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  1. #76
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    The Trump health care plan is die quick. The ADA is far from perfect, especially since the GOP watered down the mandate but it does cover pre-existing conditions and kids till they are 26...too politically costly items that the GOP needs to keep in mind in 2020
    Dan do you still think posting here makes a difference in real life? What do you think this post did? How has it influenced policy? Just curious to see if you’re still bat crazy.

  2. #77
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    Why Trump’s New Push to Kill Obamacare Is So Alarming

    It’s not just the potential damage to the health care system and the people who depend on it. It’s also the threat, in the administration’s legal logic, to the rule of law.

    the Justice Department announced on Monday that it would now seek the invalidation of the entire Affordable Care Act — every last one of its thousands of provisions.

    It’s a shocking dereliction of the Justice Department’s duty, embraced by Republican and Democratic administrations alike, to defend acts of Congress if any plausible argument can be made in their defense.

    Nor is the Affordable Care Act some minor statute that can be shoved aside without disruption. It is now part of the basic plumbing of the American health care system.

    Unceremoniously ripping up the law would inflict untold harm on the health care system — and on all Americans who depend on it. Yet the Trump administration has now committed itself to doing just that.

    It flouted the Justice Department’s duty to defend, a solemn duty, and one that goes to the heart of the rule of law.

    Without it, the sitting administration could pick which laws it wanted to defend in the courts and which it wanted to abandon.

    Laws could rise or fall based on nothing more than partisan disagreement.

    That’s inconsistent with a cons utional system that assigns to Congress — not the president — the power to legislate.

    a group of blue states has intervened, the appeals court will hear a full-throated defense of the law.

    Most observers expect the court to uphold the Affordable Care Act;

    if so, the Supreme Court may choose not to hear the case.

    the Trump administration has signaled loud and clear that its campaign against Obamacare is not over; that

    it will stop at nothing to achieve in court what it could not achieve in Congress;

    and that

    it doesn’t care how many people are hurt if the Affordable Care Act is undone.

  3. #78
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    Part of the reason why health care costs are so high is unnecessary tests eg. for most women (since 2012), pap smears should be every 3 years (or 5 years with HPV). Called to cancel my pap smear today and got a bunch of BS about how it should be done every year - not only that, last year, they hooked me up to a machine to test my heart and measure my pulse rate (more unnecessary testing) but all paid for (ANNUALLY) by ACA. This is at an ob-gyn - testing my heart - smh. I wonder how many MILLIONS of women still get a pap smear every year (I'm just hearing about this 7 years after the recommendation).

    The USPSTF recommends screening for cervical cancer in women age 21 to 65 years with cytology (Pap smear) every 3 years or, for women ages 30 to 65 years who want to lengthen the screening interval, screening with a combination of cytology and HPV testing every 5 years (A recommendation).

  4. #79
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    The main reason American health care is so expensive is that it's a Capitalistic for-profit, wealth-extractive business.

  5. #80
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    more evidence of why Repugs are ramming through breaking Senate rules, polluting Federal judiciary with right-wing political hack s

    U.S. judge blocks Kentucky from implementing Medicaid work requirements

    A U.S. federal judge on Wednesday overturned the Trump administration’s reapproval of a plan by the state of Kentucky to impose new work requirements on people seeking to obtain benefits from the Medicaid health insurance program.

    U.S. District Judge James Boasberg in Washington ruled that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services acted arbitrarily in granting Kentucky a waiver from Medicaid requirements in order to implement its plan. tm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign= Feed%3A+Reuters%2FPoliticsNews+%28Reuters+Politics +News%29

    What the oligarchy/Repugs can't achieve in legislation will be attempted through the non-elected judiciary.

  6. #81
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Here's what happens if the courts kill Obamacare
    This cruel notice came out of the blue and it is devastating.
    Here's what happens if the courts kill Obamacare

    (CNN)President Donald Trump has repeatedly promised to make health care better for all Americans, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

    But while his administration has yet to unveil a plan, his Justice Department is now threatening to strip away coverage and benefits that many people have come to take for granted in the nine years since the landmark Affordable Care Act was signed into law.

    The administration said Monday that the entire law should be struck down, a dramatic reversal of its earlier stance. In a filing with a federal appeals court, the Justice Department said it agreed with the ruling of a federal judge in Texas that invalidated Obamacare. Previously, the agency under former Attorney General Jeff Sessions had argued only that two key protections for those with pre-existing conditions could not be defended.

    If the Trump administration prevails, the health care of nearly every American could be affected, though most don't realize it. While most people associate Obamacare with the individual health insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion, it has far wider impact.

    Obamacare has meant lower premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for the roughly 60 million senior citizens and disabled Americans enrolled in Medicare. And it helped close the gap in Medicare's drug coverage.

    It slowed the growth of Medicare payment rates to hospitals and other providers, reduced payments to Medicare Advantage plans and improved benefits for enrollees. The Obama administration estimated in 2016 that the typical Medicare beneficiary pays about $700 less in premiums and cost sharing thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

    Another popular provision: Children are allowed to remain on their parents' plans until they turn 26. Also, companies with at least 50 employees must provide affordable insurance to their staffers who work more than 30 hours a week. The law also prohibits employers from imposing annual or lifetime limits on benefits and caps out-of-pocket spending so those with expensive conditions don't exhaust their coverage.
    Americans are also able to get a wide range of preventive care -- including annual check-ups, mammograms, cholesterol tests and flu shots -- and birth control at no cost. And it's helped combat the nation's opiod addiction by broadening Medicaid coverage to more adults.
    Even the Trump administration is using the law to try to lower prescription drug prices.

    And, of course, there are the millions of people who've gained coverage. More than 11 million people have signed up for 2019 policies on the Obamacare exchanges, and more than 12 million are insured through Medicaid expansion. The number of uninsured plummeted to 29 million last year, from 48 million in 2010.

    If the law is struck down, roughly 20 million more people would be left uninsured, an increase of 65%, according to an Urban Ins ute report published Tuesday. And hospitals would see uncompensated care jump by $50 billion, or 82%.

    But even more influential than the benefits Obamacare provides is how it has changed what people have come to expect in health insurance.
    Prior to the law, insurers could deny people policies or charge them more based on their medical histories -- so those with acne as a teen could have trouble securing coverage on the individual market years later, for instance. Some 52 million non-elderly adults -- more than one in four -- have a condition that could have rendered them uninsurable before Obamacare took effect, according to estimates from the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit health care research group.
    The Affordable Care Act stopped those practices, requiring insurers to cover all applicants and provide comprehensive benefits......................

    I think getting rid of the AHCA before having a replacement plan would be political suicide for many GOP senators in 2020.....they gotta be ting their pants right now....

    The only reason Trump want's this now is because he wants the talking heads to quit talking about the Mueller Report.....but you know...nothing stays secret in Washington for long...
    Last edited by Nbadan; 03-27-2019 at 10:23 PM.

  7. #82
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    the number one issue in the Repugs-were-curb-stomped 2018 elections? ... health care

  8. #83
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    Billion Dollar Fraud Case Could Be Dismissed Because Trump Hates Obama

    Just recently in Florida (of course), there was

    a HUGE Medicare/Medicaid fraud trial. How huge? Rick Scott huge. Over a Billion dollars.

    So, according to Think Progress and the Miami Herald,

    The billion-dollar fraud case involves Philip Esformes, who ran a chain of skilled-nursing and assisted living facilities in Miami-Dade.

    Esformes’ business was apparently quite lucrative — as the Miami Herald noted, the health executive raked “in millions from his healthcare business, gobbling up pricey real estate and darting around the country in chartered jets,” until his arrest in 2016.

    [Prosecutors claim that the]health care executive paid kickbacks to health providers “in exchange for medically unnecessary referrals” to Esformes’ facilities.

    Esformes and co-conspirators then allegedly submitted “false and fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medicaid in an approximate amount of $1 billion for services that were medically unnecessary, never provided, and procured through the payment of kickbacks and bribes.”

    All of Esformes’ co-conspirators plead guilty, according to the Miami Herald.

    That’s the trial part. Here’s where the ACA comes in.

    On Wednesday, Esformes’ lawyers filed a motion to dismiss, or alternatively, a motion to declare a mistrial.


    “Because the Justice Department has admitted that the health care offenses at issue in this trial are uncons utional.”

    Basically the argument boils down to this:

    The problem arises because O’Connor did not simply strike down the core provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

    He declared that every single provision of the law is invalid,

    including relatively minor provisions amending the statutes governing Medicare fraud and kickbacks paid to health providers.

    Though Esformes alleged actions may also be illegal under the unamended versions of those statutes,

    Esformes was charged under the amended versions.

    According to Esformes’ motion,

    “every health care statute cited in the Indictment has been identified as among those ruled uncons utional” by Judge O’Connor.

    “the Due Process Clause will not permit the Justice Department

    to prosecute the Defendant based upon alleged violations of statutes and regulations

    that they have independently deemed and declared to be uncons utional.”

    And as fraud cases are ones where the defendants can afford lawyers,

    think of the inundation of the system with calls for dismissal.

    The Affordable Care Act was a sweeping statute amending numerous, longstanding provisions of America’s health laws.

    Anyone prosecuted under any one of these provisions may now claim that they are immune from consequence.

    And the Justice Department will need to awkwardly explain itself in every single case.

    The oligarchy / Repug Federal judiciary of political hacks in robes

    which may reach 200 asshole so-called judges "for life" under McC,

    will tie the country in constipated knots,

    continue to the country into un ability for decades.

  9. #84
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Rick Scott transformed the way healthcare is delivered, he's now the point man for Trumpcare.

  10. #85
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Something spectacular is on the way:

    In the 1990s, Scott was the CEO of Columbia/HCA, a company that, under his direction, owned more than 340 hospitals, 135 surgery centers, and 550 home-health locations by the time Scott resigned in 1997. That year, federal agents announced an investigation into whether or not the company defrauded Medicare and Medicaid on a massive scale. Turns out, they did: According to Politifact’s summary of the settlementColumbia/HCA made with the Justice Department, the company took the following actions while Scott was CEO:

    • Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or ordered by physicians;
    • The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;
    • The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;
    • Columbia billed the government for home health-care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.

    As part of the settlement, Columbia/HCA agreed to plead guilty to 14 corporate felonies — charges that involve financial penalties, but no jail time. (Corporations are people, but they cannot be sent to prison.) Over two settlement rounds, Columbia/HCA wound up paying the government $1.7 billion in criminal fines, civil damages, and penalties, in what the Justice Department called “the largest health-care fraud case in U.S. history.

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    We're Heading Towards a Rural Health Care Emergency

    We’ve got a rural health care emergency on the horizon.

    Rural hospitals are closing or teetering on the brink of closure at an alarming rate.

    More than a hundred have closed since 2005 and

    hundreds more are on life support.

    Long-term care facilities are vanishing across rural America or being bought up by large corporations who care about profit,

    we handed the program over to private, for-profit “managed care organizations.”

    What we got in return was

    less care — and

    more services denied,

    facilities shuttered, and

    lives lost to corporate greed.

    Hospitals that were already struggling now have to

    submit and re-submit claims to these private companies and wait months, if not years, to get paid.

    Even without privatized Medicaid, we’d still be facing an impending rural healthcare emergency.

    Privatization merely hastened what was already happening.

    In many ways so uncountable, even Ditzy Devos couldn't count them,

    America is ED and un able by the oligarchy, by rapacious, destructive Capitalists

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 04-01-2019 at 05:10 PM.

  12. #87
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    Health care and insurance industries are spending a lot of money to defeat Medicare for All

    Special interests try to sway Democrats.

    the ambitious overhaul of the nation’s health care system faces a major threat: big spending by health care and insurance interests determined to preserve the status quo.

    those industries, part of a coalition called the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future,

    donated nearly $1.2 million in the 2017-2018 election cycle to Democratic members of four key House committees that could determine the fate of Medicare for All.

  13. #88
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  14. #89
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    if you remove the profit motive you can scale back costs right there. also would decrease the need for marketing/advertising budget which would additionally scale back costs. a single provider would also have much more leverage to negotiate prices down.

  15. #90
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    It's been nine years and all you got is a tweet?

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    G F Y

  17. #92
    non-essential Chris's Avatar
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    ^That's 2+ years of MUH RUSSIA talkin'

  18. #93
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    if you remove the profit motive you can scale back costs right there. also would decrease the need for marketing/advertising budget which would additionally scale back costs. a single provider would also have much more leverage to negotiate prices down.
    And the incentive to develop new drugs, new medical devices, new ANYTHING goes. I assume you plan on scaling back salaries too - and wonder whether there'll be any students going into medicine and competing for jobs at post office/VA/DMV-like hospitals, clinics, etc. The policy makers/administrators will be making the decisions instead of doctors and a whole layer of bureaucrats with corresponding pensions running things - just like all the other efficiently-run, innovative government ins utions.

  19. #94
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    Two Republican attorneys general urge court to uphold Obamacare

    Two Republican state attorneys general on Monday urged a federal appeals court to uphold the Obamacare federal healthcare law,

    saying that striking it down would be disruptive for patients, doctors, insurers and employers.

    The attorneys general of Ohio and Montana submitted “friend of the court” briefs to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,

    which is expected to review a December ruling by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth, Texas, striking down the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.

    Dozens of patient and healthcare industry groups, including

    the American Medical Association,

    American Hospital Association,

    American Cancer Society and

    seniors advocacy group AARP

    also filed briefs in support of the law. _source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Fe ed%3A+reuters%2FhealthNews+%28Reuters+Health+News% 29

  20. #95
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    And the incentive to develop new drugs, new medical devices, new ANYTHING goes.
    taxpayers are funding a huge chunk of research which is then sold by BigPharma at exorbitant prices.

    Drugs developed by Uncle Sam, PhD, play an outsized role in medicine


    NIH funding contributed to 210 approved drugs in recent years

  21. #96
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    I know people that didn't even file taxes through the Obama years because they were worried about the penalties for not having healthcare. Talk about short circuiting the economy! Obamacare was a disaster, and I applaud people like LG who want to leave it up to the States.

  22. #97
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    I know people that didn't even file taxes through the Obama years because they were worried about the penalties for not having healthcare. Talk about short circuiting the economy! Obamacare was a disaster, and I applaud people like LG who want to leave it up to the States.
    did you report them?

  23. #98
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    did you report them?
    that's the kind of bottom-feeders Chris associates with, and of course provided no evidence for "Obamacare was a disaster".

    The states, esp the red/slave states, can't handle "up to the states" health care for their citizens.

    Anything like "Federal block grants / no strings" will be siphoned off to slush funds and tax cuts for BigCorp

  24. #99
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    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Mitch McConnell is going to let him hang himself again.

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