14) POsey es muy buen jugador pero tenemos muy buen equipo y podríamos ganar otra vez el anillo sin necesidad de fichar algún jugador

¿crees que manu ginobili es un grande de la NBA? Enviada por gerardo_8_5 (23/07/2008 23:03) A Ginobili si pudiera lo ficharía. Es el mejor jugador extranjero de la historia de la NBA. Bueno lo lamento mucho pero tengo que dar por finalizada la charla. Me alegra mucho poder haber hablado con los aficionados españoles a la NBA y espero repetir la experiencia. Muchas gracias y un saludo!!

07-24-2008, 08:58 AM
I would too.

07-24-2008, 08:59 AM
If he thinks he is the best player in the nba and better than Kobe Bryant then that automatically disqualifies his opinion of Manu.

07-24-2008, 09:21 AM
Best foreign player EVER? WOW.

07-24-2008, 09:47 AM
It's a stupid thing to say if he did in fact say that about being the best player in the league. But, at least he has some evidence in that he outplayed Kobe in the Finals.

07-24-2008, 09:48 AM
paul peirce is getting a big mouth
telling knicks to cut marbarry
telling boston to sign posey
telling the world manu is the best foreign player

son just because you won a title does not give you the right to start telling people what to do

07-24-2008, 09:55 AM
Pierce and Kobe are good friends off the court. Last off-season they worked out together and played pickup ball with one another. I HIGHLY doubt Pierce would ever say something like that to disparage Kobe. Something was clearly lost in translation.

Pierce may have outplayed Kobe in the Finals, but that's because he wasn't facing a 5-man zone 24/7 like Kobe was. If Pierce had to deal with double and triple teams he would have been completely neutralized. He went off because he was guarded by Radmanovich and Walton in man coverage.

07-24-2008, 10:01 AM
Pierce and Kobe are good friends off the court. Last off-season they worked out together and played pickup ball with one another. I HIGHLY doubt Pierce would ever say something like that to disparage Kobe. Something was clearly lost in translation.

Or maybe he said it, and believes it...but also knows Kobe would just laugh it off because they're supposedly good friends.
That's what competitive guys do, isn't it? They like to :blah

07-24-2008, 10:03 AM
I suppose context is everything.

07-24-2008, 10:05 AM
Kobe is not even the best player in the league. Everyone knows it's King James: James Gist!!!

07-24-2008, 10:15 AM
Pierce may have outplayed Kobe in the Finals, but that's because he wasn't facing a 5-man zone 24/7 like Kobe was. If Pierce had to deal with double and triple teams he would have been completely neutralized. He went off because he was guarded by Radmanovich and Walton in man coverage.
And this is the same reason y i dont get all the Dirk bashing.

07-24-2008, 10:35 AM
Dirk hasn't played against 5 man zones. And, in two of the his playoff failures, he's been held in check by Udonis Haslem and Stephen Jackson.

07-24-2008, 10:38 AM
In fact, if you won the Finals MVP you are the best
In Fact if your team won the NBA Championship your team is the Best

But not always is that, for example:
The Best National team is Team USA, but in the Last 2 WC and the Last Olympics Team USA can´t win the Championship

Team USA can beat Argentina or Spain in 9 of 10 games, but if this game is the Olympics Finals you lost.

In The Preolympic Tournament of PR in 2003 Team USA beat twice Argentina, but Argentina won in the Olympics Semis and then won the Gold.

2 of 3 of this games were won by USA, that means USA would be Better than Argentina, but Argentina won the Olympics.

Is Like the New York Yankees last years History, probably is the Team in Baseball, but when the PO are coming, a single game can change all.

07-24-2008, 10:43 AM
That's pretty cool of him.

When MANU is ON he is top 5 in NBA imfo.

07-24-2008, 10:57 AM
He is the best foreign player in the history of the NBA.

That's kind of like saying that Paul Pierce is one of the smartest black players in the NBA.

07-24-2008, 11:02 AM
There is a line that separates being presumptuous and self confidence.
He's made a point...

I don't think Kobe is the best, I am the best.

He's lying.

07-24-2008, 11:06 AM
That's kind of like saying that Paul Pierce is one of the smartest black players in the NBA.

based on pure talent, Manu is definitely not even top 5. Top 10 probably.

But based on effort, competitiveness, clutchness, pedigree, accomplishments and contributions in joining international ball + NBA. That along with his talent, and he is #1 in history.

07-24-2008, 11:14 AM
Is duncan considered a foreign player?

07-24-2008, 11:16 AM
Manu is one of my favorite players in the league, but he's not even a top 3 foreign player right now in the NBA, forget about the history of the game.

07-24-2008, 11:29 AM
Kobe is not even the best player in the league. Everyone knows it's King James: James Gist!!!

:lol :lol :lol Let's hope Gist turn into the King! First, we have to sign him...

07-24-2008, 11:55 AM
Manu is one of my favorite players in the league, but he's not even a top 3 foreign player right now in the NBA, forget about the history of the game.

So who is ahead of Manu?

07-24-2008, 11:55 AM
Is duncan considered a foreign player?

no, he's from the US Virgin Islands

07-24-2008, 11:57 AM
no, he's from the US Virgin Islands

So he is a foreign player

07-24-2008, 12:02 PM
I wonder how much Manu would increase in value if he were autographed by Paul Pierce. I hope this isn't some plan by Boston to drive his price tag too high for Holt's tastes.

07-24-2008, 12:13 PM
So who is ahead of Manu?

In the league right now, Dirk, Nash, Yao.

07-24-2008, 12:14 PM
Manu is one of my favorite players in the league, but he's not even a top 3 foreign player right now in the NBA, forget about the history of the game.

Talent Wise, you're probably right.

Combine Talent + Championships + Competetiveness, I don't see how you can argue that he isn't top 3 foreign players in the NBA today. Top 3 in history? Probably not.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-24-2008, 12:15 PM
Oh man, ducks has someone new to hate on. He said Manu is good.

07-24-2008, 12:16 PM
In the league right now, Dirk, Nash, Yao.

Get back to me when any of them have won a ring. All three are probably more talented. Talent alone doesn't make them better players though.

07-24-2008, 12:19 PM
Dirk - Chokes.

Nash - Going downhill fast. Too much of a liability on D.

Yao - Not enough stamina and much more injury prone than Manu.

07-24-2008, 12:20 PM
OMG this just in!!!

"I like to eat so I don't starve to death" - Paul Pierce

No wayyyyyy

07-24-2008, 12:24 PM
lebron did say pierce had the 2nd best foot work in the league. i still think pierce is underrated by many.

07-24-2008, 12:32 PM
Manu is one of my favorite players in the league, but he's not even a top 3 foreign player right now in the NBA, forget about the history of the game.

Name one other foreign player, current or past, who has won multiple NBA championships, won gold in the Olympics, numerous MVP's and accolades.

07-24-2008, 12:35 PM
In the league right now, Dirk, Nash, Yao.

All with a combined ZERO NBA, Olympic, or Euro championships between them. Manu is the King!

07-24-2008, 12:50 PM
i think Pierce has played against the best intl players on the league to have a more than respectable point of view. i take his word as valid

07-24-2008, 12:51 PM
Pierce is a very good player, no question. And maybe some guys have to talk like that and keep up the swagger, for their own benefit. But if he really is the best player in the league, Boston would have been a hell of a lot more competitive (in the freakin' East, for Pete's sake) for the past several years. Or did his ascendency to the throne have something to do with the arrival of Kevin Garnett and, to a lesser degree, Ray Allen? I still say that you could have put Tim Duncan on the Knicks or Raptors and they would have made the second round of the playoffs consistently.

Manu is one of my favorite players in the league, but he's not even a top 3 foreign player right now in the NBA, forget about the history of the game.

Dirk and Nash are both great players. But they were even on the same team, and they couldn't get it done. And don't give me any excuse about supporting cast, because Cuban wasn't shy about spending. They had every opportunity. And don't forget that Manu Ginobili had a lot to do with sinking that ship year after year. Manu has done one thing, at every level, that sets him apart from those two - win.

Don't even bring Yao into this. He makes even Shaq look small when they are standing together. He's got a great shooting stroke for a big man. He's a good player. But he has done nothing, absolutely nothing to merit being in the running with Ginobili, or Nash and Nowitzki. Maybe it's the fault of the coaches and their systems for not taking full advantage of his abilities. (You can't deny that it could have something to do with the fact that he looks like Herman Munster running the court.) But that's like saying that that Dwight Howard is one of the greatest centers in the history of the game. He has a lot of talent and promise. But it's customary to wait until a player has actually done something before building any shrines.

Maybe you're thinking about All-Star balloting. But if the votes of a billion Chinese decided anything, we'd all eat more rice.

07-24-2008, 12:55 PM
Championships are a team accomplishment. There's no denying that Manu is more clutch than the other three listed (because's he's more clutch than 95% of the rest of the league). There's also no denying that Manu's teammates both in the NBA and the Olympics blows away anything that Yao, Dirk, and Nash could possibly have had to work with.

How many NBA MVP awards does Manu have? Less than Dirk and Nash. I will admit there might be room for debate on Yao because his durability has hampered him so much in the last couple of seasons, but it's not like Manu is an Iron Man either. He's played hurt as much as anyone in the league and it hasn't always been pretty.

I'm not trying to shit on Manu, but seriously guys, Jamstone's right on this one.

07-24-2008, 12:56 PM
Kobe is not even the best player in the league. Everyone knows it's King James: James Gist!!!

RIGHT ON!!! All Hail to James Gist :lol

Damn we need to sign this boy

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-24-2008, 12:57 PM
Championships are a team accomplishment. There's no denying that Manu is more clutch than the other three listed (because's he's more clutch than 95% of the rest of the league). There's also no denying that Manu's teammates both in the NBA and the Olympics blows anything that Yao, Dirk, and Nash could possibly have had to work with.

How many NBA MVP awards does Manu have? Less than Dirk and Nash. I will admit there might be room for debate on Yao because his durability has hampered him so much in the last couple of seasons, but it's not like Manu is an Iron Man either. He's played hurt as much as anyone in the league and it hasn't always been pretty.

I'm not trying to shit on Manu, but seriously guys, Jamstone's right on this one.

Come on, Dirk let one guy beat his team in the Finals, after getting up 2-0. All he could come up with as a response was to hide behind Cuban's skirt and bitch about officiating.

07-24-2008, 12:58 PM
Is this Pierce's way of saying :hitit: ?

07-24-2008, 01:00 PM
paul peirce is getting a big mouth
telling knicks to cut marbarry
telling boston to sign posey
telling the world manu is the best foreign player

son just because you won a title does not give you the right to start telling people what to do

Further proof ducks that Manu > Tony.

Even NBA players admit it.

07-24-2008, 01:01 PM
Come on, Dirk let one guy beat his team in the Finals, after getting up 2-0. All he could come up with as a response was to hide behind Cuban's skirt and bitch about officiating.

Was Dirk primarily guarding Wade? The Mavs choked as a team. I already said Manu is more clutch, but seriously, if the entire NBA redrafted rosters tomorrow, how many guys would have Manu ahead of Nash, Dirk, and Yao on their boards?

07-24-2008, 01:02 PM
Manu is the best overseas player..... that guy playing hard all day all night, giving his all. He also stay humble and keep his head cool all the time,especially off court. That qualities make him a champion. All players who follow that can considered themselves among the best.
If you considered numbers and performance as a measurement for best player: I think Kobe still the best player with James tailing him.....
This best player thing is so subjective, hehehe

Kori Ellis
07-24-2008, 01:02 PM
Further proof ducks that Manu > Tony.

Even NBA players admit it.

Maybe you didn't get the message yesterday. Anyone who continues the Manu > Tony trash is going on 48 hour to 1 week ban. That goes for ducks, AHF, you, whoever...

07-24-2008, 01:04 PM
For being herman munster, yao has made tim duncan look like david robinson circa 1995, various times. But I agree with pierce manu is one the best in the history of the Nba. Olajuwon and manu! too bad, that because of politics, the nba fans were robbed of watching Arvydas.

Drom John
07-24-2008, 01:06 PM
Best current foreign player in the NBA? -- Maby Manu. Is Manu the best current foreign player on the Spurs?

Best in the history of the NBA? Hakeem Olajuwon. Manu is not close.

07-24-2008, 01:10 PM
I love when ppl jump to conclusions when they hear the word "best". Could be that Pierce was talking about "best" as in more accomplished, more exciting, more competitive, more hard-working foreign player ever?

then he is right on.

if he was talking about plain talent. He is way off.

there will be pages of discussion but noone will prove that Pierce was right or wrong.

07-24-2008, 01:14 PM
Maybe you didn't get the message yesterday. Anyone who continues the Manu > Tony trash is going on 48 hour to 1 week ban. That goes for ducks, AHF, you, whoever...

No I didn't. But anyhoo any time Ducks posts about Manu I follow him and just to tick HIM off nobody else I will go Manu > Tony. So I dont' really mean it when I say Manu > Tony. That's my explantion. Sorry/whatever.

07-24-2008, 01:19 PM
Maybe you didn't get the message yesterday. Anyone who continues the Manu > Tony trash is going on 48 hour to 1 week ban. That goes for ducks, AHF, you, whoever...

tony lover?

07-24-2008, 01:37 PM
Pierce and Kobe are good friends off the court. Last off-season they worked out together and played pickup ball with one another. I HIGHLY doubt Pierce would ever say something like that to disparage Kobe. Something was clearly lost in translation.

Pierce may have outplayed Kobe in the Finals, but that's because he wasn't facing a 5-man zone 24/7 like Kobe was. If Pierce had to deal with double and triple teams he would have been completely neutralized. He went off because he was guarded by Radmanovich and Walton in man coverage.

:lol I can't decide who is more delusional; Lakerfan or Mavfan.

07-24-2008, 01:43 PM
tony lover?

Your asking for it.

07-24-2008, 01:44 PM
i think Pierce has played against the best intl players on the league to have a more than respectable point of view. i take his word as valid

has pierce played against the dream

07-24-2008, 01:45 PM
tony lover?


07-24-2008, 01:46 PM
That's kind of like saying that Paul Pierce is one of the smartest black players in the NBA.

No, it's like saying Pierce is the best American player. Being foreign has nothing to do with race. Why? B/C there are different races abroad as there are different races here. Intelliigence is apart of skill. If Paul said Gino was the smartest player then yes, that warrants comparison. Paul said nothing about race, he said foreign. Obviously your view is obstructed.

07-24-2008, 01:46 PM
Championships are a team accomplishment. There's no denying that Manu is more clutch than the other three listed (because's he's more clutch than 95% of the rest of the league). There's also no denying that Manu's teammates both in the NBA and the Olympics blows away anything that Yao, Dirk, and Nash could possibly have had to work with.

How many NBA MVP awards does Manu have? Less than Dirk and Nash. I will admit there might be room for debate on Yao because his durability has hampered him so much in the last couple of seasons, but it's not like Manu is an Iron Man either. He's played hurt as much as anyone in the league and it hasn't always been pretty.

I'm not trying to shit on Manu, but seriously guys, Jamstone's right on this one.

Damn... a thoughful disagreemnet without flaming or name calling. I understand your points, but I still say there is more to it than that. Nash wasn't thought of as an MVP until he went to Phoenix - a system that could have been designed specifically for his skill set. Dirk was on a team that was designed around him. Manu's role and opportunities have been limited by playing on a team where everything (with good reason) goes through Tim Duncan.

And to answer those that argue basketball is a team sport - Manu has been the ultimate team player. He has accepted a role coming off the bench, because that gave the team the best chance to win championships. (No screaming, please. At least the coach believed it, and Manu accepted it.) I don't think that anyone would dispute that Manu's individual stats and accolades have suffered as a consequence.

Some will disagree, but I think you can take Dirk off the top of the list just based on his epic failures in the playoffs. Nash's numbers have been incredible in Phoenix. But it reminds me of the Run-And-Gun that the Houston Oilers ran, with Warren Moon and all those lightning-fast receivers. They piled up huge numbers, but got the crap kicked out of them in the playoffs when they went up against the heavyweights. I'm glad that there isn't much debate over Yao, anyway.

Since the comment was made about the best foreign player in the "history" of the NBA, we must be able to look backwards as well, right? So we should look at the best of Manu. When he first came here, he was electrifying. He's had to subdue his game somewhat to fit within Pop's system. But ask yourself what he would have looked like playing in a wide-open offense. I know I remember games where Duncan and/or Parker were hurt, and Manu has turned it on, seemingly at will, and carried the team. I happen to believe he could have done that consistently, had it been required or had he been given the opportunity.

And finally, if basketball is a team sport, it is also played on both ends of the court. Manu has played his whole NBA career on a team that absolutely demanded defense. And he has worn his ass out playing "defense first". Anyone here bold enough to discuss Dirk's defense in comparison to Manu's? Nash's defense is better than Dirk's, but do you think he would have piled up his MVP stats playing under Pop? When you talk about "best player" I don't see how you can totally discount 50% of the game. (Or 75%, if you play for the Spurs.)

Arguing about "best player" is about as useful as aruging about Batman vs. Aquaman. You'll never prove anything, and it's kind of silly if you ever think about it too hard. But I sure as hell don't think you can put Manu in a separate, lower category than Nash and Dirk. And I don't think you can safely discount winning. When a guy does it consistently, over a long period of time, it's more than good fortune.

And even if you say that Manu, Nash, and Dirk are equal, I say Manu wins because he's a Spur. So fuck off! :blah

07-24-2008, 01:49 PM
has pierce played against the dream

Paul Pierce was drafted in 1998 and Hakeem retired after the 2001-2002 season

get your facts together ducky

07-24-2008, 01:52 PM
Maybe you didn't get the message yesterday. Anyone who continues the Manu > Tony trash is going on 48 hour to 1 week ban. That goes for ducks, AHF, you, whoever...

ducks is on shallow waters LOL

Kori Ellis
07-24-2008, 01:56 PM
tony lover?

Actually I prefer Duncan.

I also prefer you not to be here. So you aren't.

07-24-2008, 01:58 PM
For being herman munster, yao has made tim duncan look like david robinson circa 1995, various times. But I agree with pierce manu is one the best in the history of the Nba. Olajuwon and manu! too bad, that because of politics, the nba fans were robbed of watching Arvydas.

Dang, you're right. If we're talking history, Hakeem is probably tops. And I loved Sabonis. If he had been allowed to play NBA ball before his knees were shot, he would have been a household name among basketball fans. He played through a lot of pain, but he still had that beautiful stroke.

By the time he got to play here, he reminded me of the dad of a girl you were picking up for a date, and were scared shitless of. I don't know why.

07-24-2008, 02:02 PM
Actually I prefer Duncan.

Me too. :)

jack sommerset
07-24-2008, 02:04 PM
Mango a top 5-10 player is the funniest thing I heard in this thread. Every team in the NBA has atleast 1 playerr better than Mangoo.He comes off the BENCH FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!! He plays with DUNCAN. Maybe Mangoo is better than any Knick or Pacer.

07-24-2008, 02:05 PM
Damn... a thoughful disagreemnet without flaming or name calling. I understand your points, but I still say there is more to it than that. Nash wasn't thought of as an MVP until he went to Phoenix - a system that could have been designed specifically for his skill set. Dirk was on a team that was designed around him. Manu's role and opportunities have been limited by playing on a team where everything (with good reason) goes through Tim Duncan.

And to answer those that argue basketball is a team sport - Manu has been the ultimate team player. He has accepted a role coming off the bench, because that gave the team the best chance to win championships. (No screaming, please. At least the coach believed it, and Manu accepted it.) I don't think that anyone would dispute that Manu's individual stats and accolades have suffered as a consequence.

Some will disagree, but I think you can take Dirk off the top of the list just based on his epic failures in the playoffs. Nash's numbers have been incredible in Phoenix. But it reminds me of the Run-And-Gun that the Houston Oilers ran, with Warren Moon and all those lightning-fast receivers. They piled up huge numbers, but got the crap kicked out of them in the playoffs when they went up against the heavyweights. I'm glad that there isn't much debate over Yao, anyway.

Since the comment was made about the best foreign player in the "history" of the NBA, we must be able to look backwards as well, right? So we should look at the best of Manu. When he first came here, he was electrifying. He's had to subdue his game somewhat to fit within Pop's system. But ask yourself what he would have looked like playing in a wide-open offense. I know I remember games where Duncan and/or Parker were hurt, and Manu has turned it on, seemingly at will, and carried the team. I happen to believe he could have done that consistently, had it been required or had he been given the opportunity.

And finally, if basketball is a team sport, it is also played on both ends of the court. Manu has played his whole NBA career on a team that absolutely demanded defense. And he has worn his ass out playing "defense first". Anyone here bold enough to discuss Dirk's defense in comparison to Manu's? Nash's defense is better than Dirk's, but do you think he would have piled up his MVP stats playing under Pop? When you talk about "best player" I don't see how you can totally discount 50% of the game. (Or 75%, if you play for the Spurs.)

Arguing about "best player" is about as useful as aruging about Batman vs. Aquaman. You'll never prove anything, and it's kind of silly if you ever think about it too hard. But I sure as hell don't think you can put Manu in a separate, lower category than Nash and Dirk. And I don't think you can safely discount winning. When a guy does it consistently, over a long period of time, it's more than good fortune.

And even if you say that Manu, Nash, and Dirk are equal, I say Manu wins because he's a Spur. So fuck off! :blah

Dear lord, there seems to be an outbreak of civility here. Get the CDC on the horn! Burn the tomatoes!

You make some good points, none more salient than the bolded one. I could rattle off some more points of my own but they aren't going to get us any closer to anything concrete. Trying to order 4 potential hall of famers like that is going to come down to splitting hairs at some point.

Kori Ellis
07-24-2008, 02:09 PM
I don't get why everyone gets riled up about Pierce saying "best." "Best" to him is just his opinion - his favorite. It's not something you can prove or disprove; it's just his opinion. I don't think Manu is the best foreign player in the league now or in history, but he's damn exciting, humble, incredibly efficient, clutch, and has a crazy will to win. I'm glad he's on the Spurs and I wouldn't want to trade to him.

As for the "I would sign Ginobili" part ... if you asked any player in the league, "Would you want Manu Ginobili on your team?" They'd probably say yes. That doesn't mean they think he's the better than anyone else particularly, just that they acknowledge is great and would improve their team.

07-24-2008, 02:15 PM
As for the "I would sign Ginobili" part ... if you asked any player in the league, "Would you want Manu Ginobili on your team?" They'd probably say yes. That doesn't mean they think he's the better than anyone else particularly, just that they acknowledge is great and would improve their team.

I didn't want to use "Ginobili the best Intl Player of the history of the NBA" tittle knowing that Paul said it too not to exaggerate and start an unfortunately unavoidable TP vs. Manu discussion... the rest of the Argentinean press did use THAT title.. and for the benefit of ST... it was here before THEY posted it :)

07-24-2008, 02:24 PM
Actually I prefer Duncan.

I also prefer you not to be here. So you aren't.

Dayum... Kori laying down the law.

See you later xtremesteven.

07-24-2008, 02:33 PM
So what consists of Tony or Manu bashing or pitting them against each other? If I say Parker is better will that get me banned? Or just saying @#$%^ about one?

Kori Ellis
07-24-2008, 02:35 PM
So what consists of Tony or Manu bashing or pitting them against each other? If I say Parker is better will that get me banned? Or just saying @#$%^ about one?

The constant trashing of one player to build up the other is annoying the heck out of me. Just look at ducks posts yesterday for examples.

07-24-2008, 02:37 PM
I did not even post anything about tp yesterday

07-24-2008, 02:39 PM
I did not even post anything about tp yesterday


Kori Ellis
07-24-2008, 02:47 PM
I did not even post anything about tp yesterday

You don't have to mention Tony. You just trash Manu constantly because for some reason that makes you think it makes Tony look better. Anyway, this conversation is over. Back to Paul Pierce ...

I guess everyone forgot he threw gang signs after he won the Championship.

07-24-2008, 02:50 PM
I guess everyone forgot he threw gang signs after he won the Championship.

was truly that the excuse the NFL used for their new rule to ban celebrations? i can't believe that... it seems a weak statement from them since it's not something that happened on their league...

I. Hustle
07-24-2008, 02:55 PM
Chocolate Chip Pecan cookies are the “best” and tiramisu is the greatest imported dessert ever

07-24-2008, 03:01 PM
Chocolate Chip Pecan cookies are the “best” and tiramisu is the greatest imported dessert ever

mmmm tiramisu. ah.... damn you! i want some right now. although i'd have to say tres leches is awesome too.

07-24-2008, 03:07 PM

i don't know if this one was posted but it's really good.. on here Manu says that he is an NBA champ because he is lucky to play on the Spurs... vs winning gold...

I. Hustle
07-24-2008, 03:11 PM
mmmm tiramisu. ah.... damn you! i want some right now. although i'd have to say tres leches is awesome too.

Tres Leches is my wife's fav.

07-24-2008, 03:12 PM
Do you think Ginobili is one of the great players in the NBA?

- I would sign Ginobili. He is the best foreign player in the history of the NBA.

Is Kobe Bryant the best player nowadays?

I don't think Kobe is the best, I am the best. There is a line that separates being presumptuous and self confidence. I do not cross that line but i a big deal of self confidence.

bullshit on both answers :tu

07-24-2008, 03:12 PM
So who is ahead of Manu?

Is Manu's cock that far down your throat?

I. Hustle
07-24-2008, 03:16 PM
Damn ha ha Grizzlies :lol

07-24-2008, 03:24 PM
Chocolate Chip Pecan cookies are the “best” and tiramisu is the greatest imported dessert ever

You are underestimating the power of flan! :(

07-24-2008, 03:25 PM
Damn ha ha Grizzlies :lol


07-24-2008, 03:27 PM
Hakeem Olajuwon would beg to differ.

I. Hustle
07-24-2008, 03:59 PM
You are underestimating the power of flan! :(

you mean flem?! :td

Buddy Holly
07-24-2008, 04:05 PM
Actually I prefer Duncan.

So that's why you were KoriDuncan. :p: :downspin:

07-24-2008, 05:41 PM
Maybe you didn't get the message yesterday. Anyone who continues the Manu > Tony trash is going on 48 hour to 1 week ban. That goes for ducks, AHF, you, whoever...

Every Ducks post is a snide remark against Manu, an insult against Manu or him telling the Spurs to trade Manu. What post does he have that isn't anti-Manu besides the ones that are anti-LeBron James?

If you were serious about this, you'd have banned him long ago.

07-24-2008, 05:47 PM
paul peirce is getting a big mouth
telling knicks to cut marbarry
telling boston to sign posey
telling the world manu is the best foreign player

son just because you won a title does not give you the right to start telling people what to do

I don't know why, but I love reading your posts.

07-24-2008, 06:26 PM
I don't know why, but I love reading your posts.

Get help . . . quick! :lol

07-24-2008, 06:43 PM
Pierce and Kobe are good friends off the court. Last off-season they worked out together and played pickup ball with one another. I HIGHLY doubt Pierce would ever say something like that to disparage Kobe. Something was clearly lost in translation.

Pierce may have outplayed Kobe in the Finals, but that's because he wasn't facing a 5-man zone 24/7 like Kobe was. If Pierce had to deal with double and triple teams he would have been completely neutralized. He went off because he was guarded by Radmanovich and Walton in man coverage.
Here we go, making excuses for Kobe. Has to be a Laker fan?:ihit Kobe, tell me how Shaq's ass tastes?

07-24-2008, 06:51 PM
Every Ducks post is a snide remark against Manu, an insult against Manu or him telling the Spurs to trade Manu. What post does he have that isn't anti-Manu besides the ones that are anti-LeBron James?

If you were serious about this, you'd have banned him long ago.

Perhaps she's bidding her time... whatever the reason may be, to imply Kori's not serious about anything related to this forum is ridiculous. Ducks is more like the forum clown, everybody knows why he says the things he says and its easy enough just to ignore him most of the time. Sometimes he gets carried away, and has to be reeled in. That is what has been done here. The only difference between him and someone like xtremesteven is ducks knows when to shut up.

07-24-2008, 07:09 PM
I don't know why, but I love reading your posts.

What are you trying to do? Get us all cross eyed.

07-24-2008, 08:14 PM
What are you trying to do? Get us all cross eyed.

you and ducks are :married:?

07-24-2008, 10:56 PM
I don't know why, but I love reading your posts.


07-24-2008, 11:17 PM
that's pretty jacked up for banning extremesteven. if you banned him for 48 hrs you should have banned me as well.

I think Kori needs to take it easy on the pillz:
http://www.criminalsearches.com/details.aspx?id=69225522 :wakeup

07-24-2008, 11:22 PM
Paul Pierce is dumb.

07-24-2008, 11:28 PM
that's pretty jacked up for banning extremesteven. if you banned him for 48 hrs you should have banned me as well.

I think Kori needs to take it easy on the pillz:
http://www.criminalsearches.com/details.aspx?id=69225522 :wakeup

Wow, I didn't know Kori was a drug addict!

...and born in 1985 :lol

Kori Ellis
07-24-2008, 11:33 PM
that's pretty jacked up for banning extremesteven. if you banned him for 48 hrs you should have banned me as well.

I think Kori needs to take it easy on the pillz:
http://www.criminalsearches.com/details.aspx?id=69225522 :wakeup

extremesteven is a jerk all the time to me. It's not like I did it just for what he said.

:lol I saw that too. But I'm not even close to that age.

07-24-2008, 11:51 PM
Im sure he was kidding about being the best player, and Im sure Kobe got a good laugh at that... and probably a few other players. I think he meant Ginobli is the best foreign player in the game today, because technically, Hakeem and Duncan are foreign players right?

Its such a vague statement that its really hard to make sense of it. If he meant the best international player in history, he's wrong. If he meant best international player today, he's also wrong. If he meant most accomplished international player in history, its debatable.

07-25-2008, 07:20 AM
The Celtics suck...but Manu is the best foreign player in the NBA right now.

07-25-2008, 07:37 AM
Manu is one of my favorite players in the league, but he's not even a top 3 foreign player right now in the NBA, forget about the history of the game.

Best foreign players NBA: Nash, Dirk and Manu. Manu was 3 time NBA champion and he's Olympic champion too. Winning is the only thing that matters!!!

07-25-2008, 09:12 AM
Kobe gets common pass by a fawning media as "the best player in NBA" - granted he the best scorer going and when he wants to be a fine defender but others have to be in the discussion including the more accomplished TD - as TD has led four different squads to championships and dominates in a more subtle way more than Bryant. Starting any team you still take a great big over a Pierce, Kobe, James or whomever else you line up (James due to his size and versitality is the one who will be able to lay a legit claim in a few years most likely)

07-25-2008, 09:25 AM
Pierce is to Duncan what cat is to tiger.

07-25-2008, 12:17 PM
Best foreign players NBA: Nash, Dirk and Manu. Manu was 3 time NBA champion and he's Olympic champion too. Winning is the only thing that matters!!!

And we all know Robert Horry is better than Tim Duncan.

07-25-2008, 03:01 PM
Dirk > Manu
Dirk is a franchise player, he took a team with no all-star in the finals.
i love manu but i don't think he can do that.

07-25-2008, 08:56 PM
And we all know Robert Horry is better than Tim Duncan.


07-26-2008, 03:03 AM
Dirk > Manu
Dirk is a franchise player, he took a team with no all-star in the finals.
i love manu but i don't think he can do that.
Manu got an Argentina team to the gold with no allstar level players. And Dirk might've not had any true allstars on his team, but that team was very well balanced. Unlike last years Spurs, who were Tim+Manu+Tony+vets+ 2 of 3 youngest players mostly DNP(Matt and Ian), and Dirk had Josh and some others, I really can't remember that team.

And If you have TD on a team, you really can't be the franchise player. If Manu was THE MAN and took 23 shots per game because he completely ran the offense on some team like the Net or Knicks, he'd be crazy good too. A player can't shine as bright in a supporting role.

07-26-2008, 06:28 AM
Manu got an Argentina team to the gold with no allstar level players. And Dirk might've not had any true allstars on his team, but that team was very well balanced. Unlike last years Spurs, who were Tim+Manu+Tony+vets+ 2 of 3 youngest players mostly DNP(Matt and Ian), and Dirk had Josh and some others, I really can't remember that team.

And If you have TD on a team, you really can't be the franchise player. If Manu was THE MAN and took 23 shots per game because he completely ran the offense on some team like the Net or Knicks, he'd be crazy good too. A player can't shine as bright in a supporting role.

well that's your opinion.
i just think Manu has the talent to be a franchise player but he's too inconsistent.

07-26-2008, 09:31 AM
well that's your opinion.
i just think Manu has the talent to be a franchise player but he's too inconsistent.

and i would add that his endurance is not the same as a black player that is able to go for 35 min daily with no problems... he reaches the same athleticism peaks but not for long stretches...

07-26-2008, 09:36 AM
I'd sign Manu.

07-26-2008, 09:41 AM
On these 2 points, I agree 100% with Paul Pierce.

IMHO the only other players in the discussion as of today as the best are Timmay, Kobe, and CP3.

07-26-2008, 10:36 AM
In the league right now, Dirk, Nash, Yao.


Neither have led/assisted their perspective national teams or organizations to championships.

I'm usually a big fan of your takes JS, but I completely disagree.

Manu is the only player who has shown a competitive level of play which rivals Jordan's.

07-26-2008, 02:06 PM
Overall I'd put Manu in my top 3 european players right now. Of course other may be more sound with fundaments but Manu has the complete package plus he's the most though mentally. Something, IMO Dirk and Nash hasn't. And Yao has a lot to prove as a leader.

07-26-2008, 02:14 PM
Dirk hasn't played against 5 man zones. And, in two of the his playoff failures, he's been held in check by Udonis Haslem and Stephen Jackson.

Did you watch the 06 Finals? Let me ask you a question: What would have happened if the Mavs had played the same kind of physical defense against Wade that Haslem and Posey were allowed to play against Dirk? Wade probably would've shot 45 FTs per game.

Against Stephen Jackson in 07, he had bone spurs. When he was healthy last year, he had no problem torching the Warriors.

A team with Dirk as its best player has perenially won 55+ games and made a couple of deep playoff runs. A team with Manu as its best player would probably win 43-45 games and would always be first-round fodder.

Dirk is better than Manu. It doesn't get any more concise and accurate than that. Dirk is the best foreign-born player in NBA History.

07-26-2008, 02:15 PM
Manu got an Argentina team to the gold with no allstar level players.

FIBA. Who cares? We're talking about the NBA. Under FIBA rules, Tim Duncan ain't so hot.

07-26-2008, 02:17 PM
Under FIBA rules, Tim Duncan ain't so hot.

"FIBA sucks." :lol

07-26-2008, 02:18 PM
"FIBA sucks." :lol

Yeah, I have a hard time accepting these "Manu won a gold medal" arguments when Duncan looks like a spare in these competitions.

07-26-2008, 02:34 PM
Overall I'd put Manu in my top 3 european players right now


07-26-2008, 02:38 PM

The two interesting answers he gives:

Do you think Ginobili is one of the great players in the NBA?

- I would sign Ginobili. He is the best foreign player in the history of the NBA.

Is Kobe Bryant the best player nowadays?

I don't think Kobe is the best, I am the best. There is a line that separates being presumptuous and self confidence. I do not cross that line but i a big deal of self confidence.

************************************************** *********

Hola Paul!!! Enhorabuena por tu victoria!!! Mi pregunta es...¿cómo viste a Pau en las finales? ¿crees que este año con Bynum recuperado pueden plantar un poco más de cara a los Celtics? Y una adicional. ¿Cómo te sientes al ganarle al equipo de tu ciudad, al que has animado desde pequeño? Un saludo y enhorabuena de nuevo Enviada por JeSu989 (23/07/2008 22:02) Sí, porque me ha permitido ganar... ¡Gracias Gasol! Con Bynum estarán más cerca, jugaremos las Finales contra ellos.

Hola The Truth. Has sido muy criticado por la lesion que tuvistes en el primer partido de las finales de la nba, ¿ te da rabia que duden de tu profesionalidad ? Enviada por malaka_10 (23/07/2008 22:03) Bueno, no beneficia en nada a mi equipo que yo finja. Los medios de Los Ángeles se volvieron locos y dijeron eso, pero no había nada.

en agún momento antes de este verano pensaste de verdad que ibas a ganar el anillo con los celtics? Enviada por Facoteso (23/07/2008 22:03) Sí, con Kevin y Ray sabía que íbamos a ganar

Hola! Es un honor enviarte una pregunta. Lo primero, felicidades campeón! ¿Cual ha sido el mejor momento de tu vida profesional? Gracias, adios. Enviada por aupa_erreala (23/07/2008 22:04) Ganar el campeonato, por supuesto

Hola The Truth. ¿ Por qué no jugasteis contra Hawks y Cavaliers igual que contra los Pistons y los Lakers ? ¿ Fue por confianza ?. Muchas gracias MARCA por poder hablar con un crack de la NBA Enviada por malaka_10 (23/07/2008 22:07) Hawks y Cavs son buenos equipos también, y nosotros fuimos siendo mejores cuanto más avanzó el año.

¿ Con quién te llevas mejor en el equipo ? ENHORABUENA Enviada por Sioux!! (23/07/2008 22:13) Probablemente, Tony Allen y Kevin Garnett. De todas maneras, hay muy buena química con todos.

que se siente al jugar con grandes cracks del basket como Allen o Garnett, sin dejarte de lado a ti claro. a que se debe el dorsal 34 que llevas en los Celtics?? Enviada por oliverito (23/07/2008 22:04) Te sorprenderá, pero lo llevo porque en el instituto la del número 34 era la camiseta que mejor me quedaba.

hola pauL! quien crees que es mejor base arenas y calderón? Un saludo crack! Enviada por pablito_90 (23/07/2008 22:12) Hoy por hoy es mejor Gilbert Arenas, porque Calderón tiene margen de mejora y Gilbert es una superestrella ahora mismo.

Hola crack,te gusta el futbol? Enviada por jesusmija (23/07/2008 22:20) Si me gusta, lo he empezado a seguir este año, creo que Beckham tiene parte de culpa. Kevin Garnett es muy fan del Chelsea, pero yo todavía no tengo equipo, lo estoy buscando.

¿que opinion tienes de rudy fernandez y de marc gasol que emprenderan su aventura por la NBA esta temporada? Enviada por Michel89 (23/07/2008 22:23) Nunca los he visto jugar. He escuchado hablar mucho de ellos, igual que de Ricky Rubio, pero no puedo opinar porque no los he visto jugar

¿A que se deben los fracasos de unas selecciones norteamericanas plagadas de estrellas en los ultimos campeonatos FIBA?. ¿Es Kobe Bryant el mejor jugador del mundo en la actualidad?, gracias y enhorabuena por el merecido anillo. Enviada por xiskovic (23/07/2008 22:34) No creo que Kobe sea el mejor, el mejor soy yo. Hay una línea que separa tener confianza en uno mismo de ser presuntuoso. Yo no traspaso esa línea pero tengo mucha confianza en mí.

hola paul!!!!Quien ha sido el jugador que mas te ha costado defender??Gracias y felicidades por tu titulo cosechado Enviada por Magiko_espanyol (23/07/2008 22:14) Si tuviera que elegir a uno sería LeBron James

hola paul ! me alegra que uno de los grandes del mundo en baloncesto charle con los aficionados. gracias ¿ quién fué tu idolo de la infancia ? ¿ qué opinas de las posibilidades de la selección española contra la seleccion de estados unidos en los juegos olímpicos?gracias crack. Enviada por Reggie_the killer_miller_31 (23/07/2008 23:16) Mis ídolos cuando era pequeño eran: en primer lugar, mi madre y en segundo lugar Magic Johnson

Hola, Paul. Soy seguidor de los celtics desde los años 80, y para mi eres uno de los 5 mejores jugadores de la actualidad. Me gustaria saber: ¿Quienes son tus 5 jugadores preferidos en la nba hoy dia? Gracias y suerte para la proxima temporada. Enviada por Bolisa (23/07/2008 22:19) Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Rajon Rondo, Kendrick Perkins y Paul Pierce

¿alguna vez te has planteado cambiar de aires? Enviada por mahoneso (23/07/2008 22:19) No, nunca, quiero terminar mi carrera en los Celtics

Hola y felicidades, mi pregunta es ¿crees que podeis ganar el anillo la temporada que viene sin James Posey y sin fichar a ningun agente libre? ¿cuanto años crees que se mantendra el equipo actual luchando con los mejores? Enviada por Goty (23/07/2008 22:14) POsey es muy buen jugador pero tenemos muy buen equipo y podríamos ganar otra vez el anillo sin necesidad de fichar algún jugador

¿crees que manu ginobili es un grande de la NBA? Enviada por gerardo_8_5 (23/07/2008 23:03) A Ginobili si pudiera lo ficharía. Es el mejor jugador extranjero de la historia de la NBA. Bueno lo lamento mucho pero tengo que dar por finalizada la charla. Me alegra mucho poder haber hablado con los aficionados españoles a la NBA y espero repetir la experiencia. Muchas gracias y un saludo!!

Dirk is >>> Manu :elephant

07-26-2008, 07:31 PM
you can see the video with the interview on the right hand side of the screen on here:


Pistons < Spurs
07-30-2008, 12:21 AM
lmao! Yahoo just picked up these commetns by Pierce. They have it on their frontpage, and have linked to SR talking about Spurs fans reaction.

Showtime24 LAKERS
07-30-2008, 02:20 AM
:lmao Pierce's better than kobe?? C'mon now, he ain't even the best player on his team!!!

So this fool wins one championship and all of a sudden he thinks he's the best in the game... PUUhhh-LEASE PP you need to do a little more than that before you can call yourself the best in the game...your team weren't going any where before KG and Allen arrived. :lol:lol

07-30-2008, 07:07 AM
:lmao Pierce's better than kobe?? C'mon now, he ain't even the best player on his team!!!

So this fool wins one championship and all of a sudden he thinks he's the best in the game... PUUhhh-LEASE PP you need to do a little more than that before you can call yourself the best in the game...your team weren't going any where before KG and Allen arrived. :lol:lol

He was better before Kobe won his first title.
He wasn't recognized as such, because instead of Snaq as his starting center, he had... ... Battie... and instead of having Kobe/Shaq as a 2nd star, he had... ... ... Antone Walker (who is fun to watch, but not what I would call a championship level #2). IMHO does a whole lot more with a lot less talent around him, scores in bunches, in many ways, and plays defense far more consistently, at the same time, not just for 30 second spurts.

07-30-2008, 07:44 AM
lmao! Yahoo just picked up these commetns by Pierce. They have it on their frontpage, and have linked to SR talking about Spurs fans reaction.

WTF??? check the starting time of the thread i posted this even before the Argentine media... :) lame on yahoo linking to SR... they have been stealing my Manu blog translations too... and without asking my permission... :depressed